The possibilities of making the kinds of connections you want are very realistic, and many long lasting relationships and marriages have begun via online dating services, not to mention casual relationships as well if that is what you prefer. The possibilities are all right there and waiting for you, but there are a few key rules you need to know and follow in order to find your perfect date online. Download to learn The Golden Rules of Online Dating – 6 essential rules to finding the perfect online date!
So you’re ready to take the next step, but have no idea where to start? Proposing is a daunting task that can be very scary. What ring do I pick out? Where do I take my partner? What do I say? Those are just some of the questions that are racing through your brain now that you’ve decided to get down on one knee. Even though it seems like there is a lot to do, it will be much simpler than you think! Just let your passion and love for your special someone guide you to make the right choices.
The engagement ring is the first place to start. There are no rules for proposing. You should spend what is in your budget and whatever will make your partner happy. But what ring do you choose? The first step is metals. Take a look at the jewelry your fiance-to-be loves to wear. Is it gold or silver? This is very crucial because most people will have a preference for one or the other. They will want to wear their engagement ring every day so it’s important to pick out a metal that goes with their normal jewelry. If there is more gold tones, then get a gold band. The same thing goes for silver!
The stones are the next big part of an engagement ring. There are quite a variety to choose from and this really depends on your significant other’s personal style. Diamonds are the classic choice which can come in many colors and sizes. No matter the color or size, the 4 things you need to know about diamonds are cut, color, clarity, and carat. The cut affects the sparkle of the diamond so it’s the most important! Color only refers to white diamonds because they can range from a dull yellow to a brilliant white. A diamond’s clarity refers to the amount of tiny imperfections on its surface. This is not noticeable to the naked eye. Carat is the weight of a diamond. If a smaller diamond is cut well, then the carat will not matter as much!
Another option is unique stones like sapphires or opal. If your fiance-to-be has a unique style, then this may be a great idea! To get a feel for if they would be interested in a gemstone engagement ring or not, ask their opinion on Princess Kate’s ring or a friend’s. Your partner’s reactions to those will help you decide what to get. Many jewelers, including Blue Nile, offer an assortment of engagement rings from diamonds to gemstones, allowing you to find the ring of your fiance’s dreams.
How many failed relationships do you have behind you? Why did they fail? Could any of them be saved? Relationships break all the time. Sometimes it’s difficult to break up, and sometimes we are so sick and tired of everything that a break-up comes as a sort of relief. Still, if you are in a relationship you care about, you probably don’t want it to end. So, what can you do if you’ve hit a rough patch? Here are suggestions.
After you’ve been in a relationship for a while, the excitement wears off. Your partner isn’t something new and exciting in your life, but something that’s been around for a while, and is not as thrilling anymore. Your relationship may become a source of frustration, and you may start thinking that it’s simply not worth it. Now is the time to stop and re-evaluate everything. Why do you love your partner? What are some of their great characteristics that make them an important part of your life? Do they make you a better person? Just thinking about this can be enough for you to realize that you’ve been taking them for granted, and gain a fresh perspective on your relationship.
Communication is one of the most important things in any relationship, romantic or otherwise. You need to be able to clearly say what you want, and what you won’t stand for. That’s the easy part. The tricky part is choosing your words and timing. If you think that your partner drinks too much, don’t say so when they’re already drunk. Wait for them to start thinking clearly once again, and speak to them calmly and rationally about the problem. Do not make the conversation about them, make it about the problem.
You and your partner need to admit that your relationship is facing a difficult period. Once you do, you can consciously make working on it a priority. You can skip your cocktail night with the girl in order to spend a bit more time with your significant other. He doesn’t have to watch the game if you need emotional support because you’re going through a rough patch at work, or having a family crisis. Both of you need to make a conscious effort to rediscover each other as your support system, romantic partner, and best friend.
