The possibilities of making the kinds of connections you want are very realistic, and many long lasting relationships and marriages have begun via online dating services, not to mention casual relationships as well if that is what you prefer. The possibilities are all right there and waiting for you, but there are a few key rules you need to know and follow in order to find your perfect date online. Download to learn The Golden Rules of Online Dating – 6 essential rules to finding the perfect online date!
One of the most important things that I have realized as the time flies, so one should really have lucrative habits to follow, so that they can fetch their needs, ambitions and desires very easily. As you know, it is never too late to start anything all you need it vision to work on that gives you carte blanche to achieve what you want.
If you are reading this post, then surely you will get 5 must habits to follow from today in which you don’t have to splash out all these habits not exactly no brain, but yes, once you follow them it becomes piece of cake.
Here is a closer look at the habits to start working from today:
As you know good health means everything, if you have a good health, then you can do everything in life. If you are as healthy as a horse your health is all perfect, no one is born with a perfect body type all have to work on it very hard so that they stay on a head turner shape and fillip the life meter. Yoga/exercise everyday kills you excessive fat and other than this, you can even follow some good diet charts that sure sort curtail your weight and with this, it gives immense glow on your body. I will not only recommend you to go to gym because all are gym rats, but whatever you like whether it is jogging, walk, yoga, stretching, jumping, etc. you can follow that and stay all fit and fine.
Morning is the best time to work out because morning is fresh as compared to evening and if you go out in gardens in morning you will imbibe healthy air and stay 100 per cent fit.
Whatever task comes your way you should finish it in the given time because then you lose its charm and then there is no point in doing it, so this should also be your firm duty to follow where you beat the clock and serve your work on time, no matter what the work is, for example, if you are even cooking or getting ready or doing your morning walk you make sure you perform it in within the time because this way you can manage your ahead schedule. So no lethargic attitude is allowed and once it is your habit you really going to achieve your day to day goals. The easiest way to complete anything on the decided time is to make a solid time table where you can jot down every activity with a time to complete it and this way, if you will follow certain parameters to follow it and achieve it. You have to be swamped. So there is not buts, all you can do it work on your habits. The level of competitions are taken to the next level where it has become a daunting task to cover it , so if you are in a wise habit of doing it on time, then surely fetching it is really an easy peasy job for you.
Not an idiom which is good to read, but it has depth meaning that says money you save is more lucrative than money that you spend for anything, so in a nutshell, it means that saving it part and parcel for all, but along with this, one should also know how they are using it? Where they are using it? So if you have a habit to save money, then it is really good to appreciate, but now how to use it? Investment in properties nowadays grabbing lot of attention because having secured property in hand is a nice decision, so Hcorealestates is a diversified platform that brings wide range of properties option and out of them you can pick anyone for better and lucrative home investment.
Investment should be done only when you wholly get trust into it, so some top properties like Central park 3 Cerise Suites, Tata La Vida, DLF Crest Gurgaon, etc. gives perfect living space here you can enjoy grand living with your family and other than this, high Return Over Investment (ROI) is the UPS of it.
It is really important to accept all the difficult challenges because “A ship in harbor is safe, that is not what ships are built for”, so if you don’t take a risk, how would you know how much risk is there? So, this is not the right way to tack any situation. It is very easy to leave your dream, but you are not born for this. So make this your firm habit and you ensure that you take up every challenge that comes in your way and try 100 per cent to crack it because only then you will become a smart and a canny person to challenge the world and be someone’s inspiration.
Don’t be a ship who is standing and it has no idea about the depth of the sea, but be a ship who can overcome all occludes and be ready to challenge everything.
This is a must habit because if you have zeal to learn something new, then you will never have boredom in your lifestyle and you will be the first one to challenge new things to your family members or friends.
Keeping yourself updated is really a lucrative thing to cherish, obviously, it is an internet world and you can’t live under a rock if you want to learn new things. It is good to be timid, but now it is the time to get yourself out of the comfort and make yourself challenging and interesting enough where you can stand in front of quality people and talk beautifully.
Not only these 5 habit, but with more you can improve yourself personally and enjoy your overall lifestyle. Health, education, investment and intelligence these are the four parameters to excel and once you start working on you will see a big optimistic change.
If you agree with these habits or you have other interesting habits to share leave your comment below.
