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The possibilities of making the kinds of connections you want are very realistic, and many long lasting relationships and marriages have begun via online dating services, not to mention casual relationships as well if that is what you prefer. The possibilities are all right there and waiting for you, but there are a few key rules you need to know and follow in order to find your perfect date online. Download to learn The Golden Rules of Online Dating – 6 essential rules to finding the perfect online date!

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5 Idyllic Romantic Destinations in Australia for Newlyweds

You have just been set free from pressures and stresses of planning for your big day. Now it’s time to celebrate only the two of you. But you are confused about where to spend your honeymoon. Well, let’s take you through idyllic newlywed destinations in Australia. 

There are several reasons why you should choose Australia as your romantic gateway. In Australia, you will definitely fall in love with the lively cities, pristine beaches, and spectacular wildlife. 

Don’t be afraid of the fearmongering phrases that Australia is pricey. There is an array of local vacation rentals that are within your reach. Here are several honeymoon destinations in Australia.

Leura, New South Wales

Leura is two hours’ drive from Sydney, and it’s an epic spot for honeymoon. It is surrounded by stunning mountains, which are an ideal point for hiking and having a look at charming waterfalls. Besides, you can have a walk along with a garland of flowing waterfalls. Did I forget about a romantic picnic? Don’t leave this fantastic place without going for a hike at the elephantiac blue mountain.

Sydney, New South Wales

Sydney is mainly associated with ubiquitous kangaroos. Apart from being a vibrant city, Sydney is one of the famous romantic destinations in Australia. Just imagine relaxing in the literal Moore park and cruising on a cozy Sydney harbour boat. 

There is a lot of life filling activities for newlywed in Australia. Don’t forget to tour the eminent Coogee Beach coastal walk. You can take a walk at night around the harbour, which is quite thrilling and romantic due to the bridge, the light, and the beautiful ambience of the opera house.

Mornington Peninsula, Victoria


This is another exciting romantic destination in Australia. Mornington Peninsula has a couple of beaches, hot springs, and vineyards. The joy of taking a bath or soaking your legs at the peninsula hot spring is unmatched. This is an ideal honeymoon destination after a long period of wedding planning. Don’t leave without heading to the Cape Schanck boardwalk. Take adrenaline stimulating nature walk along tall cliffs that eventually gets you to a lighthouse.


Are you a food-loving couple? Montville is the place to taste mouthwatering delicacies. The sunshine coast Hitherland is a food lover’s paradise where you will find so many restaurants. There are over 20 restaurants that offer dinner, ranging from seafood to freshest wheat products.

If your significant other is a nature enthusiast, choosing treehouse accommodation in Montville for your honeymoon is a good idea. The cabins are elegantly designed to enable you to interact with nature. You might have dreamt of soaring the sky or hovering above the world like a bird; here is the time to make your dream true. You can look for treehouse accommodation for rent in Montville to arouse your childhood memories. Being a little goofy and childish make love a beautiful feeling.

Hobart, Tasmania

This is one of a kind honeymoon destination. Relaxing on an island is fantastic. Honeymoon is all about exploring new places. Take a bike and cycle down to the mount wellington. After touring mount wellington, grab a bottle of beer to cool yourself at the Australia oldest brewery. The brewery is located right at the foot of mount wellington. Devote a few hours and tour Bruny island to visit an oyster farm.

Final Words

Australia has a dozen intriguing romantic destinations you should consider. You can visit a beach and surf or go for a hike in one of the famous mountains in Australia. The end goal is to have a radiant moment away from home. 

How To Be Happy & Satisfied with Life After Divorce

Just like millions of other people all over the world, you will also be traumatized when your marriage comes to an end. However, it will help you tremendously, if you know the steps to take that will show you how to be happy after divorce, such as the following tips suggested by the family solicitors in Sydney:

Consider getting help from a professional

You will probably go through emotional trauma when your marriage has ended. Accept it and see a counselor to help you come to terms with these feelings. Trained counselors and therapists can help you to deal with your feelings and identify a suitable treatment to help you move forward. Significant trauma can lead to PTSD so should be addressed as soon as possible. In fact, CFAH conducted a research study that shows 3 in every 50 American adults will have gone through PTSD at some point in their life, so you are very much not alone in this and there is help out there. 