Find some activities you like doing together. Are you both into golf? Head straight to Swing Eagle and get some lessons together. Always wanted to learn a new language? Find a language school and start learning French or Spanish. Find something you both enjoy, and spend some meaningful time together. It will strengthen your bond and it will prevent you from thinking that your time together is spent on just being together, without any other benefit. Don’t overdo it, though. You shouldn’t feel like your significant other is invading every single aspect of your life, which leads us to our next point.
You need to set boundaries. That means telling your partner clearly that you need some time for yourself. You probably don’t want your partner present at every girls’ or boys’ night, and you need to communicate that sentiment clearly. Maybe you just need some me-time, and it is absolutely within your rights to say so. Of course, you need to respect your partner’s boundaries as well. It’s not healthy to let your life revolve around a single person. It makes you feel dependent and weak. You simply need to make a point of having a fulfilled life on your own, and then you can commit to a healthy relationship.
To forgive is to leave all the negative emotions behind and move on. True forgiveness will let you forget the painful memories and focus on the future of your relationship. If you continue to linger on hurtful memories you will only prolong the agony. Achieving a peaceful and harmonious relationship is going to require a lot of hard work and dedication. It is a continuous process and both of you will have to show each other that you care and that you are willing to give it your all.
Talk to your friends and family. Ask them if they have ever been through a similar situation. Even though what you are going through might be different, you will still learn a lot from their experience. Every story might give you a different perspective on what ails you and possibly an unique way of saving your relationship. You can also be encouraged by stories of others, once you realize that people whose relationships were in a much worse spot are still living happily together, you might feel that your problems are not as bad as you have initially thought.
Sex is a very important aspect of a relationship. It is also usually the first thing to disappear if there is something wrong. It brings you and your partner closer, and it makes your bond stronger. Therefore, you need to keep your sex life alive, even when it’s inconvenient. If you have children, let them spend a weekend at their grandparents’ house, so you and your partner can spend some alone time. Find a way to make things work.
Be open about your emotions. Don’t close yourself off because this will only make your partner feel more insecure. Openly tell them you love them. This will help you reestablish the trust you lost. Once you become more open about your emotions and your commitment, you`ll come to a point where all the burden you have been carrying is just going to disappear. You will feel more relaxed and more willing to invest even more in your relationship. Also, don`t hesitate to show them love by buying an awesome and unique gift.
Like all things in life, relationships require some work. Some challenges will be more difficult than others and sometimes you will fail to do your part. Never forget that everything is not always perfect, but if you try, you can definitely save your relationship.
There’s a time in everyone’s lives where they want to stop hanging out and begin going on dates. If that’s where you are, you need some fantastic first date ideas to woo the special someone on the first date. While people always dread the first date, research shows that most people decide the future of the romance on the very first evening.
Here’s your cheat sheet to an excellent first date –
Always have a plan
First, you need to have a plan. There is nothing worse than sitting on the couch with your date wondering what to do for the evening. If you have been friends, that’s great news because that will give you an idea about what he or she might want to do the first evening together. The first meeting between just the two of you can be awkward, which is why it is necessary to meet outside, at a neutral place like a restaurant.
Check out food preferences
Second, find out what your date likes to eat. Is he or she a vegetarian? Does he or she love a juicy steak? Do you want your date to be casual and a “burger and fries” joint? Or, do you want to do something special like a romantic dinner? It is essential to plan this part because both of you can prepare accordingly. If it is a visit to a classy wine and dine restaurant, you should dress respectably. Frayed jeans and a casual t-shirt might not be that welcome at an upscale place. So, research the restaurant, check the menu and withdraw cash from the ATM just in case there’s an emergency.
Research the place’s menu
Third, research the restaurant’s menu. If your date is vegan, you must ensure that the place you picked specializes in vegan food as well. In most of the regular sites, the vegetarian options are limited, and they usually do not have vegan alternatives to their regular items. If you are not sure about a particular diet, he or she is on like a keto diet, or an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet, make sure the place serves something up to his or her expectations. Restaurants that do not have their menu online, usually answer questions regarding their menu options over the phone.