A recent study by a team of Brazilian researchers has confirmed that babies breastfed by their mothers for up to a year have a higher Intelligent Quotient (IQ) than others, even up to adulthood.
The study was carried out on about 6,000 children in Pelotas, Brazil and the participants were followed up to their adulthood at the age of 30.
Information was gathered from about 3,500 participants who went through an IQ test and it was discovered that longer breast feeding resulted in higher intelligence, longer schooling and higher earnings.
An infant who had been breastfed for at least a year gained a full four IQ points (about a third of standard deviation above the average), and a higher income. EurekAlert, a global source for science news quoted Bernardo Lessa Horta, a doctor and lead author of the research, as saying one of the benefits of breast milk is the presence of long-chain saturated fatty acids (DHAs).
“The likely mechanism underlying the beneficial effects of breast milk on intelligence is the presence of long-chain saturated fatty acids (DHAs) found in breast milk, which are essential for brain development,” Horta said. “Our finding that predominant breastfeeding is positively related to IQ in adulthood also suggests that the amount of milk consumed plays a role.”
During the study, factors considered to determine the benefits of breast feeding include duration of breast feeding, family income at birth, parental schooling, genomic ancestry, maternal smoking during pregnancy and maternal age. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends up to six months of exclusive breastfeeding, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to two years of age or beyond.
Also, it recommends that the colostrum – the yellowish, sticky breast milk produced at the end of pregnancy – is a perfect food for the newborn, and feeding should be initiated within the first hour after birth.
The long-breastfeeding-for-babies campaign looks to be gaining increasing popularity among women.
During a personal interaction with two mothers who were on a visit to a first-time nursing mother, the two mothers both advised their counterpart to breast feed her baby for at least a year and the half, that is 18 months, saying that longer breast feeding would increase the child’s intelligence and academic performance.
Both gave examples of their own long breastfeeding regime and its role in the positive academic performances of their children.
Therefore, more women must know that it is not in their interest for their babies to have their breasts for anything less than a year.
It’s easy to dismiss stress as simply an unavoidable part of our lives. However, if you’re under too much strain, your health and general wellbeing can suffer. You might experience sleeping problems, have difficulty concentrating, feel irritable or anxious and suffer a loss of appetite. You might also be more likely to drink excessively and to act unreasonably. Stress can even trigger headaches, muscle pain and dizziness, and it’s a risk factor for high blood pressure. So, if you’re feeling under too much pressure, now could be the time to take action. Here are three common causes of stress in men, and some simple tips to help you ease the pressure.
Let’s face it, most men don’t like to talk about problems in the bedroom. However, sexual difficulties are much more common that you might think. It’s estimated that around one in ten men has a problem related to having sex, and erectile dysfunction is the most prevalent. It affects around 7-8% of men aged between 20 and 40, 11% of those aged 40 to 50 and 40% of the over 60s. There are a range of causes that can trigger this problem, both psychological and physical. There are also a variety of useful erectile dysfunction treatment options on offer. However, because of their reluctance to talk about these difficulties, men often fail to seek help. This can lead to a vicious cycle. Stress and anxiety about sexual problems can itself reduce men’s ability to perform, and the more negative experiences people have in the bedroom, the more anxious they become.
If you’re experiencing sexual difficulties, don’t simply hope they will go away. It’s important to be proactive. Firstly, try to establish the cause of your problems as this will help you to determine the best treatment. You might benefit from taking prescription-only erectile dysfunction medicines like Viagra. If you don’t want to visit your doctor to get these, you can seek a prescription from reputable websites such as By taking action like this, you stand to lower your stress levels and improve your love life.
Pressure at work is another major cause of stress among guys. Excessive workloads, a lack of support from managers and bullying are among the most common triggers. There’s no denying the fact that it’s a competitive employment market out there, and you may feel under pressure to accept all the challenges thrown at you by your boss. However, bear in mind that by taking on too much, you may end up doing nothing well. By having the confidence to say ‘no’ sometimes, you can actually make yourself a more effective worker and you can lower your stress levels too.
It’s also important to try to find ways to resolve any problems you have with your managers or colleagues. A more harmonious workplace can do wonders to reduce anxiety.
Last but by no means least, money troubles are an all too common cause of stress. Difficulty balancing the books from month to month can really pile the pressure on guys, and spiralling debt is especially worrying. The threat of redundancy can also be a major concern.
