By the time of their wedding, most grooms are already on par with moisturizing and cleaning techniques. They have a hairstyle in mind, and are all set for the big day. However, for some it’s not enough. Grooming goes beyond shaving and showering. From when to trim your beard to how far you should wait, to cutting your hair or not, to hiding a bad hangover, we’ve laid out some of the best tips to help you look like a million dollars on the day of your wedding. Have a closer look!
Wash up, drink up & and repeat
It might seem foolish, but you should wash your face daily the moment you get engaged. Don’t just use water and soap; buy yourself a good-quality cleanser and an exfoliator. These products will help your skin look perfect on the day of your wedding. But you need to use them properly.
It’s equally important to drink plenty of water throughout the day if you want your skin to glow. Water replenishes nutrients that your complexion needs to remain elastic and flawless. Aim at 8 glasses a day, and increase the amount to 10-12 glasses with at least 10 days before the wedding.
Seasonal skincare
Whether it’s summer or winter, the skin dries out when not properly taken care of. When your skin is affected by harsh weather conditions, zips and pimples emerge; more severe conditions can occur, such as redness and uneven spots. That’s not really something you need on your face days before the big day.
Sunscreen is vital. It prevents sun burns and intense redness that might ruin your wedding photographs. Moisturizing is equally important. It protects the skin from dryness, and replenishes hydration. Keep in mind that nourishing and moisturizing your skin is not a onetime thing; it should be done regularly, preferable every 2 days; and daily with a week before the wedding.
Choose the right grooming products
Now that you know why it’s so important to moisturize, move on to investing in the right products. Before investing in the next best face scrub that you’ve heard work miracles, due your due diligence. Ask at the pharmacy about ingredients and side-effects. Acne is a serious skin condition that might require an appointment to the dermatologist. Test your products before using them on your entire face; this helps you figure out if a product matches your complexion or not.
Practice the beard growth and styling
If you already have a beard and you’d like to restyle it, you should do a test with at least 6 months in advance. In case things go south, you’ll have plenty of time to let is grow back on. But if you’ve just decided to let your beard grow, you should ask for professional advice on how to style it. Only an expert hairdresser will be able to tell you what shape best suits your facial features.
Eyebrow grooming
Finely plucked eyebrows that make you look frowned or evil is not something you want to see in your wedding photographs. But then again, you also don’t want to see an angry unibrow. If you’re just getting started with eyebrow plucking, prepare for a little pain. You should only remove stray hairs that have nothing to do with your brows – the area between your eyes, and those extra hairs just above the eyelid. That’s about it. Don’t overdo it as you’ll end up looking weird and unnatural. If plucking seems too extreme, use a trimmer.
Most men are used to using waxes and hair gels. However, for a softer, more gentle look, hairspray might be a better choice. The right products keep your hair looking natural; not to mention that it holds better, too. Test a few products before making your final pick, just see which one best matches with your scalp and hair type.
Looking and feeling confident on the day of your wedding is not something impossible to do. All you have to consider is proper grooming. Use the right primer for oily skin, and every week get a face mask to remove impurities and dead skin formed at the surface. Make an informed decision when doing your hair, and stick to a classic yet appealing style your future wife will adore.