Check the quality of service
Fourth, check the reviews and ratings of the restaurant. Sometimes, a place might serve all the food you can think of, but many of the items on the menu can be of subpar quality. That is completely unfortunate, but it is true. There is nothing worse than sitting on either side of a gorgeous tabbouleh salad and not being able to dig into it! Then check if you will need reservations. Do not get your hopes up without knowing how long the average seating time is, or how long ago you have to book for a fine dining experience.
Great food is the best social and romantic glue. There is nothing like bonding over common food interests with a new person. On a first date, always try to be sensitive, appreciative and supportive. Having an impressive spread in front of you with a delicious bottle of wine is all you will need to spill your heart and listen as your date reciprocates.
Reentering the dating scene when you are a senior can be a frustrating and even scary experience. You might feel like your flirting skills are a bit rusty, to say the least, or you might think that there’s simply no chance you’ll ever find anybody at your age. However, the truth is, there are plenty of fish in the sea no matter how old you are, and dating a senior tends to be much more straightforward. So, if you’ve reached your golden years and are still looking for the one, here are a few tips that might help you out.
Since we do live in the digital age when we can work online, pay our bills online, and even shop online, why not find love online as well? As awkward as it might have been when it first started, online dating has become quite popular nowadays, and it’s not hard to see why. It is relatively safe because it allows you to talk to whoever you choose for as long as you feel comfortable, and you can back out at any point without much risk for your privacy. Plus, it allows you to focus on getting to know each other instead of just physical appearance. Some dating sites are even made especially for seniors, so there are definitely plenty of choices when it comes to online platforms.
If online dating hasn’t worked for you, or if it simply isn’t your thing, you can also try signing up to a matchmaking agency. With so many people looking for their true love, matchmaking has become a lucrative business, so you should give it a try. You wouldn’t need to create an online profile, upload any photos, or spend hours browsing the sites. Instead, you’d make an appointment and talk to a professional matchmaker about your interests, hobbies, experiences, and of course, what kind of partner you’re looking for. After that, it’s all in their hands, and they’ll let you know when they find you a suitable date. The only downside is that it can sometimes be a bit costly, and there is still no guarantee that they will find you what you’re looking for.
A great way to find somebody who shares your interests is to join a club that emphasizes those interests. For example, if you love reading, you can join a book club; if you’re into games, there are many clubs dedicated to board games. You can also learn something new and join a course, like a cooking school or a gardening program. Combine your needs and wishes, and find a hobby that you’ll enjoy doing. Plus, this is not only a great way to meet new people, but it’s also a great reason to stay engaged throughout your retirement.
One thing is for sure, if you’re not doing anything online, you’re not going to find anybody just by sitting inside your home. You need to get out there and meet new people, so find a reason to do that. Get a dog and walk it every day, ride a bicycle or exercise, go for walks in the park, find something enjoyable that you can do outside. If you’re not an active type, or if you have some specific medical needs, you can also move to one of the professional aged care homes like Bellmere and perhaps meet somebody new there.
Last but not least, in order to attract the right person, you have to be, well, attractive – and not just physically. So, work on yourself, keep gaining new skills and developing those that you already have. Practice a healthy lifestyle, have fun with your free time, and most importantly, don’t feel pressured about finding the one. If it’s meant to happen, it will, and stressing out about it can only cause you to rush and make mistakes when somebody you like does show up. After all, the more you like yourself, the more others will like you as well. This doesn’t mean you should become arrogant, though, but a healthy dose of confidence is always attractive.
It’s never too late to find love, and even though there are no guarantees in life, you’re more likely to find what you’re looking for if you actually look for it instead of wait for it to find you. What is certain, though, is that by working on yourself and engaging in social activities is bound to make you a much happier person and your future relationships much healthier as well.
Being a single parent isn’t easy at all. All the everyday obligations and expenses fall on your shoulders, so it’s very important to be able to withstand the pressure. Your children need you to be strong and positive, and here’s how you can achieve that and fight the stress.
