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The possibilities of making the kinds of connections you want are very realistic, and many long lasting relationships and marriages have begun via online dating services, not to mention casual relationships as well if that is what you prefer. The possibilities are all right there and waiting for you, but there are a few key rules you need to know and follow in order to find your perfect date online. Download to learn The Golden Rules of Online Dating – 6 essential rules to finding the perfect online date!

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Need Something New To Do On Your Next Date Night?

Need Something New To Do On Your Next Date Night?

Need Something New To Do On Your Next Date Night?

Need Something New To Do On Your Next Date Night?

Finding hobbies you can share as a couple helps make a relationship last.  Whether you’ve just found each other or you’ve been together for years, if you’ve not gone metal detecting together yet you should!  While it might not be the first “couples activity” that comes to mind, metal detecting together has a lot of benefits for a couple and can become an activity you enjoy together throughout your relationship whether you each have your own metal detector or not.

Great for Any Age

It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 80 – you can enjoy metal detecting.  There are light weight machines, long handled shovels and more to help make this a pass time that’s  comfortable and fun for everyone.

Experience the Outdoors Together

Heading outside together can take the pressure off a new relationship and can bring long-term couples even closer together.  Since you can’t go metal detecting indoors, you can experience a range of outdoor settings together when you both head out to find treasure.

Metal Detecting is Safest Using the Buddy System

If you don’t go with your significant other, be sure to take a friend.  Since you’re usually out exploring new terrain metal detecting is the safest using the buddy system.

Get Some Exercise so You Can Stay Together Longer

By the nature of the way you use your metal detector you’ll definitely get some exercise.  You’ll need to walk around nearly the entire time you’re searching for treasure.  Plus you’ll use your arm muscles to swing the machine back and forth while you’re walking.  And, you’ll end up doing some squats as you dig up your treasure onyour next date.

An Affordable Date

Once you have a metal detector (you only need one, although having two can be fun as well) and your metal detecting tools, you’re all set to have an affordable (read Free!) date any day of the week.  In fact, metal detecting may even be one of the only date night activities where you could actually make some money instead of spend it.

Boost Your Treasure Hunting Effectiveness

Metal detecting with your partner can also boost your  overall effectiveness by allowing you help each other with the metal detecting.  After all, two heads are better than one!  Working together you can –

  • Help each other differentiate between treasure tones and trash tones.
  • Share the labor of unearthing your treasure and save time by having one person dig while the other uses the pinpointer.
  • And, if you both have metal detectors you can search twice the area in half the time.

Enjoying the Spoils Together is Better

The most exciting thing about metal detecting is discovering what’s underground and learning more about it’s history, and it’s worth once you’re back home.  The only thing that’s more exciting than that is to find these unique treasures with someone you love.

Find Other Shared Interests

As you’re out metal detecting together, you’ll have time to talk, discover more about each other, and find additional shared interests.  Not only that, through metal detecting you may be led to other interests that are totally new to both of you that you can now explore together such as hiking, history, antiquing, coin collecting, gold panning, geocaching, gardening, and so much more.

Finding activities you can appreciate together is the foundation of any successful relationship.  If you already have a passion for metal detecting, take your partner along with you next time.  If you’ve never been metal detecting – try it with your partner.  Whether it’s your first date or you’re just looking for something to do since the kids are gone, metal detecting is a perfect activity for any couple to enjoy together.

Featured images:
  •  License: Image author owned

About the author: Michael Bernzweig manages MetalDetector.com in Southborough, MA. He has written extensively on the subject of metal detecting since the mid 1980’s. He has traveled world-wide in his pursuit of educating, exploring and advising others in the proper use of metal detectors. Outside of the business he enjoys mentoring students, being involved in the community and spending time with his family.