The Right Diet For Your Hair

The Right Diet For Your Hair

You are what you eat, and this is a statement you must have heard countless times from different sources. If you are trying to lose weight, avoid specific food items. Want great-looking skin? Eat your greens. But how to get great-looking hair is a mystery that has not been fully solved. Here’s letting you into a secret. There is a solid connection between food and healthy hair. The problem is very few people associate healthy food with good-looking, healthy hair. Here are a few must-haves for keeping your hair healthy, shiny, and problem-free.

Iron and Protein:

Lack of iron and protein in your system can not only make your body lethargic but also contribute to hair loss. Iron is found in red meat, fish, poultry, and even green leafy veggies like spinach. Add in some dairy and nuts as well.


You get Omega-3 from fish and more specifically fatty fish like salmon. Two servings a week should suffice for your needs. You can also try a hair care system like Keranique to keep your hair in good shape.


You can get zinc from whole grains, of course, but also eggs. Surprisingly, zinc is also found in oysters! Why not make yourself some Oysters Rockefellers to go with your salmon?


To boost your immune system and give you strong healthy hair, selenium is a must. You can find it in tuna, shrimp, sardines, turkey, cod, chicken, lamb, scallops, and beef.

Vitamin A:

Creates sebum, which is a healthy, natural oil produced in the scalp that is great for hair. Some excellent sources are beef liver, carrots, sweet potatoes, kale, spinach, apricots, broccoli, butter, eggs, and winter squash.

Vitamin D:

You can get Vitamin D directly from the sun as well as from just about any dairy product.

Vitamin E:

Actually protects your hair from harmful sunrays and thickens hair as well. You can get your Vitamin E from almonds, spinach, sweet potatoes, avocados, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, palm oil, butternut squash, trout, and olive oil.

Haircare is not only about eating the right food, but eating in the right quantities. Deficiencies and excesses can harm your hair. That’s why we see so much importance being placed on a balanced diet. Great-looking hair comes only from a disciplined diet and the ability to adhere to it consistently. What you eat reflects on your hair, and that’s why a lot of care and planning should go into your daily food habits.

To add to what we have mentioned above, here are the foods that must be consumed to bring the vitality and healthy bounce back to your hair. Have a look:

Green Tea

Bothered about your dry scalp? A cup of green tea is just what you need to deal with the problem. It is rich in vitamin A which is known to stimulate sebum production, a vital natural oil produced by the body. Put an end to the dehydrated look of your scalp. Add green tea to your diet and give your scalp a soothing feel and a healing touch.


Hair needs all the proteins it can get to remain strong and healthy. If you are looking for a good protein supplement to repair your protein-deprived and damaged hair, walnut is a perfect choice. The healthy and yummy hair-boosting walnuts can make your hair look strong and healthy. It is a simple way to make your hair look great again.


Healthy and shiny hair is what most women yearn for. You can have it too if you make sure your daily diet has a generous serving of Vitamins. And you can get all the vitamins your hair needs from one simple and readily available source – tomatoes. They contain vitamins like A, B, C, and E which act as excellent stimulants for healthy hair. Tomatoes also help strengthen hair roots and prevent hair loss. Add about 2-3 medium-sized tomatoes to your food to get the shine and health back on your tresses.

Coconut Oil

We all know the amazing benefits of coconut oil as a hair stimulant and protector when applied locally. However, it can do even greater wonders if you add this amazing natural oil to your cooking routine. It is known to hold up even when the heat is high and is a wonderful alternative to traditional cooking mediums. Coconut oil has medium-chain fatty acids with anti-microbial and antibacterial capabilities. They can make your hair look healthy and improves hair growth when used regularly. Acquire a taste for this high-value cooking medium and you won’t have to complain about the health of your hair again.


Good hair is all about proteins, and when it comes to protein, the first thing that one remembers is eggs. They are rich in protein and biotin – both vital ingredients for promoting hair growth. Hair follicles are made mostly of protein, and if your diet doesn’t have an adequate amount of this vital nutrient, it shows on your hair. Eggs also contain other hair-healthy nutrients, such as zinc and selenium. This makes it even more important to add eggs to your daily diet.

Of course, it goes without saying that you should eat these foods in the proper amounts and not overindulge. But by incorporating these vitamins and minerals into your every-day diet, you’ll be helping your hair grow strong from the inside out. A side benefit is that you’ll be helping your body grow strong and healthy as well! So remember: It’s not only how you treat your hair from the outside, it’s even more important how you nourish your hair and treat it from the inside as well!

About the Author singlesnmarried

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