Single parents often have a lot of support from the side that comes either from members of the extended family or even community groups like churches and single parent support groups. Don’t be shy to ask for help – it’s perfectly understandable. The help can also come from civic groups that will include you into your local community or even the school your kids go to. Just make yourself a part of something.
There’s nothing worse than parents undermining each other when it comes to their kids’ discipline. It’s the same with divorced parents – children need consistency and clear rules to thrive. It will be much more stressful for you and your kids to stick to the rules and don’t bend them when you feel too tired or angry – it will pay off in the long run.
You children should do chores around the house not just to earn their pocket money but to help you out, too. It will also make them feel proud of their contribution but it’s important for you to praise their efforts and recognize their help every time they do a chore. You are a team so you need to function like one. You can’t do everything on your own.
Yes, you have tons of laundry to take care of and a dinner to make but every once in a while know that you need to change your priorities from time to time. Leave all your work and simply be a parent – play with them, watch a movie together or take a walk to the park together. A functional family is the one where all the members feel the love of the others and their appreciation.
It’s possible to raise happy kids in single-parent families. The key is to make it clear for your kids that they are your main priority but don’t go overboard and make them feel like they are the sun around which everything revolves. This will help them get prepared for the real world. Children need to be learned how to balance between their own wishes and wishes of other family members. The needs of others in their family are as equally as important as theirs, so teach them to take that into consideration.
It’s easier said than done, especially if you have experienced a painful divorce or the death of your spouse. Still, a positive attitude will bring you a lot of benefits. Children can sense your general mood, so try to make it a positive one. The best way to fight stress is to get enough rest, exercise on a daily basis and have balance in your life, meaning finding some time for yourself. It’s ok to be sad sometimes -share it with your kids but let them know they are not the cause of your sadness.
Sooner or later different questions will pop up and answering them might not be easy – questions regarding the changes in the family or the absence of one parent. As unpleasant as it may be, your kid has the right to know the truth and it is up to you to find the right manner to convey the facts to them. You should answer in an honest, straight-forward and age-appropriate manner. Divorce isn’t an easy process and even though you’re going through some turbulent times, bare in mind that your kid also needs love, support and help to navigate through this emotional rollercoaster.
Raising a family just on one income or getting child support from your ex-spouse is a very challenging thing. Many single parents in Australia choose to deal with this aspect with the help of professional to guide them through this difficult situation. Doolan Wagner family law experts and others that provide advice to single parents know how challenging it will be to plan for your kids’ college or to budget your money every month. You need to make a long-term plan that could also include your retirement plan and even going back to school or attending a course.
When not having your life partner around, the trap many single parents fall into is relying too much on their kids – mostly emotionally, for companionship, support and comfort. As much as your kids are willing to offer these things to you, you should bear in mind that they have neither the capacity nor the life experience enough to fulfill this role. As challenging as this may be, you should pay attention not to depend on them too much, and not express frustration their direction too often. Instead, you should turn to the adult friends or to a counselor to help you re-build your safety net.
Try your best to schedule your chores, meals and bedtimes at more or less same hours – your children need consistency in their lives, It’s important for them to know what to expect and when. It will make them feel more secure while you will be far more organized. It will hugely reduce your level of daily stress.
Like everything else in life, adapting to a single parent life takes time. Both you and your kids will face challenges from time to time but you will be able to remain positive and calm and transform this new situation to a more enjoyable one for the whole family despite the obstacles if you stick to this list.
Breakups are hard, but picking up the pieces afterward is even harder. They can sometimes be very serious and impair your health and wellbeing. While this is all understandable, it’s the consequences that are the most damaging to a person. After a while of being in a relationship with another person, you have to learn to be with yourself again. Just like every person we met changed us a little, so did the ex-partner and now we need to accept who we are. This is probably the hardest part of the whole process since the last thing we feel is being ready to face the world. Nonetheless, you are beautiful and will start feeling that way again. With time and persistence
you will get there, just be patient and try some of the following tricks that worked for so many
You had interests before and during the relationship, so it’s no time to stop having them now.
