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Download The Golden Rules of Online Dating

The possibilities of making the kinds of connections you want are very realistic, and many long lasting relationships and marriages have begun via online dating services, not to mention casual relationships as well if that is what you prefer. The possibilities are all right there and waiting for you, but there are a few key rules you need to know and follow in order to find your perfect date online. Download to learn The Golden Rules of Online Dating – 6 essential rules to finding the perfect online date!

5 ways to make your wife happy with you

5 ways to make your wife happy with you


Photo by Git Stephen Gitau from Pexels

After being married for a couple years, many men report feeling a lack of passion in their relationship, that something is missing.

But besides knowing that something is off, men don’t know what the exact problem is nor what to do about it… 

In this article you will learn how to make your wife happy with you so that she wants to be dedicated to you, love you and infuse your marriage with passionate love!

Make your wife happy by following your purpose 

Every woman wants a man that is passionate about his mission in life.

Let me share with you a little known fact: your wife doesn’t want to be number one in your life, she wants your mission in life to be number one!

Here’s how David D. explains it:

A woman sometimes seems to want to be the most important thing in her man’s life. 

However, if she is the most important thing, then she feels her man has made her the number one priority and is not fully dedicated or directed to divine growth and service. 

She will feel her man’s dependence on her for his happiness, and this will make her feel smothered by his neediness and clinging. 

A woman really wants her man to be totally dedicated to his highest purpose—and also to love her fully. 

Although she would never admit it, she wants to feel that her man would be willing to sacrifice their relationship for the sake of his highest purpose.

The more purposeful you are in your life, the more your wife will desire you, but how can you find your purpose?

  1. Learn about great people and what they did and see if anything gets you especially excited
  2. Find a talent that you have that can make other people happier
  3. Find time every day to inspire people

And if none of these ideas spark passionate thoughts in your head, just start doing anything and ideas will start popping up in your head.

Make your wife happy by working out

Most men stop going to the gym after being married for a number of years, but you can’t fall into thit trap because you know that your wife wants you to be ripped.

If you’re overweight, that’s OK. Just start by jogging every day and eating slightly less. 

Once you get past that, start doing basic calisthenic exercises or go to a gym so that you build up your upper body and get that sexy, masculine look.

But the key is to be consistent. Going every day no matter what creates transformation, not 5 times a month!

But once you are muscular, make sure to demonstrate your strength too! 

  1. Pick her up with one arm
  2. Pin her against the wall and kiss her
  3. Wrestle with her playfully 

Now that you’re on your purpose and building muscle, you’re ready for step 3… 

Make your wife happy by increasing your confidence

How to ugly guys get hot girlfriends?

How do short guys bang 9’s and 10’s?

How do broke guys get married to smoking hot chicks?

The answer is: confidence. 

Because ultimately, confidence is what attracts any girl.

If you want to rekindle that passionate love with your wife, you must increase your level of confidence (and competence) by consistently challenging your fears.

Here’s what I mean:

  1. Find an open mike club and crack some jokes
  2. Join public speaking clubs
  3. Try rejection therapy/ social freedom exercises 

Bottom line: any fear that is unnecessary, take daily action to eliminate it.

Learn how to turn her on

Knowing how to get your wife horny is another crucial step to maintaining a happy marriage. Thankfully it’s a lot simpler than most guys make it!

Here’s a couple of good steps to get her totally turned on and aroused:

  1. Text her sexual compliments
  2. Try the BDSM lifestyle 
  3. Make sure to caress her where she loves it
  4. Give her nice 30 second long wet kisses
  5. Watch the right movies together (for example, Blue is The Warmest Color)

But of course, each girl is different so instead of learning how women respond in general, ask your wife what she loves the most.

Show your wife surprise love

You really want her to be crazy in love with you? Show her passionate, unexpected love. Here are some examples:

If she’s in a bad mood, sweep in, pick her up and kiss her passionately for at least a 30 seconds and once you’re done, give her a big hug until she has a big smile.

If she’s mindlessly browning social media while lying down, jump on her, pin her down and get kinky! (Sometimes, no foreplay is better.)

If she’s bored as hell, take her out for the date of her life and develop an even closer emotional connection. Surprise dates can be the best dates!

One word of caution: everyone has their own love language so make sure to show your wife love the way she wants it.

Does she feel loved when you give her a big hug? Then give her more physical touch.

Does she feel loved when you tell her how much you love her? Then give her more words of affirmation.

Does she feel loved when you have an intimate date together? Then give her more quality time.

Find her love language and give her as much love as you have!


Don’t read this article and imagine that your marriage will now be perfect.

Every marriage will have it’s occasional hiccups, but that shouldn’t stop you from making it as good as you can!

So here’s what you need to do: continuously learn about relationships and what makes them work. 

  • Join online forums 
  • Read marriage books
  • Find a good course on making your wife happy
  • Get yourself a mentor or a role model so that you know exactly what you need to do in each situation 

But there’s one last crucial point you can’t miss: real transformations take time. 

I get it: reading this article took you 2 minutes. But if you want to see real world results, you need to be patient. 

And I mean really patient.

It may take months, it may take years, but as long as you take consistent action and focus on your goal, you will see results!

Good luck

Love Puzzle: How to Find Out If You are Compatible with Your Partner in the Initial Stages of Dating?

