The possibilities of making the kinds of connections you want are very realistic, and many long lasting relationships and marriages have begun via online dating services, not to mention casual relationships as well if that is what you prefer. The possibilities are all right there and waiting for you, but there are a few key rules you need to know and follow in order to find your perfect date online. Download to learn The Golden Rules of Online Dating – 6 essential rules to finding the perfect online date!
I’m going to share my story of both my best and worst date which both took place in the last few years during my ongoing search for love…again. I’m still a single widow today but am convinced I will find another man to make me happy again, especially now that I’m back on the dating scene and have experienced all kinds of strange and wonderful moments in that time.
This time last year I had the most incredible date with a hugely interesting man who I met online. What made it so unique and memorable was that I had no idea what the plan was so the spontaneity of it was something I instantly loved. He picked me up from my house on a Friday evening after work (I trusted him enough to give him my home address through conversations online and the phone, he seemed very genuine). He knocked on my front door stood there with a bunch of flowers. What a start I thought, his romantic side evident from first sight.
Us women pick up on every detail when it comes to dating. From his well polished shoes to his nicely groomed facial hair I was definitely impressed within the first 5 seconds. And at the end of the drive way was a beautiful sparkling silver Porsche. Lovely!
As we sped off in his fancy car I had mixed emotions; nervous, excited and intrigued. As much as I asked throughout the journey, he gave me no insight in to where we were heading. I went along with it willingly as I trusted him. Strange for someone I had just met but he gave off that sort of vibe.
We arrived at a beautifully looking Indian restaurant which was next to the river and he actually reserved a table overlooking the tremendous views. It was a warm, wonderful evening too which made it even better. Looking back now it was quite a gamble for him to choose an Indian restaurant as it’s a cuisine which isn’t for everyone. Thankfully for him I wasn’t in that minority. The food was delicious and so too was the bottle of red wine that we shared.
The conversation flowed throughout the entire meal which isn’t always easy but we seemed to have so much in common from enjoying golf to having the same opinions on general affairs. It was all going so smoothly it felt so natural as if we had known each other for years. Perhaps this is to be expected from a true gentlemen but he also paid the entire bill which is a big tick in the dating department for me, not because I’m materialistic or expect a man to pay for everything, but because it’s just “the thing that’s done” by a man on a first date in my eyes.
If the date had ended there I would have been more than satisfied and content but to my surprise, again, we went to a bar just around the corner which played live music. My kind of scene! They played a mixture of songs, from cheesy classics to rock and roll greats. We continued to indulge in deep conversation and drinks which made the time pass by so quickly. Too quickly for my liking in truth. I wish the night hadn’t ended.
Sometimes less is more and as basic as this date may sound it had everything a first date needed; A gentlemen, surprises, food, drinks, music and even a first kiss. Little did I know that it would also be the last kiss with this particular person. To my devastation, he decided he didn’t want to meet up again. I guess it was too good to be true.
I’ve had several bad dates in my time from back when I was a teenager all the way up to now. But there was one stand out winner of the worst date which was just a few months ago. Dating is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. It’s very much a case of trial and error unless you’re lucky enough to strike gold first time.
This particular date that I went on was a complete and utter shambles. This time we planned to meet for lunch on a Saturday afternoon in a country pub, midway between our two houses. We said we would meet at 1pm and being the punctual woman I stuck to my word. He, however, certainly did not. He kept me waiting there for about 45 minutes with no communication during that time. The only reason I was still there was because I thought I’d make the most of it and stick around for a drink on my own having made the effort to drive there Nevertheless, being the forgiving woman I am I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and move on with the date.
With his apology accepted we got talking briefly but he seemed more interested in the food menu since he had his head buried in it. Now I’m a huge fan of food but I’m also a fan of manners and completely ignoring someone while they’re speaking to you is as rude as it gets in my opinion. Even more so if it’s the first 5 minutes of a first date!
It turned out that he was just generally a rude person. He was rude to the waiter on several occasions, demanding cutlery and then moaning about the food which was completely out of the waiters hands. Complaining to the waiter that there was too much fat on his gammon seemed pointless and ridiculous to me.
When we finally got talking it was all about him. I hardly managed to get a word in. It got to the point where I genuinely had no interest in being there and all I could think about was how much I wanted to get up and leave. To this day all I think to myself is “does this man really think I’m enjoying this date?” No one wants to be talked at for a whole hour, especially not on a first date. Don’t get me wrong, I certainly wanted to find out about him but he didn’t do it in the right way.
The icing on the cake though was when the bill came. He had zero intention of paying anything more than what he ordered. To my disbelief, he actually studied the receipt to make sure he wasn’t paying for anything I had ordered. To say I’m glad to see the back of him is an understatement. That was the end of that! / Twitter – @snrdatingblog / Facebook – @seniordatingblog / Instagram – @seniordatingblog
The night is still young, you walk in and see the beautiful lady you have been texting for the longest time. It was just the other day that you decided to meet up for a first date. Everything seems blurry to you. This is all new, considering you have been experiencing the longest dry-spell in the history of dry spells. This is definitely a make or break moment for you. The first date either leads to the next or you going back to your ex asking what you did wrong again. It is an avenue to open up to each other, and if you play your cards right, you might actually seal the deal. In order to pull this off, attention to details is key. Continue reading