Breakups are hard, but picking up the pieces afterward is even harder. They can sometimes be very serious and impair your health and wellbeing. While this is all understandable, it’s the consequences that are the most damaging to a person. After a while of being in a relationship with another person, you have to learn to be with yourself again. Just like every person we met changed us a little, so did the ex-partner and now we need to accept who we are. This is probably the hardest part of the whole process since the last thing we feel is being ready to face the world. Nonetheless, you are beautiful and will start feeling that way again. With time and persistence
you will get there, just be patient and try some of the following tricks that worked for so many
You had interests before and during the relationship, so it’s no time to stop having them now.
Do what makes you fulfilled even if it’s something small like reading or watching your favorite TV show. Don’t deprive yourself of the things that make you happy like you are undeserving. You have every right to feel joy and happiness again, so go for it. The beauty comes both from within and outside, and it’s at its prime when these two work together.
Exercising will get your body in shape and also make you feel better and rejuvenated at the
same time. This is because during workouts our body produces chemicals that influence the
way we feel. One of those chemicals is endorphin which triggers positive feeling known as
“runner high.”
Another important chemical is serotonin which is a mood-booster and really a good thing to
have when you are down. Norepinephrine is a chemical and a hormone at the same time
produced by the adrenal glands. It will keep your focus and concentrate on certain things, like
starting to feel beautiful again after a breakup.
Healthy habits should be part of everybody’s life, no matter of the circumstances. But after a
break up you feel too broken to think about anything healthy and usually spend time eating
whatever’s at hand. To avoid this, create a healthy meal plan which will help make grocery
shopping easier and add some new recipes to make everything more interesting.
Set your alarm to an earlier time than usual, so you can do some morning stretching and have
breakfast in peace. Walk as much as you can during the day and spend time outside during
weekends cycling, hiking or just strolling through the park with your best friend.
A daily beauty routine is something that shouldn’t be neglected, both in the morning and
evening. Start by splashing some cold water on your face to wake up and then continue with
cleaning. Use products that are appropriate for your skin and don’t forget an SPF cream before
you leave the house.
You may don’t feel like putting on some makeup, but start little by little with some mascara and
concealer. And build your makeup regime from there and even try some new techniques you
can learn from numerous tutorials online.
You and your ex are broken up, so don’t try to fix your relationship by staying friends. It’s best to
keep your distance in the beginning and allow yourself to find your bearings. It’s okay to stay
friends but that can’t happen right after a breakup and it needs time.
Talking with your ex will create a false idea of your relationship and right now you need to get to
know yourself. It sounds scary, but it is also an exciting new road ahead that will bring you many
great things if you let it.
You are a volcano of emotions right now which may cloud your judgment and prevent you to
move forward. In order to be able to do so, you need to find your calm. That is where yoga or
meditation might help considerably, even if practiced 20 minutes a day.
Also, since you might be experiencing sleep disorders, try apps that will help you fall asleep
more comfortably. If the problem persists, it’s better to seek expert help but try some brown or
pink noise first and see if it soothes you.
Cosmetic treatments vary and some may be extreme while others are only touch-ups. Not
everything is resolved in the operating room, and sometimes you may need only some dermal
fillers to look great. But the cosmetic treatments have gone pretty far in this modern
technological age. For an example, going for a facelift procedure might just be that little push you need to raise
your self-esteem sky high.
Instead of spending time on social media, make a break from the digital world and choose some
good old-fashioned face-to-face conversation. Talk to your friends, family members, and a
therapist if you feel the need. Communication is important. There isn’t anything shameful in feeling bad about yourself, and people who care for you will easily explain to you why you are so beautiful. This will also help raise your self-esteem and ultimately might make it easier for you to talk to a potential date.
People who love you will always be the first to tell you your best attributes while helping you to
overcome your troubles. So, don’t be afraid to ask for help even if it’s about doubting your
gorgeousness and beauty.
You will start feeling beautiful again after a breakup – it is not the matter of “if”, but “when”. The most important thing to remember, however, is that your beauty didn’t leave you when you and your partner ended your relationship. Everything seems tough now, but the best news is that it will only get better if you get up and start having the most important relationship of your life – the one with yourself.