To help limit the anxiety you feel as a result of your finances, try to deal with any problems early on rather than burying your head in the sand and simply hoping they’ll go away. For example, you might benefit from seeking professional advice on how to prioritise your debts.
By following tips like these, you should find it easier to keep your stress levels in check, which is good news for both your body and mind.
Health issues can strike men at any age and stage, but as you get older, you might find that you’re beset by an increasing number of medical problems. By the time you hit midlife, you may have a range of health complications. The important thing is to remember that you’re not alone. As the male body ages, it becomes more susceptible to an array of medical issues. Here are just a few of the more common ones, and some suggestions to help you tackle them.
Sexual problems of any kind can be embarrassing to talk about, and it’s easy to feel isolated and ashamed if you develop difficulties in the bedroom. However, these issues may be much more common than you realise. For example, it’s estimated that around half of men aged between 40 and 70 have erectile dysfunction (ED). This refers to the inability to get and maintain an erection.
Physical causes of ED can include a narrowing of the blood vessels to the penis, hormonal changes, surgery or injury. Meanwhile, psychological issues such as relationship problems, anxiety and depression can also result in ED. Fortunately, help is at hand. There are now medicines available that can give firmer and longer-lasting erections. For example, you can head to trusted websites like to request a prescription for Levitra. This works in a similar way to Viagra and Sildenafil, and when taken 30 to 60 minutes before sex, it can remain effective for around four to six hours.
These medicines can help to boost your confidence and they can prove effective at treating anxiety-related ED. However, bear in mind that they will not address any underlying medical causes like high blood pressure or diabetes. If you think your sexual problems have a physical basis, it’s important to seek information and advice from a medical professional.
In the UK alone, around 16 million people have high blood pressure (hypertension) and once you enter middle age, you are at an increased risk of this. After all, while the cause of most cases of hypertension is unknown, there a number of risk factors – and age is one of them. Other dangers include eating too much salt, not doing enough exercise, being overweight, drinking large amounts of alcohol and smoking.
If your blood pressure readings on separate occasions consistently come out at 140/90mmHg or above, you have hypertension. This is not something to ignore. Bear in mind that, if left untreated, high blood pressure can increase your chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke. In some cases, doctors recommend medication to help bring blood pressure under control. However, lifestyle changes can also lead to an improvement. For example, your doctor may advise you to lose weight, cut back on your salt and caffeine intake, stop smoking, reduce your alcohol consumption, exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet.
If you’ve noticed that your waistline has started to expand since you entered your midlife, you can rest assured you’re not alone. Unfortunately, it’s harder to stay trim as you get older. Between the ages of 30 and 40, people tend to experience changes in their metabolisms that predispose them to putting on extra weight. Also, lots of people find they do less exercise as they get older, often because they don’t have time to hit the gym or head out for a jog.
However, it’s important to make an effort to stay in shape. Health risks associated with obesity include type 2 diabetes, stroke, coronary heart disease and certain types of cancer. To help ensure you stay slim, it’s important to eat a healthy diet and to keep active.
With New Year fast approaching, chances are life has gotten a little messy of late, what with all the excitement and seasonal get-togethers. It is also a time for fresh starts – including your love life. Whether it’s finding a new partner or reinvigorating your long-term relationship, change begins with tidying up your living space and scrubbing up your appearance. After all, a long year takes its toll on all of us, and facing the New Year is easier when you look and feel refreshed. This is the beginning of making an active change.
In general, actively seeking to look tidy and clean can affect your entire outlook and give you a positivity to carry you through the New Year. The Christmas break gives us all a little breathing space to make the changes we’d been planning to make all year but never got around to, like booking in a haircut or sprucing up our wardrobes. While none of things will actively make or break a relationship (that’s on you, we’re afraid) it can give you that boost of confidence you’ll need to approach a new interest or take the next step with your current partner.
You might also take some time to rethink your current look and make some changes. For example, 2014 was the year we reached ‘peak beard’ – and 2015 looks to be the year we’ll once again embrace the shaven visage. No one wants to be dismissed for a dodgy beard or told to remove it by a partner, so start the year by getting prepared. A good start for men would be to trim that beard into shape and face the upcoming year with neatened face fuzz, rather than a Mr Twit extravagance – after all you can always download a replacement beard from the Roald Dahl site if you really miss it.
