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Valve Replacement

Heart Valve Disease Symptoms and Causes

Heart Valve Disease is related to heart problems. This problem occurs when one or more valves of your heart do not work properly. There are four valves in the heart. In heart valve disease, blood flow through the heart becomes interrupted. Having such a problem may affect your overall health.
The human heart has four heart valves with membrane structure. The valve’s work in the four-chambered heart is to maintain blood circulation in one direction. The valves are present at the entrance and exit of the upper and lower chambers. Their job is to carry blood forward and prevent them from returning. They become closed even with folded.

The valves engaged in the heart chamber are open and closed with each heart beat. If the heart valves are functioning properly then blood circulation is going forward without any obstruction. If there is contraction in the heart valve or any other problem, the blood does not go completely forward and returns to the rear. Through this article we are telling you about the causes and symptoms of Heart Valve Disease.

Heart Valve disease Reason

When the heart valves become shrinking or hardened, the heart muscles need to work hard to pull the blood. The problem of heart valve disease can also be congenital. Apart from this, this problem can also be caused by some kind of infections. In most cases the problem of heart valve disease is formed later. At times, the reason for such a problem is not known. This problem can also be caused by being afflicted with diseases.

Symptoms of Heart Valve disease

Heart valve disease usually disrupts the flow of blood from the person’s heart. The following are the symptoms of Heart Valve Disease.

  • Small breath
  • Problems with chest during work
  • Heartbeat with fast or intermittent pausing
  • Palpitation
  • Swelling of the legs, ankles and stomach
  • Weakness and laziness
  • Increasing weight with speed
  • Complications of chest pain
  • Feel tired

Treatment of Heart Valve Disease

The doctor will examine you before considering the problem of heart valve, depending on the symptoms. He will talk to you first for investigation. Only after the test will the doctor decide whether to repair or repair your valve after your valve surgery. If the valve is replaced then it is called Heart Valve Replacement Surgery. During the investigation the following steps are done.

With the opening and closing of the heart valve of the patient’s heart, he will feel the sound of blood passing through them.
Through the echocardiogram, the entire picture of the heart valve of the patient will be prepared.
After this magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) will be scanned, in which the picture inside the heart will be prepared through the magnetic field and radio waves.
A chest X-ray image will be taken to examine the patient’s heart.
The doctor will decide whether to repair the patient’s heart valve after the whole investigation or to replace the damaged valve with new valves.

If you are suffering from Heart Valve disease and want to consult with best Heart Valve Surgeon in India then you can contact Vaidam or call on +919650001746 and get to know heart valve replacement surgery cost in india at trusted hospitals. If you need a medical assistant from medical experts and Request a quote, get a free opinion, best treatment plan, medical visa assistance, travel assistance from Vaidam Health.

Coronary artery bypass surgery

symptoms of coronary artery disease, investigation and treatment

Bypass surgery also called Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is a surgical procedure performed to improve the blood flow through blocked artery of heart wherein a blood vessel (graft)from another part of the bodyis taken and an alternative route or a bypass is created.

Heart Bypass surgery cost in India ranges from USD 4500 to USD 6000 which may vary depending upon the specialist chosen, hospital , number of days in hospital , follow up costs .

For most of the patients who have heart bypass surgery, the graft stays open and works well for many years.









The cardiologist will advice CABG depending upon the severity of coronary heart disease, history of previous treatments, general health condition. Bypass is generally performed in cases of

Severe Coronary artery disease or atherosclerosis where coronary arteries become narrow due to fatty deposits thereby reducing blood flow causing an increased risk of heart attack .

When the blockage cannot be managed by medication or balloon angioplasty

Symptoms of coronary artery disease

  • Angina
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Easy Fatigue,Breathlessness on slight exertion
  • Palpitations
  • Swelling in the hands and feet


  • Coronary Angiography performed using dye to study the flow of blood through the coronary arteries, thus locating blockages.
  • Stress Test performed while the heart is working hard due to physical exercises
  • Echocardiography provides information about the size, shape, functioning of heart’s chambers and valves

coronary artery bypass









Bypass Surgery is performed under General anaesthesia with incision in the chest.Grafts can be taken from saphenous vein from the leg, internal mammary artery (IMA), or most commonly radial artery.

The  procedure takes 4 to 6 hours after that the patent is shifted to intensive care unit for monitoring, the patient is hospitalized for  4-7 days.Full recovery may take around two to three months depending on the fitness, age and the severity of the problem.

After bypass surgery there is relief from Angina and improved quality of living and better survival rate.


Top doctors for bypass surgery in India

Bypass surgery does not prevent the blockage from recurring, but lifestyle and diet modifications are helpful in long run and patient can live symptom free for 10-15 years.