Dating can be stressful – you’re forced to interact with strangers, and you may often feel like you’re being interrogated or put on the spot. Even when you meet someone you like, how can you tell if your relationship is the real deal? Are you and your partner, really, compatible, or are you just wrapped up in the love bubble? Luckily, dating experts have come up with some sure-fire ways to gauge long term relationship compatibility. From simple things, like sharing a sense of humor or matching life goals, there are many ways to spot a relationship that is likely to last. Looking for lasting love while in the early stages of dating? Here’s our list of the top 6 compatibility traits!

You Laugh Together

Couple Laughing
Studies have shown that couples who share a similar sense of humor are more likely to exhibit long term compatibility than those who do not. Luckily, humor compatibility is something you can usually sense quite early on, while you’re still in the early stages of dating. If you’re wondering why dating is important, think of it like this – those first few dates are your chance to suss out how you feel with your partner. If you find yourself laughing together during these early encounters, this is probably a great sign for long term love. If you find that your jokes fall on stony silence (or your partner’s humor makes you cringe), imagine having to feel this way for the rest of your life. 

Relationship experts believe that couples who laugh together have a higher chance of weathering painful or stressful situations. Being able to laugh together, release tension, and support your ability to resolve conflict in healthy ways. This bodes well, both for those awkward early stages of dating and problems that arise down the road.  

You Have Similar Life Goals

Holding HandsIn the honeymoon stages of dating, it’s easy to disregard differences of taste and opinion – especially when you’re super attracted. However, when dating goes too fast, it can be difficult to work out whether you’re compatible or infatuated. Dating is like anything new – at first, you see your partner through rose-tinted glasses and find everything adorable. However, as time goes by, the cracks will start to show unless you and your partner share some fundamental compatibility traits. 

One marker of a truly promising relationship is if you and your partner share similar life goals and like to spend your time in similar ways. Although people may superficially get along great, most people have certain foundational goals and beliefs that shape who they and what they want out of life. Generally, successful couples are couples who have their priorities in the same place. Although everyone loves the fun, flirty stages of dating, if you’re serious about your partner, you might want to ask the big questions sooner than you think.

There’s Undeniable Attraction 

Even if your partner is not your usual physical type, if you’re genuinely compatible, you’ll feel physically attracted to them, nonetheless. The sexual attraction isn’t always instantaneous, but if your relationship goes the distance, there will usually be some spark there. If you’re in the first stages of dating in person, it’s easy to tell whether you and your partner have chemistry. However, with more and more people dating online, this changes things. 

Dating online is a great way to meet people outside your usual circle. It can also be a great way to start dating for introverts as it takes off some of the social pressure of going out in public with a stranger. You can arrange a date in the comfort of your own home, and you can spend time talking and getting to know your new partner. Dating online has also experienced a resurgence as new couples navigate dating and COVID. With couples unable to meet in person, single people have embraced the online dating world. If you’re wondering what dating sites are free, check out a list of the best online dating sites and pick one tailored to your relationship needs. 

You Feel Listened To

When you’re in the first stages of dating, one of the top dating tips for women often given out by relationship experts is to look for a partner who listens. This tip works both ways. Divorce counselors cite dismissive behavior, or stonewalling, as one of the number one contributing factors for divorce among long term couples. Stonewalling is when one partner blocks out or sneers at the other person’s attempts to communicate. A major complaint from partners who have been stonewalled is that they don’t feel listened to or judged in their relationship. Thankfully, it’s relatively easy to spot a good listener while in the early stages of dating! If you’re dating someone who makes you feel heard and accepted, then you’re likely on route to build a long-lasting relationship.

You Feel Comfortable With Your Partner 

Dating blogs will consistently tell you that, in good relationships, your partner will be your best friend. Furthermore, anyone in a happy relationship will tell you that they feel comfortable with their partner. Healthy couples often report feeling ‘at home’ with each other, and frequently state that they felt this way even from the beginning stages of dating. Sometimes, when dating, you’ll be overwhelmed by the feeling that you can say anything with your partner, and they won’t judge you. If they reciprocate these feelings, chances are you’ll both be in it for the long haul. Moving too fast in the early stages of dating can lead to heartbreak. However, when dating moves too fast, it is sometimes a sign of serious compatibility. If you feel like you can be yourself with your partner, try not to overthink things. The pace at which you move depends on your unique relationship.

You Show Up For Each Other 

Man and Woman Hugging Each Other
One of the most crucial dating tips for men and women is to find someone who will be there for them. Usually, in the honeymoon stages of dating someone, things are casual, and you don’t rely heavily on their support. What if things changed, though? Say a serious life event occurs out of the blue – would you turn to your partner for support, or would you be afraid to scare them off? If you answered the latter, you might want to reconsider your choice if your goal is lasting love. Your partner is your support network and should be there to hold your hand as you move into the later dating stages. 

Final Call: How did you know that your partner was the one? Are you single and looking for new ways to navigate the dating scene? What are some of your experiences dating? Share your comments with our readers!

Author’s bio:  

Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.

Home Decor

6 Home Decors For A Couple Living Together

Who doesn’t need a revitalization into their home? Like anything else in our life, to see their old home in a new dress and bringing in new ideas seems to be very typical. It is the core factor affecting all or most of the physical and psychological behavior carried out on or by all of us.

