Proper management of wedding expenses to lead a happy married life bereft of debt

A wedding is generally a grand occasion, and people enjoy themselves a lot during the festivities of a wedding. The marriage is obviously the celebration of the bond that is made between two people but the relatives and friends who gather on that auspicious day for bestowing their blessings on the newlywed couple make the whole event more beautiful and happy.

There are different things involved in the wedding shopping list, and many items need to be procured for the wedding. The planning process is vital for any wedding which involves the date, venue, guest list, dress and suit for the bride and groom, etc. But the most important piece is obviously the wedding or engagement ring. The ring which is used for engagement has to be bought by the bridegroom and is probably the costliest item in the whole shopping list.

Factors to be scrutinized before choosing to opt for a pricey ring

Due to various expenses made during a wedding, credit card swipes also increase in frequency and it has observed in many instances that the cost of having a dream wedding has exceeded the budget by a huge margin. The people who are sensible will obviously try to use cash and debit cards instead of using credits or other forms of loans. However, in many cases, it has been observed that the wedding ring is bought by using balance in the credit card. In such situations a person who is making the purchase should examine the following things:

  • Calculating the amount of loan taken for purchasing the wedding ring

If it is necessary to choose the credit option for purchasing the wedding ring, then it is very important to know the amount which has been taken as credit. If might sound easy that the amount is known when the price of the ring is shown. But it should be remembered when that amount is paid through credit then the price might be higher than what is shown in the price tag. This happens because the credit card has certain terms given by the crediting agency and there is the rate of interest which is applied to the credited amount. In some cards, there is a period when no most inert is charged but usually that duration is not very long and the interest is very high after the grace period. In other cards, there will be a rate of interest which will be levied on the loaned sum. Hence, it is important to assess the total cost that one will incur if the payment is made through credit card and the suitable amount should be ready soon so that less interest or penalties are charged.

  • Ensuring the wedding ring

As already mentioned a wedding ring is nothing less than a costly affair, so it is extremely important to ensure it against damage from accidents or theft. There are different types of insurance service providers who have different conditions for ensuring valuable items. The policy agreements requiring lower payments for coverage usually do not have a comprehensive approach when it comes to ensuring a highly prized artifact. However, it is always dependent upon the financial situation of the person and also his choice when it comes to selecting insurance coverage for the wedding ring.

  • Not limiting financial planning to a wedding only

It is necessary to understand the fact that the wedding is the initiation of a journey in which two persons mutually coexist harmoniously. In order to achieve peace and prosperity in a marriage, it is vital to plan the finances accordingly. Usually, a huge amount of money is spent on weddings, and less thought is given about the financial needs in a marriage. Hence in order to avoid debt situations, it is mandatory to plan the funds’ necessary fora marriage and not just for fulfilling a wedding ceremony.

  • Being candid about the personal financial capacity

The pomp of a wedding is not to be measured against the money spent on having that wedding instead it should be considered by observing the overall happiness of the entire family and the couple. Sometimes for the sake of saving one’s face in the society individuals make the mistake of acquiring things that are beyond the financial capacity. This expenditure might make that single day overtly beautiful but will affect the couple later in marriage. Hence instead of worrying about what others will think if there is a lack of expensive glitter in the wedding one should come forward and calmly state his financial status and budget for the wedding. The wedding ring might be important for a single ritual but won’t make or break the wedding.

  • Looking for jewelry stores that follow fair pricing

In the jewelry market, there are enough shops that provide quality pieces of jewelry at an affordable range, but there are some stores that charge an excessive amount of money. A person should be wary about such jewelry stores, and it is better to scan through multiple jewelry shops before making the actual purchase of the wedding ring. Prices should be compared both offline and online, and the quality of products are to be examined very carefully.

  • The selection of a wedding ring that will put a less financial strain

There are indeed a plethora of options when it comes to wedding rings. However, choosing the least priced wedding ring might not be a prudent choice because this ring will not only be worn on the wedding day but will remain on the finger of the spouse throughout her married life. Therefore choosing rings that are reasonable according to one’s budget is to be purchased.

Debt is not something that one wishes to gather that too right after a wedding but in the unfortunate event when a person finds himself in debt due to the expensive engagement ring, then it is important to work continuously for resolving the debt as quickly as possible. You can get in touch with the experts of know more.

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About the Author CBST

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