If you are struggling through the legal side of a divorce, you should also get in contact with an expert family law attorney as they have the expertise to support you throughout the entire process. Beyond this, if your divorce involves children or an adulterous spouse, know that you can always Hire Bond Rees for expert private investigation solutions to ensure the safety of your family and to help you collect evidence that will support your case in court.

Build a support network

You will have days where the sadness that followed the divorce is almost unbearable. Instead of trying to deal with your grief on your own, speak to your family and friends about your feelings. They care about you and will no doubt give you all the support you need during these difficult times.

Be honest with yourself as to why your marriage failed

The one thing that you must do to become happier after your divorce, is to be 100% honest as to the reasons for your marriage coming apart at the seams. This will give you closure, instead of the constant “if only” that could prevent you from moving on with your life.

Be careful of the strategies you use 

There are people who resort to using drugs and alcohol to block out the bad feelings they have about their failed marriages. Then there are those who immediately jump into a new and unfulfilling relationship to reassure themselves that they are not the one made the mistakes to cause the divorce. These strategies are not only unhealthy but are almost guaranteed to prevent you from being happy in the future.

Keep busy with a new hobby

Remember, your time is your own now. Instead of spending it doing things for your spouse, you are now able to do things that make you happy! You’re free to try out new experiences that you’ve always dreamt of doing. Take up skydiving, learn to crochet, plant a vegetable garden, try living off the grid, or take a gourmet cooking class.

Focus on your own needs

Now you have all the time in the world to focus on yourself and the things you want and need in life. If you feel like going out, then do it. If you feel like staying in and reading all day, then do that too. You don’t have to feel selfish about anything you do from now on, to heal yourself after your divorce.

Stay healthy

Maintain healthy eating habits and exercise on a regular basis. By doing this, you will be keeping your body in excellent condition, look and feel great, and help to prevent illness and depression.

Choose to be happy

Divorce might give you negative feelings, but in the end, it is up to you entirely, to decide on how long you are going to ride the pity train or make the choice to get out from under the duvet and be a happier person.

To summarize

While all the above steps will help you to overcome the trauma after your divorce, it’s the first one that is extremely important! Make an appointment with family law experts for post-divorce counselling.

How to Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle on Your Vacation to Thailand

Traveling is one of the most pleasurable human experiences. Whether it is for work or pleasure, traveling breaks the monotony of our everyday routines to allow us to have uninhibited fun. As such, very few people carry over their ‘restrictive’ habits to their vacations. One of these ‘restrictive’ habits is maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Just like with any other activity that gives us long-term benefits, maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires consistent work and dedication. Your body will not rev up its metabolism just because you are on vacation. It does not realize that you are just unwinding and having fun.

Thus, the same old principle of a caloric surplus making you gain weight will still apply when on vacation. And because we love sampling local dishes and treats in addition to spending long lazy days on the beach while on our travels, gaining weight becomes that much easier.

However, there are things you can do during your vacation to not only stay healthy, but to also lose weight while vacationing. Here are tips on how to stay healthy in Thailand and lose weight on vacation.

Eat Delicious But Healthy Foods 

Thailand does not discriminate when it comes to food choices. Whether you are a meat lover or vegetarian, there is something delicious for you around the corner. Even though popular dishes tend to vary between the North and the South, you can always count on finding a bit of sweet, spicy, sour, or tangy in almost each dish.

This is because most Thai foods consist of fresh herbs, lime, chili, fish sauce, kaffir lime sauce, garlic, and loads of vegetables. Moreover, these dishes are always freshly-made through steaming, grilling, or slow cooking, thus you are unlikely to find greasy, artificially enhanced options.