Once the house is very beautifully decorated, the endeavor to deliver success and happiness would indeed be a successful thing. It may have a substantial effect on the way we believe. Once we’re filled with beautiful stuff, our imaginative mindset is, especially for couples who are starting to build a life together.

With that being said, here are some very imaginative, 21st century home decor ideas here for you:

Couple Bobbleheads

First on our list is an unusual yet sits in the top tier of personalized items. If you want a thoughtful and sweet remembrance for your anniversary, consider presenting this as a gift.

Bobbleheads are mini figures usually made to depict famous TV characters, superheroes, celebrities, athletes and other popular personalities. Now, even an ordinary individual can have a miniature of himself and his partner. To make everything sound more interesting, it’s incredibly easy to find and they are surprisingly affordable. Check Cheap Bobbleheads website to for more details.

Fotofalls Floor Standing Photo

Existence can be registered and recorded from the first smiles to the first moves, to the first dates. Photography captures personal communication, which would otherwise forever be lost. This steel plated wire with a weighted metal base is one of the things that you need to have in a home as it will preserve new and old memories with your loved ones. This can hold up your photo together as much as you can. It won’t take a lot of space as you can easily put it in the corner of the house. All the photos will put together in one place in a decorative way. Furthermore, you can also put some memo’s or love letters for your loved one in a cheesy and extra way.

Sofa or Couch Storage

Whether you’re trying to conserve space in a one-bed flat or would like to store all of the stuff which comes with a family somewhere, selecting a storage sofa is an intelligent way that can save room plus maximizing the usage of it. Storage will make the smallest of areas fun to stay in, from somewhere else to fill the cushions and throws in the summer, to cut out the need for other bulkier pieces.

There is nothing quite relaxing like curling up with a book on the sofa, watching your favorite Netflix series together, or just chit-chatting with each other, so why not combine all of these? You can enjoy having a conversation with the love of your life while maximizing the space that your home has. You can put all your favorite books or your lover’s favorite PlayStation CDs inside a sofa even without sacrificing the beauty of it and can store your custom wedding bobbleheads.

In the end, the best thing about a storage sofa is that you must close the compartment to keep any clutter away from visitors’ or guests’ eyes. This means that when the doorbell rings, you don’t have to feel embarrassed because, in seconds, you can tuck everything away neatly.

Hexagon Mirror Wall

Tired of having a plain wall or having repainting the walls because of its dirt? Worry no more! A hexagon mirror wall is a must. It offers well decorative with its hexagon design plus you can check and have a beautiful mirror photo together. The decorative mirror stickers can be quickly placed and removed as they can’t be used for decoration as actual mirrors. Advisable for all kinds of DIY projects, handicrafts, home improvement, furniture design, this adhesive mirror sheet collection is just what you need to create the illusion of a broader internal environment!

These tiles do not represent the picture accurately and are not meant to replace the actual glass mirrors. With all these mirror stickers for walls, which are safer than classic mirrors, enjoy a secured environment for you and your future kids.

Indoor Plants

Aside from this, a furniture creates an environmental and relaxing environment at home! An indoor plant is a must-have. It absorbs carbon dioxide and keeps oxygen flowing, cleans the air by eliminating toxins, helps to prevent disease, calm nerves and reduce anxiety, establishes a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere, while still eventually helping you to work more effectively by improving concentration, enhanced interest, cognitive flexibility, higher productivity, and improved overall well-being.

The air-purifying and filtering properties of indoor plants eventually cultivate a safer, happier atmosphere for work and living. This may seem much further-fetched that greenery would have such a beneficial impact on everything as easy and essential in our everyday lives, but the results and smiles speak for themselves. Having witnessed the joy of either a living tree like a vast Bamboo Palm will help encourage friends heading into some kind of main room it occupies, or the quiet sleep of a Snake Plant, Peace Lily, or a Spider Plant in a bedroom. The benefits of indoor plants are of vital importance for better indoor environments. The importance of a safe working and living environment is so essential, even NASA has carried out a study on clean air and even how certain indoor plants can work together to achieve this.

Classy Lampshades

Be extra romantic at night with lampshades! This will help you enjoy sleeping together with a tiny amount of light coming from it. First of all, it serves as a “shield” between both the light bulb and you, shielding your eyes. This controls and positions the light as a light source or for viewing, depending on your preferences. By adding color and style to your base, it’s also a decorative element to consider when designing your interior. Whether you’re trying to do something which could even modify the mood of your surrounding areas rapidly and effortlessly, then maybe you can choose a clip-on lamp shade. No one expects to spend that much time fitting a tone in a busy world like today. Thus, you have to reach out and find lamp shades for your home and never overlook their purpose.

It is important to choose the correct lamp shades for your home that offer the appropriate perspective and properly light the room. There are plenty of types and designs out there to suit every need no matter what you’re looking for. Some of them can be personalized to match your exact taste too. You will feel confident above anything else and be able to afford whatever you decide.


A Groom’s Guide to Looking Great: 4 Tips to Look Your Best

Your wedding is coming up and you don’t really know which steps to take to look your absolute best? Look no further because we’re here to help you out! Here is a super useful groom’s guide to looking great on your big day, so keep on reading, check it out, and get down to business right away!

