gift ring

Design Your Own Ring with Some Useful Tips

Design your own ring for an unique personal style of ring. Any rings can be designed customarily by yourself to be original rings. Dazzle your schoolmates with your own personal unique design of class ring. Make your love fall in love with you all over again by surprising him or her with your vintage personal design of antique  engagement ring or ring. You can also make your best friend or friends be touched by giving them rings that you designed personally for them as birthday gifts or just friendship gifts. Whatever the occasion is, custom designed rings would never be out of fashion.

How to design your own ring

design ringWith the advanced of technology, it is now easy to design your own ring. A lot of software is now available to make your unique design of ring look real in 3D. In fact, many websites about jewelry now provides such software online so that you do not need to purchase or download and install the software. You can have fun designing your own personalized rings online on those websites. Or, you can draw your unique designs of rings on paper. Draw one inch wide and 3.5 inches long of a rectangle. This rectangle is a ring when it is cut and flattened.

When designing your own ring, it is important to draw the gemstones and patterns. Consider the types of gemstones you would like to be embedded on the rings. There is a lot of gemstones to choose such as diamond, ruby, pearl, jade, etc to decorate the rings in order to make the rings more luxurious. You can design your own ring by your own personalized motifs and patterns. Plenty possibilities of motifs and patterns make it easier to customized your own rings. Make a lot of ring designs to provide a lot of choices. It is best to make the various designs of ring in different times to avoid drawing similar patterns or motifs. Pick one design of your own that you think is the best looking to be made into real ring.

Start by imagining the two parts of a ring – the stone and the establishment – and began to draw or write the details. Determine what equipment you want in your ring and you’re well on your way to the ring are considered. However, if you design your own ring, it should fit your style and your personality. You also need to ensure that it meets your pocket. A unique style is one that fills all of these rings and the match with your partner. To design your own ring, you might consider going for diamonds if your budget allows, also, or choose a cheap ring.


The first step is to decide what kind of rocks are in the ring, how many there are, and their relative size. Then you must choose the right diamond to fit your settings. Common diamond cut shapes are: round, pear, emerald, princess, marquise, oval, radiant, heart and Asscher.

You will probably need time just to learn all the attributes of the diamond shapes of various sizes. Of course you can always choose to buy the upgrade online and then take it to your local jeweler for a diamond made. Diamonds are the most common, but the engagement ring you may have other gems. Rubies, pearls, emeralds, sapphires and can add special meaning.

Some questions to consider when choosing a stone: Are you a loner or a single central stone surrounded by small stones? If the problem is cost, which is more important: the size of the stones being or quality? Do you want a diamond, a combination of diamonds and other precious stones, diamonds or not? How can they be regulated? It looks to sketch how the stones would be configured and labeling, by type.


You can choose from several types of metal and quality for your ring. Each has unique features and appearance. White or yellow gold (14 karat or 18) are common choices, such as platinum and silver. Titanium is also a viable option. If you are unfamiliar with the differences in appearance and quality, take a trip to the mall or the nearest jewelry store. Note the end of each and how it captures the light.

Another feature to consider is the size and shape creation. It should reflect the bride’s personal style. Also consider the size of the hand and balance. A large ring can overwhelm small hands. In contrast, large hands may reduce a small ring.

Ensuring the quality of

It helps to know something about the quality before ordering a custom ringtone (or other piece of jewelry, for that matter). Familiarize yourself with the 4 C’s of diamond quality: carat, color, clarity and cut. Rates should depend on the quality of each attribute. Unless you know the jewelry store, do not take the words on it. Independent laboratory, such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA,, individual grade diamonds. You must be in writing and furnished with a certificate detailing the unique characteristics and quality assessment. Most online retailers provide a list of online services and supplies custom diamond certificate scan results, so you know exactly what you get.

Making the best ring after you design your own ring

draw designAfter you pick the best ring design of your own, you can bring the ring alive by taking the design to a jeweler, jewelry artist, or jewelry store. It is better to do research first after you design your own ring to get the best jeweler to make your ring. Great design of ring would be a waste if it is not made by a great jeweler. Most jewelry stores usually have their own jewelers. But not every jeweler has the same high level of jewelry skills. Some of them are only great at craftsmanship of the jewelry. But some others also have artistic sense in them to make the jewelry more beautiful.

In choosing the best jeweler to make your rings, it is best to get to know the jeweler first. You can ask to see their done work to determine their skill. The best way to do this is by coming to jewelry galleries or jewelry stores where their creation of jewelry is displayed. If you are pleased if the jeweler’s work, hire him or her to bring your design alive. You can get a personalized unique ring if you design your own ring.

Where to shop

Now you know what you want, where do you buy? Chances are that a local jewelry store can make custom ringtones. But space is not just your choice. Many online jewelry stores offering washing machines and ships worldwide. Some simply assemble and deliver the ring to a variety of settings and stones inventoried. Others take a more personal by making sketches or prints of the photographs or detailed descriptions of what you have in mind. They then make a ring with the approved design. Look for the “custom engagement ring” or “design your own ring” to find online sellers.

That’s it. How to design your own ring of your dreams!

Customize the design wherever possible. You can imagine the innovative message or symbol, and get those engraved on your ring.

Combining your favorite color or birth is also a good idea when you are out of design your own ring. Consult a friend or jewelry is known for some advice in this regard.

Your amazing designer! You are not bound by what others think you will like it. So go ahead and feel free to design your own ring. No one else to please but you. It symbolizes the union of two bodies and two souls. It binds the couple with the power of love and solidarity. An alliance of the cries of the finger, “this is mine”, or “beautiful woman was his beloved wife.”

About the Author singlesnmarried

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