7 Traits Your Future Spouse Must Have

7 Traits Your Future Spouse Must Have

We all want happy relationships, but there are only a few people who actually achieve the goal of living in happy, supportive and fulfilling relationships. There are way too many people who end up in relationships with partners that are anything but good for them.

Why do they stay in those relationships? Well, some of them stay because they believe that they don’t have any alternatives and others are deluded by love, without even realizing that they make the biggest mistake of their life. The uncomfortable truth is that both men and women end up in relationships and marriages that they shouldn’t end up in.

If you dream about waking up next to your soulmate and marrying a partner who is perfect for you, you should first think about whether or not he or she is really good for you. How do you do that? I am pretty sure that the following seven traits will help you to find out if the person you are currently dating deserves to be your future spouse.

 1. The Ability to Allow Love

7 Traits Your Future Spouse Must Have

7 Traits Your Future Spouse Must Have

I know quite a few people who are living in relationships in which they don’t feel any love. On the one hand, this is quite shocking to me but on the other hand, I can totally understand why there are so many relationships in which one or even both partners don’t feel loved.

The problem is that many people are not able to love. This can have various reasons. Maybe this person was hurt in his or her last relationship and decided to not allow deep emotions anymore. Maybe this person has never experienced how it feels to be loved.

Make sure that the partner you want to marry is able to allow love in his life. Otherwise, you and your partner will never feel truly fulfilled in the relationship.

 2. The Willingness to Support You

Does your partner support you? I don’t want to know if your partner gives you a hug whenever you celebrate an accomplishment. I want to know if your partner is there for you when no one else is. I want to know if your partner holds you when you think that you are drowning under all the stress and pressure.

When I think about the girl that I want to marry I think about someone who is there for me during the good times and during the bad times. If you have a partner who is only there for you when you are smiling and who makes excuses to get away from you as soon as you are in tears, you should think twice before you marry this person.

 3. The Same Goals

Does your partner have the same goals as you? I am sorry to say that but if you are together with someone who doesn’t want to have children and who dreams about traveling the world with you, while you are ready to settle down and to raise a family it is nearly impossible that your marriage won’t end up in a divorce.

Unless your partner has the same goals and the same expectations as you have, you will have a hard time to maintain a happy marriage. Of course it is important to discuss things and to make compromises, but if your expected path goes in completely different directions you won’t end up happily ever after.

 4. Trust and Trustworthiness

In order to maintain a happy relationship your partner has to trust you. This means that you have to be a trustworthy person. The fastest way to gain trust is to always be completely honest and to behave as authentic as possible.

On the other hand, you also have to be able to trust your partner. Trust is reciprocal. As soon as one of both partners loses his trustworthiness and his trust in the other person, the relationship is doomed to fail.

Be as honest as possible and make sure that your partner understands how important trust is for you. Be careful to end up in a relationship with someone who cheated before.  This doesn’t mean that he or she will automatically cheat again, but the inhibition threshold is definitely lower when you have never cheated before.

5. Not Being Afraid of Commitment

Being afraid of commitment and being unwilling to commit to another person, even if this person is absolutely perfect has become an epidemic in our society. It’s all about being as individual as possible. There is no time for family, commitment and supportive relationships.

Today it is a lot harder to find a partner who is willing to commit, but if you are really interested in settling down you have to find someone who wants that. Remember that I told you how important it is to have the same goals in life?

If you are dating someone who is afraid of commitment you might end up alone, because his or her fear was too strong to allow a happy relationship.

6. Emotional Stability

Even the most fulfilling relationship has times that are not so amazing. You will have argument, you will have different opinions and you might even have one or two fights along the way. For people who are emotionally stable this is absolutely no problem.

However, if you are dating an emotionally unstable person an innocent argument could be interpreted as a reason for a divorce. Emotionally unstable people tend to dramatize everything, which can easily lead to rash decisions that they will regret later.

Make sure that you have an emotionally stable partner who won’t think about leaving you after every tiny argument.

7. Being Happy Without You

Everybody wants to have a happy relationship, but the only way to achieve this goal is to date someone who is already happy without you. I know that it sounds counterintuitive but let me explain what I mean.

True happiness comes from within and even though a relationship has the power to increase our happiness level, it should never be the foundation for your happiness. Unless the person you are with is happy without you, he or she won’t suddenly become happy with you.

Find someone who was already happy before he or she met you and your chance to end up in an amazing relationship is much higher.

About the Author singlesnmarried

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