First of all, make your skin look great

Improving your skincare routine is one of the most important tasks before the wedding, so make sure not to skip it under any circumstances. Needless to say, the first thing you should do is to embrace healthy eating habits. It means that you should stay away from unhealthy junk foods that can cause inflammation and wreak havoc on your skin. Sufficient water intake is also crucial, as well as updating your skincare routine. For example, dry and flaky skin looks very unflattering, so switch to a thicker moisturiser that’ll keep your skin hydrated all day long. On the other hand, if your skin is naturally oily, you should definitely opt for serums that can quickly absorb into the skin. However, if you can’t figure out what to do, ask a skincare specialist and you won’t make a mistake!

Work out regularly, without any exceptions

A lot of guys say that staying in shape is one of the most vital steps of wedding preparations, and you know what? We completely agree with this claim, which is why you should come up with a workout routine at least six months before the big day. It doesn’t matter what type of exercises you prefer, as long as you’re doing your best to stay fit and physically active. Of course, your workouts should be more intense if you want to lose some weight, so be sure to incorporate both cardio and strength workouts into your routine. Cycling is also a fantastic choice – especially if you have problems with your knees or joints, as this is a low-impact activity that won’t put additional pressure on those areas. Just find activities that suit your needs and current fitness levels in the best possible way and you’ll do a great job!

Figure out what you want to do with your hair

Even though many men don’t really pay attention to their hair, the truth is that your hairstyle will inevitably play a huge role in your final look. After all, it’s your wedding, so make sure to take care of every little detail that contributes to the overall look! First of all, you should schedule an appointment with your barber at least 2-3 days before the wedding, so that you get a fresh haircut a few days in advance. When it comes to styling your hair, there are several products you should take into consideration. The first one is hair wax which can keep the unruly hairs in place, which is essential on such an important occasion. If that’s what you need, buy the best hair wax that will give your hair structure while keeping it nourished at the same time. Besides wax, you can use some hairspray, too. It’ll give your hairstyle extra hold and help it stay intact all day and all night, so don’t skip it and you’ll see what we were talking about!

Tame your facial hair

Your grooming routine shouldn’t include your hair only – it should incorporate your facial hair as well! This means that you should take proper care of your beard, moustache, and even eyebrows, so that every single hair looks flawless and has its own place. Of course, you can do it all by yourself, but you know what? You should better leave it to the barber so that you can completely relax and reduce the risk of messing up or cutting yourself because you’re in a hurry. Trust us when we say that it’ll do the trick. Speaking of your eyebrows, you can always see an aesthetician for a wax or threading a few days before the wedding. Tidy brows truly make a huge difference, so you won’t go wrong if you decide to make it happen!


As you can tell, there are many steps every groom-to-be should take in order to look amazing at his own wedding. These four are the most essential ones out there, so be sure to bear them in mind if you want to look your best on the most important day of your life. If that’s your top priority, just stick to our tips and you’ll do a fantastic job, without a shadow of a doubt!



Are You Helping Environment Check Your Brand?

Today every other person is talking about vegan or cruelty-free products but do you know what exactly it is about? Well, cruelty-free is a word which is used for those products and its ingredients and formulations that are not tested on animals at any stage at the time of product development and manufacturing. Everyone is aware of a fact that cosmetics do use this process but have you ever thought about your household cleaning products? Are they tested or not? Well yes, they are. It’s absolutely fine if you were not aware of this fact but now when you are and would like to switch to such products and also are eager to know how to identify them look for these points.

1. Look for the”FAIR TRADE”markandlabels

If your underwear brand labels ” fair trade ” that means your company make the clothing without disrespecting the right of farmers and production workers.Though few companies take the advantage of production workers during the process of harvesting as well as while trading off their products to the companies and also while you are signing up for the job which you might not realise.

2. Go for tags in case you are unable to spot labels.

If you want to look whether the product which you are about the pick is tested on animals or not do check the labels if it doesn’t have one go ahead with tags. if it doesn’t have one that’s doesn’t mean it’s not the ethical one, might be because it directly works with makers and could be an artisan brand. Even if you have any sort of queries don’t feel shy in asking questions to the business owner.

3. Bunny logo on packaging

The bunny logo is one of the easiest ways to know whether the product is cruelty-free or not. You may easily find it on the back of products or labels. But this method comes with limitations as well such as companies have to pay license and then use one of three certified bunny logos which represents the company as cruelty-free and is capable of meeting all the standard yet they might not be able to afford to pay and use the logo on their packaging.

4. List down all the brands which are considered under this list.

Another way of looking at whether your brand is not harming your pet is by doing a little bit of online research. This is even good for companies as they don’t have to pay a handsome amount to be on the list. Though they still need to meet all of the cruelty-free standards to be on the list it still cheaper than purchasing a bunny logo for yourself.

Though it sounds as ” one of the perfect ones” but still it comes with few limitations such as brutality free confirmations have various principles so you should discover an association that you concur with and you’ll regularly locate that every savagery free rundown will highlight various brands from each other.

5. Take advice from Cruelty-Free Expert or Blogger.

Another way of finding the product which is not harsh on animals is by consulting a beauty expert or a blogger as they do most of the work of emailing companies and cross-referencing cruelty-free lists. You can either follow them, tweet them or directly message them and then share your cruelty-free list and then you both can have a small conversation with them.