Do what makes you fulfilled even if it’s something small like reading or watching your favorite TV show. Don’t deprive yourself of the things that make you happy like you are undeserving. You have every right to feel joy and happiness again, so go for it. The beauty comes both from within and outside, and it’s at its prime when these two work together.
Exercising will get your body in shape and also make you feel better and rejuvenated at the
same time. This is because during workouts our body produces chemicals that influence the
way we feel. One of those chemicals is endorphin which triggers positive feeling known as
“runner high.”
Another important chemical is serotonin which is a mood-booster and really a good thing to
have when you are down. Norepinephrine is a chemical and a hormone at the same time
produced by the adrenal glands. It will keep your focus and concentrate on certain things, like
starting to feel beautiful again after a breakup.
Healthy habits should be part of everybody’s life, no matter of the circumstances. But after a
break up you feel too broken to think about anything healthy and usually spend time eating
whatever’s at hand. To avoid this, create a healthy meal plan which will help make grocery
shopping easier and add some new recipes to make everything more interesting.
Set your alarm to an earlier time than usual, so you can do some morning stretching and have
breakfast in peace. Walk as much as you can during the day and spend time outside during
weekends cycling, hiking or just strolling through the park with your best friend.
A daily beauty routine is something that shouldn’t be neglected, both in the morning and
evening. Start by splashing some cold water on your face to wake up and then continue with
cleaning. Use products that are appropriate for your skin and don’t forget an SPF cream before
you leave the house.
You may don’t feel like putting on some makeup, but start little by little with some mascara and
concealer. And build your makeup regime from there and even try some new techniques you
can learn from numerous tutorials online.
You and your ex are broken up, so don’t try to fix your relationship by staying friends. It’s best to
keep your distance in the beginning and allow yourself to find your bearings. It’s okay to stay
friends but that can’t happen right after a breakup and it needs time.
Talking with your ex will create a false idea of your relationship and right now you need to get to
know yourself. It sounds scary, but it is also an exciting new road ahead that will bring you many
great things if you let it.
You are a volcano of emotions right now which may cloud your judgment and prevent you to
move forward. In order to be able to do so, you need to find your calm. That is where yoga or
meditation might help considerably, even if practiced 20 minutes a day.
Also, since you might be experiencing sleep disorders, try apps that will help you fall asleep
more comfortably. If the problem persists, it’s better to seek expert help but try some brown or
pink noise first and see if it soothes you.
Cosmetic treatments vary and some may be extreme while others are only touch-ups. Not
everything is resolved in the operating room, and sometimes you may need only some dermal
fillers to look great. But the cosmetic treatments have gone pretty far in this modern
technological age. For an example, going for a facelift procedure might just be that little push you need to raise
your self-esteem sky high.
Instead of spending time on social media, make a break from the digital world and choose some
good old-fashioned face-to-face conversation. Talk to your friends, family members, and a
therapist if you feel the need. Communication is important. There isn’t anything shameful in feeling bad about yourself, and people who care for you will easily explain to you why you are so beautiful. This will also help raise your self-esteem and ultimately might make it easier for you to talk to a potential date.
People who love you will always be the first to tell you your best attributes while helping you to
overcome your troubles. So, don’t be afraid to ask for help even if it’s about doubting your
gorgeousness and beauty.
You will start feeling beautiful again after a breakup – it is not the matter of “if”, but “when”. The most important thing to remember, however, is that your beauty didn’t leave you when you and your partner ended your relationship. Everything seems tough now, but the best news is that it will only get better if you get up and start having the most important relationship of your life – the one with yourself.
When it comes to dating, you should focus only on what would turn the other person on. Rather, think about the things that would turn the person off.
Major let-downs for women can range from superficial, such as physical features and hygiene, to absolutely offensive, like beliefs and manners.
If you’re a guy and is new to dating, here are 13 of the biggest deal breakers women share.
If you’re dishonest on the very first date, then there’s no way you’ll be asked for a second date. We all deserve truth and authenticity. Any kind of dishonesty, whether it’s as trivial as your favorite hobby or as extreme as your marital status, is an immediate red flag.