Some of the best dishes are typically found in the small stalls in the market areas. These are normally manned by one or two people, and you can expect a wide array of tasty and healthy treats such as sautéed veggies, raw coconut ice cream, fresh pressed juices, or simple grilled meat skewers.

Relax Your Body and Mind

Equally as important as the effort you put into being and staying healthy through workouts and dieting, is rest. Your body needs enough rest so that it can become stronger while your mind needs a break from all of life’s stressors. As such, it is important to find a place such as a secluded beach where you can be away from all the other tourists and parties to allow your body and mind to recharge.

Exotic islands such as Koh Samui, Krabi, or Phuket are among the best places in Thailand to help you get that much-needed isolation. While there, you can sunbathe, walk on the beach, kayak, and finish it off with a spa treatment. This should leave your relaxed, nourished, and invigorated so you can spend your vacation with a healthy mind.

Take on Some Land Adventures

If you are looking to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight during your travels, activity is key. Try and get in as much time walking around Thailand’s numerous cities as a way of getting exercise.

If you love the countryside more, visit the numerous temples that the country has to offer. If you are the adventure type, head over to Northern Thailand and sample any of the outdoor activities they have to offer. From jungle treks to bike riding, there are many ways activities to help you stay in shape while on land.

Take on Sea Adventures 

If you are a seafarer, then you should find the warm, crystal clear waters of the Thai islands especially inviting. Here, you can engage in various adventures at sea such as scuba diving in Koh Phi Phi island where you will get to enjoy sharing your watery environment with plentiful of fish, coral, sea turtles, manta rays, and even sharks that enjoy the island’s waters.

If scuba diving is too much for you, then you can try snorkeling. It is a much safer alternative but also offers tons of fun as well. The calm and clear waters ensure that you do not have to venture far into the sea in order to see some wildlife.

Moreover, there are other sea sports that you can engage in to get your heart racing and adrenaline surging. These include parasailing and kayaking, and they do not cost a lot. They are so much fun that they make you forget how active you actually are.

Try Some Muay Thai

Even if you are not looking to lose weight while on vacation, it would still be considered if you visited the country and left without learning some Muay Thai basics. Arguably the most revered martial arts sports in the world, Muay Thai boxing appears to be a combination of boxing, Taekwondo, and Karate. Also known as the art of the eight limbs, it turns virtually every limb and joint in your body into a weapon. Thus, a class of Muay Thai is akin to a full body workout. It can be one of the good activities for couples who want to get healthier together.

Being a high-intensity workout, it will force your body to rev up its metabolism so that it can tap into your fat stores for energy. This makes Muay Thai one of the best ways of losing weight in Thailand. Additionally, it will equip you with skills that will make you a total badass. A Muay Thai class is not hard to find as they are all over the country.

Traveling and staying healthy should not be anonymous, you can always find a way of making your vacation work for you in your bid to stay healthy. Nevertheless, health and wellbeing should not be goals, but rather, a lifestyle. This will make it much easier for you to take on the extra effort necessary to facilitate that lifestyle as you will not feel as if it is a job.

The above are tips that should help you stay healthy while in Thailand. Moreover, you can also lose weight while traveling in Thailand. Programs such as Weight Loss For Men Thailand are designed to offer extreme transformations to individuals looking to get rid of extra weight. The Weight Loss for Men Thailand, in particular, utilizes a holistic approach that combines physiological, biological, and psychological aspects of physical weight loss and mental reorganization to ensure that the results are everlasting.