But before you go ahead with this option make sure you are trusting the right person as making a blog is not a big thing these days

Cruelty-free underwear brands

1. Body

Boody is an eco-conscious label that craft comfortable underwear from organic bamboo and Oeko-tex 100 for men as well for women just to have a non-toxic chemical process. Boody holds worldwide responsible accredited production certificate i.e. it independently audits factories just to be sure that they are safe, treat workers with respect and no infringements on labour rights such as child labour and environmental regulations.

Boody offers all styles of underwear such as classic bikini, boyleg briefs, Brazilian bikini, midi brief, mens g-string and hipster bikini and its maximum styles are available in three colours, black, white and nude. Whereas they do have boxers, trunks and briefs for men ranging from size small to Xlarge

Mens underwear comes in three styles: men’s boxers, trunk and mens brief. Men’s size range from Small to Xlarge. Its standard shipping charges within Australia is $8.95 and free shipping on orders over $60. They ship worldwide.

2.    WAMA Underwear

After Boody, WAMA is another leading underwear brand which manufacturer comfy hemp undies for men as well as for women with a blend of 53% hemp, 44% organic cotton and 3% spandex for stretch. WAMA is also an official PETA-Vegan approved brand, which we guess is music for all animal lovers. This brand offers styles such as hipster or bikini to women ranging from sizes XS-2XL whereas for men they have styles such as mens boxer brief and trunks ranging from S-3XL. Their price range starts from $20 for women’s underwear and $24 for men’s.

3.    Everlane

Everlane is a popular American ethical fashion label which is known for its commitment towards “Radical transparency” during the supply chain. They believe in manufacturing comfortable lingerie for both the genders at an affordable price in high-quality ‘Supima’ cotton. For women, they have underwear styles such as bikini, hipster, thongs and high rise hipster ranging between XXS-XL and for men they have underwear styles such as boxer brief ranging between sizes XS-XL. Well, lingerie for women has been ranged from $12 (AUD 15.45) and men’s at $18 (AUD 23.18). Everlane ship worldwide.

4. Thunderpants

Thunderpants is a New Zealand based lingerie brand which is a family-owned and was operated company that has been producing underwear for women, men and children since 1995! This ethical and cruelty-free brand uses certified organic cotton for designing their lingerie as they care for your bums as well as this planet. For women out there they have lingerie styles such as hipster, original (full-brief style), and boyleg boxer which is available in different colours and cool prints in almost all the sizes hence you don’t have to be worried in that case as their size chart ranges between XS-XXL. For male populace, they have two styles original and boxer which are available in various colours and fun prints and their size ranges from S-XL.

Well, prices for women’s lingerie start at NZ $28 ($20.54). Men’s undies start at $32 (USD$23.48). If you are a New Zealand citizen so you will receive the parcel at a flat rate of $6 and they are open for worldwide shipping as well.

5.    TomboyX

TomboyX’s cool, funky designs are what makes it popular among men as well as women made. This lingerie brand is using eco-conscious manufacturing processes. Their lingerie is crafted in cotton or eco-friendlier fabric such as micro modal. They do have plus size underwear. Whether you are female or male you can grab styles such as bikini, briefs and boyshorts. Their prices start at USD 18 (AUD $23). Shopping from any corner of the world is possible as they are open for international shipping.

Cruelty-free cosmetics.

  1. Bare Minerals

Bare minerals is a cruelty-free make up brand which doesn’t contain any preservatives, oils, fragrances or damaging chemicals. This brand has just launched Gen nude collection which includes nude lip shades including liquid lipsticks and lip liners for every skin tones from fair to dark just to make the brand more inclusive. They also promise clean beauty.

  1. Illamasqua

Illamasqua is leading cruelty-free cosmetic brand which includes lipstick to liquid liners. The best part of this brand is it belives in transparency hence you will be able to know everything about them from sources to the process of manufacturing and how are their products tested. Every month they come up Instagram worthy buys in which lot most of the bloggers, celebrities, make up artist, beauty editors take part to encourage more people about cruelty-free products.

  1. The Fenty Effect

Rihanna’s Fenty Effect came up with an incredible 40 foundation shades and you will be surprised to know that the whole range is cruelty-free. One of his twitter fan before the launch asked her whether her brand is going to be cruelty-free well Riri came up with a badass reply ‘you calling me an animal?’. Enough said Riri.

  1. The Urban Decay

The Urban Decay have come up with an iconic naked Palette which is capable of breaking the internet every time it gets launched. Besides that, they even have glitter-filled moondust eyeshadows. You will be amazed to know that even their brushes are not tested on poor animals.

gift ring

Design Your Own Ring with Some Useful Tips

Design your own ring for an unique personal style of ring. Any rings can be designed customarily by yourself to be original rings. Dazzle your schoolmates with your own personal unique design of class ring. Make your love fall in love with you all over again by surprising him or her with your vintage personal design of antique  engagement ring or ring. You can also make your best friend or friends be touched by giving them rings that you designed personally for them as birthday gifts or just friendship gifts. Whatever the occasion is, custom designed rings would never be out of fashion.