Women and men alike won’t be interested in someone who feels the need to misrepresent their age, height, marital status, occupation, financial stability, possessions, and vices.
If you’re always running late or can’t totally show up from time to time (even when you’re sending fresh, beautiful flowers) , your date may imply that you’re not serious, or worse, you’re self-centered. Time is precious, so wasting your date’s time repetitively is a strong signal for her to look elsewhere.
Nothing turns off a woman faster than a man who doesn’t even make an effort to look and smell decent and presentable.
Combed hair, clean, newly-laundered clothes, fresh breath and regularly brushed teeth, tidy nails, clean ears, washed hands, and pleasant (not even scented with expensive perfume) smell all over – are these too much to ask?
It’s not just a matter of being unpleasant. When a guy doesn’t seem to be taking care of himself, that could be a sign that he’s looking for someone to take care of him – and no, that shouldn’t be the woman’s problem.
There’s a fine line between being “carefree” and “lacking the ambition.” You don’t have to have big goals for yourself and for your future partner. However, you must have some goals and work to get close to that pursuit.
Being unemployed is a top deal breaker for women, especially if you’re still living in your mother’s nest. Not that most women can’t provide for themselves – unemployment implies you’re not where you want to be, thus are not stable both financially and emotionally.
Depending and living with your parents while in your 20s or 30s may suggest co-dependence, fear of commitment, and the lack of motivation and emotional maturity.
Smoking has long been considered as a major turn off, especially for non-smokers. But for some, dating a smoker is okay as long as the person is responsible enough to smoke in designated areas, control the intake, and work to curb the unpleasant effects like bad breath and smelly clothes and house.
The real problem occurs when the person has been addicted to smoking to the point it’s unbearable. Same goes with alcoholism, gambling, and drug abuse. Addiction affects not only the heart, lungs, and gut – it damages the mind, which can be a major relationship issue in the long run.
There are three types of men with poor communication skill;
One, the guy who nods at everything his date talks about, and answers only when asked. Two, the guy who doesn’t appear to be listening and fails to give feedback on what has talked about. Three, the guy who wants to talk about no one but himself and his greatness, disabling the date to speak up.
Isn’t it a bummer when you have spent hours to be presentable and your date has a divided attention because his phone is glued to his hand?
Smartphones kill genuine conversations – and relationships. When you’re on a date, gentlemen, it’s a no-brainer to free yourself from all your distractions. Forget checking e-mails, sports scores, or game night invites by your bros.
Excuse me? We’re not in the 1950s. If you throw these questions on the first date, then there’s no point in continuing.
There’s a fine line between expressing attraction and being pushy about sex. It’s all about the intention. Women looking for a serious relationship immediately back off when a man can’t shut up about how much he wants to “bed” her on the first date and it’s getting uncomfortable.
No woman can trust a guy whose IG feed is loaded with pictures of scantily clad party girls, vain gym mirror selfies, and photos of women he has dated in the past (or is currently dating).
Several children, multiple women, and complicated relationship or unfinished business with an ex – these are some of the “excess baggage” a man may have. To make it worse, some men with an excess baggage even negatively talk about their ex or children on the first date. These are deal-breakers since no person wants to be dragged into the unnecessary mess and drama.
A guy who is genuinely kind-hearted respects, not only his date but everyone in the room – including the servers and sanitary personnel. Experts agree: you can tell a lot about a man by how he treats those in the service jobs.
Listen up: If the man yells and badmouths the restaurant staff, and is basically rude to other people, then it’s a red flag, revealing a preview of how he might treat the lady as they go on. Other red flags include road rage, failure to compromise several times, failure to accept blame, and manipulating behavior.
The first impression lasts, they say. But chances are, if a guy shows up with one or a few of these major turnoffs, he may not score a second or third date to redeem himself and score a potential good relationship with a great woman.
Author Bio: Carmina Natividad is one of the writers for The Relationship Room, a couples psychology institution specializing in relationship counseling and therapies for couples and families.