Your surroundings will also play an important part on your outlook. A tidy living environment helps you keep a tidy and focused mind – and makes an immense difference to how your partner (or prospective partner) feels about spending time there. Plus, if you’re co-habiting, you probably already know how easy it is to bicker about even little household tasks, so a comprehensive tidying up session can actually do wonders for your relationship. Here are a few tips:
No relationship is based entirely on the state of your home or wardrobe, but by building up an all round strategy for self-improvement, you could start up or continue a relationships with renewed vigour – and face the new year with a lasting positive mind set.
Everyone loves a bit of romance, but it can be expensive to keep going out all the time. More and more, people are finding ways to create that romantic feeling at home instead. From a candlelit meal in the kitchen to a snuggle on the sofa, the home is increasingly becoming the preferred site for a date.
So how can you create a clean, clutter-free space to ensure the focus is entirely on your potential partner? Well, here are some top tips for cleaning your house before Mr or Miss Right comes over.
So, by just following a few simple cleaning tips, you’ve made a fitting backdrop for romance and a home ready to welcome your date. Keep up the cleanliness and who knows when those wedding bells will start to ring…
Some people might have experienced wearing contact lenses for more than 12 hours in a day and never dropped a clean solution for dry eyes. The result is having pink eyes or bloodshot eyes the next day. This is called conjunctivitis in scientific terms. It is a commonly occurring irritation that should be treated immediately or else it might get worse. If you are experiencing this and have no time to consult with an eye doctor, here are some home remedies and cleaning tips that can help to remove the pink or red eye.
The initial remedy is to go over the counter of any trusted drugstore and ask for an antihistamine. Histamines are the chemicals known for causing pink eye and other allergy symptoms. Our body system naturally reacts to allergens and it produced histamines. By taking an antihistamine, you can reduce the level of histamines and block them completely.
In contrast with antihistamine, the way a decongestant work is that they control inflammation. It may stop other symptoms from appearing and thereby help prevent eye tissue from getting inflamed. You may use this in a couple of days to clear the symptoms.
When you take a bath, probably the only part of your body that’s seen in the naked eye must be the eye itself. There’s a different way of cleaning the eye (not by soap and water). It is by wiping the eye starting from the inside corner next to your nose. Make sure you have clean hands to prevent bacteria from festering. Then, pass over your entire eye gently to the outside corner. This is to get rid of the discharge or dirty substance from the tear ducts.
Remember not to touch your eyes with unclean hands as the condition may be worsened and you may be passing on the bacteria to things that other people will touch. Pink eye is contagious and it can infect and spread to people around you or those you often get in contact with. Therefore, it will also be helpful if you do not share handkerchiefs, eye cosmetics, contact lenses and solution with them.
Eye drops are mild saline lubricants that can be put artificial tears because they provide replacement of tears in the eyes. If you are wearing contact lenses in the Philippines, remove them first before applying eye drops. Do not try to wear the lenses again until your eyes are completely healed and back to normal. Applying eye drops is easy and this process can specifically aid in soothing out dryness associated with bloodshot eyes. The same lubricant can wash out the contaminants that complicate or prolong other viral, bacterial, or allergic conjunctivitis.
A handy towel with soft texture can be of help this time for a cold or warm compress. You will need a pail of water. Soak the towel in the water and wring out the excess before applying the towel to your closed eyes. If you are experiencing allergic conjunctivitis, ideally you should use a cold compress and gently put pressure. Else, use a warm compress to reduce swelling of viral or bacterial conjunctivitis. As an alternative to water, you may also use tea bags and apply them to your eyes for about half an hour. Chamomile tea is most recommended for further relaxation.
From time to time, people experience conjunctivitis caused by swollen or dilated blood vessels on the sclera, the white outer surface of the eye. While this may appear as a mild disease, it should not be ignored. There are accompanying pains such as itching, eye discharge, swollen and visual disturbances that come along with it.
If the pain does not go away after a few hours, you can still monitor the progress and stay away from places where there is a lot of people. You can request for a leave of absence from school or the office for the meantime. Conjunctivitis should be cured in about three to five days. If the pink eye does not improve within that duration after you have done these home remedies, it is really time for you to visit the doctor.