How to design your own ring

design ringWith the advanced of technology, it is now easy to design your own ring. A lot of software is now available to make your unique design of ring look real in 3D. In fact, many websites about jewelry now provides such software online so that you do not need to purchase or download and install the software. You can have fun designing your own personalized rings online on those websites. Or, you can draw your unique designs of rings on paper. Draw one inch wide and 3.5 inches long of a rectangle. This rectangle is a ring when it is cut and flattened.

When designing your own ring, it is important to draw the gemstones and patterns. Consider the types of gemstones you would like to be embedded on the rings. There is a lot of gemstones to choose such as diamond, ruby, pearl, jade, etc to decorate the rings in order to make the rings more luxurious. You can design your own ring by your own personalized motifs and patterns. Plenty possibilities of motifs and patterns make it easier to customized your own rings. Make a lot of ring designs to provide a lot of choices. It is best to make the various designs of ring in different times to avoid drawing similar patterns or motifs. Pick one design of your own that you think is the best looking to be made into real ring.

Start by imagining the two parts of a ring – the stone and the establishment – and began to draw or write the details. Determine what equipment you want in your ring and you’re well on your way to the ring are considered. However, if you design your own ring, it should fit your style and your personality. You also need to ensure that it meets your pocket. A unique style is one that fills all of these rings and the match with your partner. To design your own ring, you might consider going for diamonds if your budget allows, also, or choose a cheap ring.


The first step is to decide what kind of rocks are in the ring, how many there are, and their relative size. Then you must choose the right diamond to fit your settings. Common diamond cut shapes are: round, pear, emerald, princess, marquise, oval, radiant, heart and Asscher.

You will probably need time just to learn all the attributes of the diamond shapes of various sizes. Of course you can always choose to buy the upgrade online and then take it to your local jeweler for a diamond made. Diamonds are the most common, but the engagement ring you may have other gems. Rubies, pearls, emeralds, sapphires and can add special meaning.

Some questions to consider when choosing a stone: Are you a loner or a single central stone surrounded by small stones? If the problem is cost, which is more important: the size of the stones being or quality? Do you want a diamond, a combination of diamonds and other precious stones, diamonds or not? How can they be regulated? It looks to sketch how the stones would be configured and labeling, by type.


You can choose from several types of metal and quality for your ring. Each has unique features and appearance. White or yellow gold (14 karat or 18) are common choices, such as platinum and silver. Titanium is also a viable option. If you are unfamiliar with the differences in appearance and quality, take a trip to the mall or the nearest jewelry store. Note the end of each and how it captures the light.

Another feature to consider is the size and shape creation. It should reflect the bride’s personal style. Also consider the size of the hand and balance. A large ring can overwhelm small hands. In contrast, large hands may reduce a small ring.

Ensuring the quality of

It helps to know something about the quality before ordering a custom ringtone (or other piece of jewelry, for that matter). Familiarize yourself with the 4 C’s of diamond quality: carat, color, clarity and cut. Rates should depend on the quality of each attribute. Unless you know the jewelry store, do not take the words on it. Independent laboratory, such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA, gia.edu), individual grade diamonds. You must be in writing and furnished with a certificate detailing the unique characteristics and quality assessment. Most online retailers provide a list of online services and supplies custom diamond certificate scan results, so you know exactly what you get.

Making the best ring after you design your own ring

draw designAfter you pick the best ring design of your own, you can bring the ring alive by taking the design to a jeweler, jewelry artist, or jewelry store. It is better to do research first after you design your own ring to get the best jeweler to make your ring. Great design of ring would be a waste if it is not made by a great jeweler. Most jewelry stores usually have their own jewelers. But not every jeweler has the same high level of jewelry skills. Some of them are only great at craftsmanship of the jewelry. But some others also have artistic sense in them to make the jewelry more beautiful.

In choosing the best jeweler to make your rings, it is best to get to know the jeweler first. You can ask to see their done work to determine their skill. The best way to do this is by coming to jewelry galleries or jewelry stores where their creation of jewelry is displayed. If you are pleased if the jeweler’s work, hire him or her to bring your design alive. You can get a personalized unique ring if you design your own ring.

Where to shop

Now you know what you want, where do you buy? Chances are that a local jewelry store can make custom ringtones. But space is not just your choice. Many online jewelry stores offering washing machines and ships worldwide. Some simply assemble and deliver the ring to a variety of settings and stones inventoried. Others take a more personal by making sketches or prints of the photographs or detailed descriptions of what you have in mind. They then make a ring with the approved design. Look for the “custom engagement ring” or “design your own ring” to find online sellers.

That’s it. How to design your own ring of your dreams!

Customize the design wherever possible. You can imagine the innovative message or symbol, and get those engraved on your ring.

Combining your favorite color or birth is also a good idea when you are out of design your own ring. Consult a friend or jewelry is known for some advice in this regard.

Your amazing designer! You are not bound by what others think you will like it. So go ahead and feel free to design your own ring. No one else to please but you. It symbolizes the union of two bodies and two souls. It binds the couple with the power of love and solidarity. An alliance of the cries of the finger, “this is mine”, or “beautiful woman was his beloved wife.”

Post Coronavirus Birthday Gift Ideas Your Man Will Never Forget

While it’s not exactly clear how long it’ll be that having Amazon deliver things to your door will be the main form of shopping, that doesn’t mean birthdays have been canceled. if you still want to make your man’s birthday a special occasions, then you still have plenty of options available, even if he won’t be able to use the actual gift right away.

