Is It More Difficult to Get Married A Second Time Around?

second-marriages-pros-consDespite the fact that most people who divorce feel that they have “failed,” 75% remarry with the illusion that the second marriage will be more stable. The principle by which the second marriage is more stable means that you have to commit to having a long-term approach to the relationship, despite the ups and downs or challenges that come with hooking up with a new partner, probably with children involved. 

Second marriages can be complicated if there are varying dynamics involved as is the case with an escort relationship at Even though it consists of a relationship between two consenting adults, it is one that can become as complicated as a second marriage, especially, if the client keeps returning to the same person for companionship, a sensual experience, or just for a hookup. 

After The Separation

 Separations and divorces increasingly occur at younger ages, and many women are mothers of young children. In many instances, women are left with custody of the children. If they are housewives, once they are divorced, they live on alimony or child support or have to look for a job to take care of their financial needs. So it is very difficult to meet a new partner in that situation. 

Their world does not really change and they may have to find a new partner in the same network of contacts. If they work and are financially independent, children demand attention from them. Therefore, it is very difficult to dedicate time to work, children and themselves, much less a new partner. 

The First Marriage

A first marriage is usually idealized. We know absolutely nothing about that experience because it is something new that attracts us to the unknown, and although some may have lived with their partner in a solid relationship prior to getting married, the actual ceremony and living with each other afterward could be different. 

For some reason, many couples have confirmed that when you go through the marriage rite, it causes something to change between you. You could say that you started an idealised union, with great enthusiasm, expectation, dedication, and trust in the other and in the happy future that you hope to have together but something changed at some point in the relationship.

Knowing What You Want

However, in second marriages, most of the expectations change. You may have already gone through a hard and traumatic emotional breakup, even if you tried to end it in a friendly tone. That is why you should face the new relationship with maturity, realism and a lot of options, but fewer expectations. 

You know what you do not want this time. You know the red lines that you are not going to cross or let others cross. You know how far you are going to give in and what your priorities are. You know exactly what you want for your life and if you do not see these characteristics in the other person, even if you feel some kind of emotion, you may not go through with it so you don’t have another marital failure.

Know the Person

Knowing the person you are going to marry is important to make it work. Many times, people don’t take the time to know each other prior to getting married the first time. The search for the definitive partner can take place as long as you both are clear about “what you are looking for” and you are mature enough including recognising your qualities and your faults. 

It is false to think that you are perfect and that the fault is in your partner, although ultimately finding your better half is nothing more than a real lottery! Therefore, for that reason, the first time around does not have to work as you might have hoped if you are prepared to do what it takes to have a successful union. 

Second and Third

Second and even third marriages were once something movie stars did. Now, multiple marriages are very common these days. Marriage is like a love story for some people, especially those who like the idea of being married. In fact, many people who marry for the first time fall in love with the idea of marriage and not necessarily the partner they are going to get married to. If a first marriage does not work out for whatever reasons, you have the freedom to start over and improve your relationship learning from the first marriage. 

Fix the Mistakes

Everyone is looking for love; whether the first time, second time or third time with a compatible partner. By the time you leave the first relationship and get to the second, you will be more mature, of course, and able to make better choices and possibly get it right on the second try. 

You will be more experienced to do things better in every way. However, you still have to learn how to communicate properly and how to listen to each other. It may be time to confess your own mistakes in the first relationship so you can start a second one doing things differently. 

If you don’t, then you might find yourself divorced again. 

Bear in mind, though, that every partner is going to have a different personality, but for the most part, your partner wants to be respected, treated with love and have good communication. These are three distinct things that make a relationship work. 

Take Your Time

Psychologists agree that a factor that can affect whether a second marriage works or not is the tendency to remarry very quickly, especially on the part of men. This “rush” to start a new relationship prevents people from grieving after the first breakup. It takes some time to overcome trauma and negative experiences from the past, all of which also affect the success of the new relationship. Therefore, if you are not ready for a new relationship, it could end in a divorce, whether it is a first, second, or third marriage. 

About the Author singlesnmarried

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