The Devil is in the Details When it Comes to Home Decor

Look around your home and pick out the things you love the most about it. You probably picked a variety of accent pieces and maybe a favorite piece of furniture or throw blanket that you curl up with every evening and sip your tea. Did you look up at the lighting fixture? Do you love that? Did you look down at the bullnose skirting surrounding the entire circumference of your room where your walls meet your floor? Did you look at the color of the walls? Sometimes, it’s not the things we add to a room that makes us fall in love with it…it’s the room itself!

What is your favorite room in the house? Why is it your favorite room? Is it the cozy nook you’ve carved out for yourself where you can read quietly while the sun rises across the horizon? Is the dining room where you and your family enjoy meals every evening? What is it about those rooms that makes you love them. Of course a house is really just brick and mortar, but what we do to our house is what makes it a home, and of course, how we live in our house makes it a home.

But there’s no denying that the personal touches we add to our homes over the years make them extra special to us. Especially those first big renovation jobs that we undertake. We take pride in those and that pride lasts for years. Maybe you searched for days looking for just the right flooring for your bathroom makeover. Perhaps you searched high and low to find the perfect single pendant light to hang over your kitchen island. Maybe you received a half used can of wall color and fell in love with it, but only had enough to do an accent wall.

You see, we don’t just pick flooring and wall colors. We fall in love with them. We don’t just pick door knobs and lighting fixtures, because we know these things are going to be in our homes, and our lives, for a very long time. But then, as time slips away, we tend to forget about how much we loved those walls and how much we loved that floor, and we start to focus on the pieces that are added to the room, instead of the room itself.

So the next time you are going to curl up with your next great book and your favorite cup of tea, have a look around the room you are sitting in and remember why you loved the house in the first place. It is the actual house, after all, that you loved when you bought it. It probably didn’t look exactly as you imagined it, but you saw the potential in it and knew that with time, the house could become a home. Those walls would become the backdrop for your family photos, and those floors would become worn with pathways developed over the years. So before you run out and buy another vase to accent your kitchen or family room, take a good hard look at the room itself. It is the detail in the room: the lines on the walls, the grooves in the floor, the miscut skirting running along the floors and walls, that make it so special. The rest is simply lipstick.

About the Author bradr

I love writing about video games almost as much as I love playing them. Beginning with the original NES, I have been playing video games my entire life. My favorite franchises include The Legend of Zelda, Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Doom, and Fire Emblem

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