A DVD/Blu-Ray Collection of His Favourite Series

Since everyone searches through Netflix or Amazon Prime for way too long before finding exactly what they want, why not make the easy decision and give him the chance to re-watch his favorites from the Golden Age of Television? And if you haven’t seen it, it’s new to you, too.

Whether it’s the The Wire, The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, or even Game of Thrones (except the last season), you can find really well-made collections that include not only all the episodes but plenty of bonus features that take you behind the scenes. It’s easy to make the evenings go by a little bit quicker when you line up two episodes back to back of television that you know without a doubt is going to be good.

A Personalized Suit Fitting

Sure, there is a chance that your guy has that one old black suit for weddings and funeral and not much else, but even he might be itching to try a new style after weeks and weeks of wearing sweat pants, hoodies and boxer shorts around the house. Looking good will never go out of style, and getting advice from experts will certainly wipe away all doubt about what he is about to buy.

There are plenty of locations in departments store and smaller independent clothing outlets that have great services to make sure that he finds a style that’s just right for him. And with the employees doing most of the heavy lifting of finding the right size and style of pants, shirts, and jackets, he just has to stand there with his arms out and occasional stare at himself in a mirror. And if you’re liking how much more suave he suddenly looks, then even he knows it’s win-win.

It’s also a great way to support smaller suit stores that could really use the help of getting back on their feet after being shuttered for so long.

Naughty Gifts

Married couples or ones in long term relationships often find themselves bored with their sex life after a while. This is not something that affects one hundred percent of couples but it is a common occurrence. You can use your man’s birthday as an opportunity to spice up your sex life. There are different ways you can surprise him on his special day. The birthday gifts ideas can range from booking a weekend retreat to doing something way naughtier like hiring an escort. (if you do decide to go with a such an out of the box idea like hiring an escort, please make sure to do your research beforehand. For example, if you live in London, make sure to google something like London escort reviews. It’s always better to collect as much information as possible.)

When it comes to booking a weekend retreat, nothing makes you want something more than when you can’t have it, and while a weekend at a nice hotel – even one in your own city – might have seemed a bit ho-hum prior to March of 2020, now it seems like a wonderful escape. Not only a hotel room, but even going for dinner and drinks will seem like a bit of nostalgia and whole lot of fun.

Of course hotels aren’t exactly the most popular destinations right about now, but even just giving him a card outlining the plan you have to show him a wild time as soon as it becomes acceptable to book again will be something to look forward to. Maybe even tease him with some of the clothes – or lack of clothes – you are already planning on bringing along with you.

After becoming much too familiar and bored with your own place, even a standard hotel room will be a great breath of fresh air, especially on the balcony and you can look down at the world below and see it getting back on its feet.

A Personal Trainer

Sure, there were some ways that maybe you could have exercised inside this whole time, but since it became easier to sit on your couch and stare at Netflix or Amazon Prime for hours on end while wolfing down delivery pizza, a lot of people are going to be wanting to burn off this Coronavirus weight when things go back to normal.

Get on top of it by getting him a personal trainer. Even just setting up one appointment to see if it’s the right fit for him, becoming inspired to get back into an exercise routine is a hug boost in terms of mental and physical health. To show him you’re serious, book it for both of you, and you can start working out together.

if the self-quarantine was an excuse to stay inside and be less physical, as soon as restrictions are lifted, turn that into an excuse to go outside and start moving around and getting your body feeling good again.

And even if the personal trainer isn’t the ideal way to start exercising again, consider getting equipment like a Peloton or elliptical machine so you can work out in your own way, still in the comfort of your own home.

Video Game Consoles

Since group activities like sports and concerts are still a long way from coming back, one of the best ways to hang out with people and have fun is through online multiplayer. It doesn’t matter if it’s a Playstation, Nintendo Switch, or Xbox, all of them have features that allow you to play against millions of other players worldwide. If he’s into first person shooters there’s the massively popular Call of Duty on Playstation and Xbox and for fighting and racing there’s Smash Brothers and Super Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on the Nintendo Switch. You can even turn into a bit of a gift for yourself, because Nintendo’s Animal Crossing game has become a super popular title where you can create and design your own desert island.

During the early weeks of the quarantine, many video game consoles were hard to come by since everyone was ordering them online and your usual electronics stores weren’t open. This has continue because it’s not as easy to build and ship them as it used to be. Not only would be an impressive gift to find, but it will definitely be a fun experience that you both can use over an over again.

fall in love

Can 35 rules and 1 method make anyone fall in love with you?

Dating is hard. I have lost count of how many times I signed up for a dating app, exchanged numerous meaningless messages, and then removed my account either after one date or no date at all. Don’t get me wrong. I have met some very nice men through dating apps or blind dates set up by friends. The missing ingredient for me, however, is either connection or commitment. When swiping left and right is so effortless and your next ‘match’ is literally at your fingertips, it is hard to feel that the person in front of you is ‘the one’. The likelihood is that you are one of the hundreds of matches but the only person agreed to meet who happens to be free at a time that is convenient for your date.

