The hurt and grief of a marriage breakup can easily be one of the most devastating events in someone’s life. The amount of pain and loneliness that you are feeling right now is relative to the strength and depth of love that you feel for your spouse. This means that if you didn’t really care about your spouse you could easily go on with your life and the breakup wouldn’t be having much effect upon you or your life at all right now.
Regrettably, you do care about your spouse. You love him or her with all your heart and right now you are feeling as if you have lost an important part of your life. He or she was probably your best companion at one point and on a daily basis part of your life, but now he or she is gone. It is only reasonable that you should want that love, affection and that portion of your heart restored back. As weird as this is going to sound, cheerfulness – happiness-filled heart is a solution in getting your spouse and winning his or her heart back again.
You may be saying that you can’t be happy again. You might be telling yourself that you will only be happy once you get your spouse back. This thought has to stop since it is not going to help you at all and if your spouse sees you in that condition it will only help to confirm that she or he probably made the right decision in leaving you. After all, who wants to be with someone that is unhappy and disheartened all the time?
Someone that is cheerful, funny, optimistic and fun to be with will always win out in the end over someone that is unhappy or depressed. So, when the time comes that you meet with your spouse on the road or when she or he call on the phone, do you want to be unhappy and disheartened or do you want to be happy and optimistic? You want to be happy and optimistic, right? Ok, let’s get you there and quick!
There is an old saying – “Fake It Till You Make It” – Until you are really happy inside in every way work at being cheerful on the outside. Lie to yourself. Tell yourself and everybody that asks you that you’re doing great and that this day is going to be a wonderful day. The future holds great things for you and, sincerely, there is probability of getting your spouse back is easier than you might believe. Get in the practice of smiling again and again. Crack jokes with your coworkers and get back to being that entertaining person that everybody has known so much even if you have to fake it until you make it.
This is a neat little trick that you can use in almost every aspect of your life from now. It is a practice that is not only effective but also quite simple to apply. No matter how terrible the conditions may seem at the moment, it is easy to put a positive mind on things if you know how. Always think of positive things that might come out of your marriage breakup and how everything might turn out for good in the end.
Perhaps after a small time has passed your spouse will come to realize that you are not really that terrible after all? Maybe once you get back together he or she will appreciate you a little more and take care of you even better than he or did before you broke up? If it wasn’t for the breakup the two of you could have gone through living taking each other for granted. Don’t you think that your spouse might be missing you at times too?
Try to put a positive attitude on all of this and if nothing else each day is one day closer to the day when you hold your spouse in your loving arms again.
Everyday you should engage yourself doing things that will make you happy and make you to smile and laugh. Always try to watch a few funny movies that will make you laugh and use the healing benefits of laughter to put yourself together. Get out of the house and visit church or a local comedy club. Most clubs have a low charge so you will get in the benefits of going out of the house and being entertained in a very encouraging way that will lift your spirit man up.
Money may not buy you happiness but it can buy you a souvenir that will bring some happiness to your life even for a short period of time. Shopping can make you feel good about yourself and buying yourself a gift is a nice way to reward yourself for taking this positive step towards curing your broken heart and building the foundation upon which your new relationship with your spouse might stand the test of time.
Take this little advice to your heart and work on becoming a happier and more positive person again and you will stand a best chance of winning your spouse back. With a small time spent reflecting upon these aspects of your life you will find that your life in general will be easier to live until that day comes when you and your spouse are together again. You must remember, a cheerful, fun loving, optimistic person is more loveable than someone who is depressed all the time.