Koh Yao Noi: Thailand’s Best Island for Your Honeymoon

When it comes to the best islands in Thailand for honeymoon, Koh Yao Noi stands at the top of any list. Getting to Koh Yao Noi is not complicated since it’s located in the Andaman Sea in the middle of Krabi and Phuket, it’s a peaceful island adorned by sandy shores. Fishing villages surround it, and it has rubber plantations, sandy beaches, waters rich in coral and mangroves as some of its key features. Some of the beaches include Loh Jark which has a pier for long tail boats and ferries. Loh Paret is another beach on this island surrounded by dotted dive sites, such as the pinnacles of Shark point and the King Cruiser. Here are some of the reasons why this island is a top honeymoon destination:


The island is still undiscovered by many tourists. The locals are friendly as they are not yet accustomed to visitors. It makes it one of the few quiet islands in Thailand. The guides are trustworthy, and there are no scams around since there are a handful of tour guides and locating them is easy. The locals also take pride in their island and do not condone any criminality especially one targeting tourists. It would be unimaginable and a scaring experience if you and your spouse had an unwanted encounter on your honeymoon.

It is a time to forget your worries and enjoy each other’s company. Koh Yao Noi provides a serene and safe atmosphere for you and your beloved to get a memorable experience. Even at the shores, the locals do not bother to tie or lock their boats and scooters signaling the safety of the area in general.


Most tourists are either unaware of Koh Yao Noi or overlook it. It makes it one of the ideal islands in Thailand for honeymoon. In the town, there are only a handful of nonlocals making it a perfect honeymoon getaway. When it comes to the beaches, you can have it to yourselves, just you and your spouse. In any honeymoon, seclusion is crucial and having an entire beach just for you is heaven on earth. On some of its beaches, you have a gorgeous view of Phang Nga National Park. The beaches can stay secluded for hours giving you and your partner ample time to explore and enjoy the calm, warm waters of the ocean. 


Silence and Tranquillity

Koh Yao Noi is one of the quiet islands in Thailand. Honeymoons are all about tranquillity and relaxation, and this island offers that. There are a couple of bars on the island, but that’s about it when it comes to the party life. It ensures that the town has no loud music blaring from different entertainment spots giving it the quietness that one wishes for on their honeymoon. You can retire to bed late and wake up in the afternoon without a lot of disturbances.

There are a handful of convenient stores to cater to your needs, but the big stores haven’t yet set up shop. It gives the island a chilled and laid back atmosphere where one can sit at the beach or lie under a palm tree without any nuisance from others. During a honeymoon, a couple should be left to their thoughts in a serene and silent environment as they plan for their future together.



From mangroves, rainforests, corals and rubber plantations, the island is full of diverse landscapes. On the east side is where holiday resorts on Koh Yao Noi are mainly found together with deserted beaches. All these features are ideal for your honeymoon as there is plenty to explore. The landscapes also provide the best locations for taking photographs of you and your significant other. You can go for a leisurely walk on the island as you interact with the friendly locals. 

The west side of the island has water buffaloes, rice paddles and a holy spring which drains into the sea. Koh Yao Noi has all the features that a honeymoon will require less hassle. Each day brings about new adventures and areas to explore ensuring that you and your spouse always have something to do.



Despite all the beauty, landscapes and even a villa on Koh Yao Noi, it is an affordable place to stay. From as low as $20 a night, you can find decent accommodation on the island. Food and beverages are in plenty, and you can get a full meal for less than $5. As earlier stated this island is yet to be overrun by hordes of tourists, plus the locals treat visitors as one of their own. Even traveling through the island is cheap as you can hire a scooter or bike from the locals at an affordable rate.

Many tourists who have been to this island have stated in their testimonials the numerous times the locals offered them free rides. Even if you are on a budget, Koh Yao Noi is one of the most affordable islands in Thailand for honeymoon. If you consider the beauty, tranquillity, and activities this place offers, it is one of the cheapest but quality places in the entire world.



When you visit this island, it won’t be just your honeymoon you celebrate; it can also act as a coastal escape. From scooter racing, swimming, water buffalo riding, and beach football/volleyball, this island is full of activities for you and your partner. All it requires you to explore your imagination.  When looking for one of the best islands in Thailand for honeymoon, Koh Yao Noi should be amongst your first destinations.