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Love Puzzle: How to Find Out If You are Compatible with Your Partner in the Initial Stages of Dating?

Dating can be stressful – you’re forced to interact with strangers, and you may often feel like you’re being interrogated or put on the spot. Even when you meet someone you like, how can you tell if your relationship is the real deal? Are you and your partner, really, compatible, or are you just wrapped up in the love bubble? Luckily, dating experts have come up with some sure-fire ways to gauge long term relationship compatibility. From simple things, like sharing a sense of humor or matching life goals, there are many ways to spot a relationship that is likely to last. Looking for lasting love while in the early stages of dating? Here’s our list of the top 6 compatibility traits!

You Laugh Together

Couple Laughing
Studies have shown that couples who share a similar sense of humor are more likely to exhibit long term compatibility than those who do not. Luckily, humor compatibility is something you can usually sense quite early on, while you’re still in the early stages of dating. If you’re wondering why dating is important, think of it like this – those first few dates are your chance to suss out how you feel with your partner. If you find yourself laughing together during these early encounters, this is probably a great sign for long term love. If you find that your jokes fall on stony silence (or your partner’s humor makes you cringe), imagine having to feel this way for the rest of your life. 

Relationship experts believe that couples who laugh together have a higher chance of weathering painful or stressful situations. Being able to laugh together, release tension, and support your ability to resolve conflict in healthy ways. This bodes well, both for those awkward early stages of dating and problems that arise down the road.  

You Have Similar Life Goals

Holding HandsIn the honeymoon stages of dating, it’s easy to disregard differences of taste and opinion – especially when you’re super attracted. However, when dating goes too fast, it can be difficult to work out whether you’re compatible or infatuated. Dating is like anything new – at first, you see your partner through rose-tinted glasses and find everything adorable. However, as time goes by, the cracks will start to show unless you and your partner share some fundamental compatibility traits. 

One marker of a truly promising relationship is if you and your partner share similar life goals and like to spend your time in similar ways. Although people may superficially get along great, most people have certain foundational goals and beliefs that shape who they and what they want out of life. Generally, successful couples are couples who have their priorities in the same place. Although everyone loves the fun, flirty stages of dating, if you’re serious about your partner, you might want to ask the big questions sooner than you think.

There’s Undeniable Attraction 

Even if your partner is not your usual physical type, if you’re genuinely compatible, you’ll feel physically attracted to them, nonetheless. The sexual attraction isn’t always instantaneous, but if your relationship goes the distance, there will usually be some spark there. If you’re in the first stages of dating in person, it’s easy to tell whether you and your partner have chemistry. However, with more and more people dating online, this changes things. 

Dating online is a great way to meet people outside your usual circle. It can also be a great way to start dating for introverts as it takes off some of the social pressure of going out in public with a stranger. You can arrange a date in the comfort of your own home, and you can spend time talking and getting to know your new partner. Dating online has also experienced a resurgence as new couples navigate dating and COVID. With couples unable to meet in person, single people have embraced the online dating world. If you’re wondering what dating sites are free, check out a list of the best online dating sites and pick one tailored to your relationship needs. 

You Feel Listened To

When you’re in the first stages of dating, one of the top dating tips for women often given out by relationship experts is to look for a partner who listens. This tip works both ways. Divorce counselors cite dismissive behavior, or stonewalling, as one of the number one contributing factors for divorce among long term couples. Stonewalling is when one partner blocks out or sneers at the other person’s attempts to communicate. A major complaint from partners who have been stonewalled is that they don’t feel listened to or judged in their relationship. Thankfully, it’s relatively easy to spot a good listener while in the early stages of dating! If you’re dating someone who makes you feel heard and accepted, then you’re likely on route to build a long-lasting relationship.

You Feel Comfortable With Your Partner 

Dating blogs will consistently tell you that, in good relationships, your partner will be your best friend. Furthermore, anyone in a happy relationship will tell you that they feel comfortable with their partner. Healthy couples often report feeling ‘at home’ with each other, and frequently state that they felt this way even from the beginning stages of dating. Sometimes, when dating, you’ll be overwhelmed by the feeling that you can say anything with your partner, and they won’t judge you. If they reciprocate these feelings, chances are you’ll both be in it for the long haul. Moving too fast in the early stages of dating can lead to heartbreak. However, when dating moves too fast, it is sometimes a sign of serious compatibility. If you feel like you can be yourself with your partner, try not to overthink things. The pace at which you move depends on your unique relationship.

You Show Up For Each Other 

Man and Woman Hugging Each Other
One of the most crucial dating tips for men and women is to find someone who will be there for them. Usually, in the honeymoon stages of dating someone, things are casual, and you don’t rely heavily on their support. What if things changed, though? Say a serious life event occurs out of the blue – would you turn to your partner for support, or would you be afraid to scare them off? If you answered the latter, you might want to reconsider your choice if your goal is lasting love. Your partner is your support network and should be there to hold your hand as you move into the later dating stages. 

Final Call: How did you know that your partner was the one? Are you single and looking for new ways to navigate the dating scene? What are some of your experiences dating? Share your comments with our readers!

Author’s bio:  

Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.

About the Author singlesnmarried

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