Because Bouquets Are So Passé.
If you’re surprising your lover with flowers, chances are you’re going to grab a presentation-style bouquet, which is pre-selected in a flower shop or local supermarket. Presentation bouquets generally look like this: a bunch of flowers tied together and typically adorned with dry waxed paper or floral tissue, jutte fabrics, and mesh ribbons.
They are nice and convenient, but they can be, well, clichéd and predictable – especially if you’re giving it to a long-term spouse whom you’ve been giving bouquets for years.
Don’t get me wrong – there’s nothing sweeter than receiving a handheld bouquet filled with vibrant and freshly-picked flowers of your taste. But wouldn’t it be nicer to receive flowers that have a dash of creativity and personality into it?
If you’re sending flowers for your wife, girlfriend, or special someone but you want to elevate your usual handheld bouquet and give something unexpected, here are 10 wonderful ideas to keep in mind.
If your wife loves both tea and flowers, then an English country garden-inspired teapot full of blooms is the best way to go. A lovely arangement of roses, daisy, and poms in feminine pastel-hued pots would definitely brighten up their day.
For a rustic, “fresh from the garden” look, use rustic watering cans. The pale, timeworn look of watering cans add charm to the arrangement of vibrant blooms. You may also loop wire around the handle so it can be hung on the door for a beautiful display.
You may use the same approach for ceramic mugs, painted bottles, and vividly-colored jars.
Love metals and vintage prints? Your recipient would definitely love blooms in old, vintage canisters. They come in different designs, from old-fashioned floral patterns to 50s-inspired typography and poster signages. Even vintage soup and coffee tin canisters elevate your floral arrangement.
Forget conventional vases and put old lanterns to use. Antique lanterns make romantic flowers arrangements, like roses, baby breath, and foliage, even dreamier. They also make a nice centerpiece for one’s home.
If your recipient loves a wild arrangement of pretty pastel flowers, then wooden containers, like crates, would make perfect vessels. Aside from roses, flowers like hydrangeas, lisianthus, and snapdragons look stunning on crates.
Bouquets usually come with a box of chocolates and other confectioneries , but wouldn’t it be nice if you give something sweet but healthier? Pair your fresh blooms with sweet edibles, that are also freshly picked – fruits. Flowers and fruits go well with each other since they’re both vibrant plants. They also make great “get well soon” gifts for a lover or friend who needs healthy munchies to recover.
Who doesn’t love mini versions of anything? Be creative enough to turn smaller floral varieties into cute mini bouquets. You may scrimp on size but never on beauty, since they look lovely when attached to greeting cards and love letters for your special someone.
If you’re overly cheesy and romantic, you can never go wrong with the classic heart-shaped floral arrangement. A heart-shaped arrangement of roses, which may come in one solid color or multi-color, make a perfect gift for Valentine’s day, wedding anniversary, and your loved one’s birthday.
Giving a floral wreath is one splendid way to opt out of handheld bouquet without losing the sweet gesture of “giving flowers for your love.” Floral wreaths look amazing, whether they are in bold and vibrant hues or pretty pastel hues. For a more earthy appeal, use a grapevine wreath and adorn with your recipient’s favorite flowers. They make a lovely door and wall decoration.
Don’t throw your broken umbrella yet! You can fill it with your love’s favorite blooms, tie it with some pretty ribbons, and tada – you have a beautiful bouquet that looks quirky and out of the box! It’s multi-purpose too – you can use the handle for hanging the blooms and using it as a wall or door décor.
Author Bio: Carmina Natividad is one of the writers for The Relationship Room, a couples psychology institution specializing in relationship counseling and therapies for couples and families.
Just because you’re not gifted with Hollywood-worthy facial features and strong and lean physique doesn’t mean you can’t be attractive.
In contrary to stereotypes, women are pretty much easy to please. There are certain masculine features that make us swoon, and chances are that most guys are unaware of them.
A woman’s level of attractiveness goes beyond mere stunning looks.