
Top 20 Best Blogs for Marriage & Relationships

Whether you’re dating, engaged, or have been married longer than you were ever single, every couple will benefit when they put time, energy, and love into their relationship. That’s why we have scoured the internet looking for the best blogs on marriage and relationships to help you have the best love life possible.

We have picks from young couples, marriages with a Christian background, sexy advice blogs, licensed marriage therapists and more. No matter what you’re looking for, we’ve found it all!

Without further ado, here are 20 of the best blogs about marriage and relationships that are sure to keep your love life happy, healthy, and right on track.

  1. The Dating Divas

This website and blog focus on date night ideas, features freebies and printable activities for couples to share, hosts a marriage seminar, and helps couples’ bond closer together. There are so many benefits to having a regular date night with your spouse, and the dating divas are “saving marriages, one date at a time.”


Could the title be any clearer? This website focuses on all things marriage and relationships. Couples will find a myriad of helpful articles on dating, marriage, relationship troubles, couple entrepreneurship, and parenting to help them live their best life possible.

  1. Stay Married

It’s no secret that marriage isn’t always easy! Stay Married is a relationship-strengthening blog that contains resources for couples who want to stay married for the long haul. This blog has both helpful marriage articles and a relationship podcast.

  1. The Gottman Institute Blog

Relationship researchers may already be familiar with Dr. Gottman’s method of strengthening marriage through therapy based on the Sound Relationship House Theory. This researched-based blog talks about everything from renewing your vows to taking control of jealousy. This blog is definitely worth the read.

  1. Black and Married with Kids

This blog is the largest independent African American website about marriage and parenting available online. Run by Lamar and Ronnie Tyler, the two share the struggles and joys of maintaining a healthy marriage while parenting.



  1. Emotional Affair Journey

Infidelity, whether emotional or physical, is a huge part of why relationships fail. With the tagline “Follow our journey as we save our marriage after an emotional affair”, this is one marriage that doesn’t shy away from real problems in marriage.

  1. Lovepanky

Lovepanky boasts themselves as “Your guide to better love and relationships” and focuses on articles about sex, marriage, engagement, and keeping that spark alive.

  1. Married and Naked

From dealing with a partner who has a low sex drive to summer date night ideas, this advice website doesn’t shy away from married couples most asked questions!

  1. A Prioritized Marriage

A prioritized marriage reminds couples why it’s important to make their marriage their number one in life. This website has great articles that can bring couples closer together, such as couples bucket lists, marriage advice for newlyweds and more.

  1. Marriage Laboratory

First inspired by her sadness at seeing all the unhappy marriages around her, Celeste launched a blog called “A Thing Called Love” which has now turned into a Marriage Laboratory. This is a fun website that boasts itself as being “Love experiments for busy couples” and caters to the working couple looking to spend a little more quality time together.


  1. Married and Young

Married and Young is a blog that speaks from the perspective of married Christian couple Jamal and Natasha Miller. They share advice with couples and singles about marriage, dating, and getting engaged.


  1. Love Truthfully

This website speaks to wives from the perspective of a newlywed and offers advice on sex, romance, pregnancy, couple’s travel and more.

  1. ADHD Marriage

Do you ever feel like you and your spouse simply cannot pay attention to each other? If so, this blog is for you. Melissa Orlov and Dr. Ned Hallowell share advice with couples about how to remain happy when one partner in the marriage has ADHD.

  1. Love and Marriage Blog

This blog began when its writer, Liz, got engaged to her now-husband. This blog is still going strong and details the everyday life of a working mother and parent.

  1. Marriage Confessions

This blog follows the realistic life of married wife Katie and Chris. They discuss everything from life and love, to what couples need to do when they stop actively listening to one another.

  1. Cosmopolitan

Could any list be complete without mentioning the fabulous Cosmopolitan magazine? This online mag is a one-stop shop for all thing’s marriage and relationships. From dating disaster stories, wedding planning, marital bliss, and an array of titillating and helpful sex advice, Cosmo has it all.

  1. Hot, Holy, Humorous

This online blog covers all things “Sex and Marriage by God’s Design”. Base on their tagline, this blog focuses on how to make Christian marriages thrive and explains the benefits that couples worship can have on a marriage.

  1. Marriage 365

Marriage 365 is a blog that covers serious topics about marriage. From learning how to deal with a self-centered spouse to providing practical tools and resources to create a connection with a partner, this website is truly devoted to helping couples.

  1. To Love, Honor, & Vacuum

From conflict resolution to intimacy, preparing for marriage to keeping the romance alive, To Love, Honor, & Vacuum is a blog dedicated to all things marriage. This website also offers couple’s fun online courses about how to deepen emotional intimacy and how to boost your libido for a healthier marriage.

  1. Refine Us

This website is run by Christian couple Justine and Trisha Davis and helps couples to recognize warning signs to look out for in marriage. This couple stresses on the need for honesty and transparency in marriage and have even written a book devoted to helping couples worldwide.

Are there any couples out there who couldn’t benefit from a little refining? Couples can benefit tremendously from reading the advice found at any one of these fantastic marriage and relationship blogs.



About the Author sylviasmith

Sylvia Smith is a relationship expert with years of experience in training and helping couples. She has helped countless individuals and organizations around the world, offering effective and efficient solutions for healthy and successful relationships. Her mission is to provide inspiration, support and empowerment to everyone on their journey to a great marriage. She is a featured writer for, a reliable resource to support healthy, happy marriages.

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