The frustrating singles’ market has led many to resort to the“dating experts”. They teach you how to play the game so that you appear just keen enough to keep the other person interested whilst being just out-of-reach enough to keep them on their toes. I have been on both sides of the game, and would like to share my experience and opinion on the merits of two popular dating tactics on the market.Continue reading

Buy RAD-140 aka Testolone: Learn How It Works

When you are doing your research on Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, or simply SARMs, you are unquestionably going to come across Testolone. When it comes to bodybuilder’s favorite supplements, this one is probably at the top of the list. Over the years, RAD-140 has gained quite a reputation in the powerlifting and bodybuilding world, and the reason behind that is pretty simple and straightforward. It works. Additional info.

What Are SARMs?

Now, before I go any further, I want to make sure that you know what SARMs actually are. Although they have similar effects as anabolic steroids when it comes to bulking up and building muscles, they differ from them in an important aspect. The word “selective“ in the name of these products points to their ability to choose and select the receptors they will bind to in order to get you the result you desire. This makes them completely safe, since, unlike steroids, they won’t affect your whole body.

Sure, that might mean that anabolic steroids might have a quicker effect, but that’s not necessarily true. The above mentioned are pretty much the most important differences you should know. I guess you have heard some people debating whether ones are better than the others, but that’s not how the conversation should go at all. You can’t say that either is better, or worse. You can simply acknowledge the difference and choose the product that you would prefer more.

So, the next time that you hear a heated argument about these two types of products and between ill-informed individuals, I suggest you step in with your knowledge and finish the debate. Of course, they might be stubborn enough and willing to continue, which means that you’ll need to equip your mind with a few more info. That is, if you want to win.

On second thought, I suggest you don’t engage in such arguments at all. Some people simply need to be right all the time, so let them think they are. Still, you do need to equip your mind with some more info, for your own sake. And that’s why you need to do your research before finding RAD 140 for sale, so that you know exactly what to expect from the drug. By now, you know it’s a SARM, but that’s far from enough.

RAD 140

Testolone, or RAD 140, works by focusing on certain androgen receptors within your muscles, and thus stimulating anabolic processes. You need to understand that I am referring to your skeletal muscles. Those are the ones you activate during your workouts, such as the biceps, deltoid, pectoral muscle, as well as those located on your legs.

By targeting only the skeletal muscle, it gives your body the opportunity to normalize testosterone levels soon after you stop using the product, but without worrying that you will experience a low testosterone phase. This drug doesn’t affect your endocrine system at all. What’s more, it doesn’t convert into estrogen, which means that there is no risk of you developing man boobs, otherwise known as gynecomastia.

In order to benefit from this product, you need to learn how to properly use it. Generally, it’s advisable to start at a low dose, say 10mg, when you first start out and then gradually increase it over time. Don’t forget that this drug has a half-life of 20 hours, which is pretty long and implies that you should take one dose daily. Make sure not to go over the recommended limit, so that you stay safe while using this product.

Find out about the main uses of Testolone here: https://www.dimockcenter.org/testolone-rad140/

Before I get into the benefits of this drug, I need to quickly cover the topic of stacking. Given how powerful this SARM is, there is usually no need to stack it, since it will bring amazing results on its own. However, it does get along very well with other SARMs, so if your specific goal requires you to stack them, feel free to do that. This is usually done with the aim of amplifying the effects of another product, or perhaps cancelling out the side effects of another.



The first thing that you can expect to get from RAD-140 is energy. Loads and loads of energy, from the very first day… You start feeling that you could workout non-stop, without getting tired or worn out. Some users even say that this has helped them increase their confidence and give them some “mental energy” as well. Sometimes, people refer to this drug as to a “feel good” SARM, and the above mentioned is probably the reason behind that.

Do you know what goes hand in hand with energy? Strength! Or, at least – it should go hand in hand with energy. In any case, this SARM will provide you with some serious strength gains in a matter of weeks. That means that you won’t only have your muscles for show, but they’ll also be very strong and powerful. Plus, if you don’t want to gain that much mass, then Testolone is your best friend – it will make you fast and strong, but without the bulk.

Moving on… When you are looking to lose excess fat, you usually need a little push. Some strong evidence suggests that Testolone is in direct correlation to lipolysis. In combination with a calorie deficit, RAD-140 is definitely going to help you lose weight quickly and effectively. It is known for increasing our Basal Metabolic Rate, which leads to your body burning more calories and thus becoming slimmer. This is why the drug is used during cutting cycles.

All of the above mentioned benefits might lead you to believe that RAD-140 isn’t very effective when it comes to bulking. But, that would be a misconception. When you want to bulk up, you need to eat in a calorie surplus. And when you eat in surplus while adding Testolone to the mix, you will definitely be able to see some serious lean muscle mass gains in no time. Those will be dry gains, which means that you won’t lose them after the cycle is finished.

The Philosophy That Will Significantly Improve Your Dating Life

The Philosophy That Will Significantly Improve Your Dating Life

Many of us think that the key to improving our dating lives is to pick the right person. To steer clear of bad intentions, fear of commitment and lies. And while those are great things to remember when dating, that’s not what’s going to really change things for you. You want a solution that will significantly improve your dating life? Well, honey, you are it.

Self-love isn’t just the solution to your dating life, but that’s for another day. Nurturing the relationship you have with yourself can change your whole outlook on life, with your love life being just one of the many areas that will be improved. Continue reading