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Download The Golden Rules of Online Dating

The possibilities of making the kinds of connections you want are very realistic, and many long lasting relationships and marriages have begun via online dating services, not to mention casual relationships as well if that is what you prefer. The possibilities are all right there and waiting for you, but there are a few key rules you need to know and follow in order to find your perfect date online. Download to learn The Golden Rules of Online Dating – 6 essential rules to finding the perfect online date!

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Koh Yao Noi: Thailand’s Best Island for Your Honeymoon

When it comes to the best islands in Thailand for honeymoon, Koh Yao Noi stands at the top of any list. Getting to Koh Yao Noi is not complicated since it’s located in the Andaman Sea in the middle of Krabi and Phuket, it’s a peaceful island adorned by sandy shores. Fishing villages surround it, and it has rubber plantations, sandy beaches, waters rich in coral and mangroves as some of its key features. Some of the beaches include Loh Jark which has a pier for long tail boats and ferries. Loh Paret is another beach on this island surrounded by dotted dive sites, such as the pinnacles of Shark point and the King Cruiser. Here are some of the reasons why this island is a top honeymoon destination:


The island is still undiscovered by many tourists. The locals are friendly as they are not yet accustomed to visitors. It makes it one of the few quiet islands in Thailand. The guides are trustworthy, and there are no scams around since there are a handful of tour guides and locating them is easy. The locals also take pride in their island and do not condone any criminality especially one targeting tourists. It would be unimaginable and a scaring experience if you and your spouse had an unwanted encounter on your honeymoon.

It is a time to forget your worries and enjoy each other’s company. Koh Yao Noi provides a serene and safe atmosphere for you and your beloved to get a memorable experience. Even at the shores, the locals do not bother to tie or lock their boats and scooters signaling the safety of the area in general.


Most tourists are either unaware of Koh Yao Noi or overlook it. It makes it one of the ideal islands in Thailand for honeymoon. In the town, there are only a handful of nonlocals making it a perfect honeymoon getaway. When it comes to the beaches, you can have it to yourselves, just you and your spouse. In any honeymoon, seclusion is crucial and having an entire beach just for you is heaven on earth. On some of its beaches, you have a gorgeous view of Phang Nga National Park. The beaches can stay secluded for hours giving you and your partner ample time to explore and enjoy the calm, warm waters of the ocean. 


Silence and Tranquillity

Koh Yao Noi is one of the quiet islands in Thailand. Honeymoons are all about tranquillity and relaxation, and this island offers that. There are a couple of bars on the island, but that’s about it when it comes to the party life. It ensures that the town has no loud music blaring from different entertainment spots giving it the quietness that one wishes for on their honeymoon. You can retire to bed late and wake up in the afternoon without a lot of disturbances.

There are a handful of convenient stores to cater to your needs, but the big stores haven’t yet set up shop. It gives the island a chilled and laid back atmosphere where one can sit at the beach or lie under a palm tree without any nuisance from others. During a honeymoon, a couple should be left to their thoughts in a serene and silent environment as they plan for their future together.



From mangroves, rainforests, corals and rubber plantations, the island is full of diverse landscapes. On the east side is where holiday resorts on Koh Yao Noi are mainly found together with deserted beaches. All these features are ideal for your honeymoon as there is plenty to explore. The landscapes also provide the best locations for taking photographs of you and your significant other. You can go for a leisurely walk on the island as you interact with the friendly locals. 

The west side of the island has water buffaloes, rice paddles and a holy spring which drains into the sea. Koh Yao Noi has all the features that a honeymoon will require less hassle. Each day brings about new adventures and areas to explore ensuring that you and your spouse always have something to do.



Despite all the beauty, landscapes and even a villa on Koh Yao Noi, it is an affordable place to stay. From as low as $20 a night, you can find decent accommodation on the island. Food and beverages are in plenty, and you can get a full meal for less than $5. As earlier stated this island is yet to be overrun by hordes of tourists, plus the locals treat visitors as one of their own. Even traveling through the island is cheap as you can hire a scooter or bike from the locals at an affordable rate.

Many tourists who have been to this island have stated in their testimonials the numerous times the locals offered them free rides. Even if you are on a budget, Koh Yao Noi is one of the most affordable islands in Thailand for honeymoon. If you consider the beauty, tranquillity, and activities this place offers, it is one of the cheapest but quality places in the entire world.



When you visit this island, it won’t be just your honeymoon you celebrate; it can also act as a coastal escape. From scooter racing, swimming, water buffalo riding, and beach football/volleyball, this island is full of activities for you and your partner. All it requires you to explore your imagination.  When looking for one of the best islands in Thailand for honeymoon, Koh Yao Noi should be amongst your first destinations.


What to Do after Marriage to Keep the Relation Intact

You may have heard or even experienced that the long-term relations eventually go flat and become boring. Even though you believe it as a myth during the early years of married life, anyone can expect this to happen to you too. The experience of feeling attraction, desire, and sexual excitement may not be powerfully stimulating for long, and the couple starts assuming that the flame has gone off and the future may be uninspiring. Possessed with this assumption, many couple’s life seemed to face a downward trajectory over time and often ends in despair or separation.

Even though it is impossible to prevent such stale moments from occurring in our married life, it is always possible to keep the fire alive in relationships. There are many possible activities to keep the bond rolling and minimize the impact of staleness. Many couples succeed in keeping their relationship fresh, exciting, and passionate through a wide range of activities done together. Whether you are in your 20s or 60s, it just requires supplementing it with some pleasure and fun to keep it fresh.

Most of the times, people tend to say, “I would love to be so, but there is little time.” But the fact is that there is always enough time if you wish to. Many among us tend to assign high priorities to our responsibilities and commitments than relationships; however, it is not necessarily due to the negligence of relationships, but as we take it for granted that the significant others can understand it.

Many among us take it for granted that as we are fully committed, our relationships will also stay solid, which doesn’t require further attention, time, and energy. However, it is proven that it is a huge mistake to take relationships for granted and assume that it will stay solid forever without care. If you neglect it for too long, then there is every chance to end up in a disaster.

If you are taking an initiative to reassure the intimacy component in the relationship, it can become habit forming and will pave basement for relational success. In this article, we will further discuss some activities which can be considered ideal to be tried by couples to keep the relationship intact.

#1 Keep dating

Don’t think that dates are only for young lovers; it can be magical for an even elderly couple who already lived together for long. Leaving home and getting out give a chance to explore the outside world by forgetting about the daily setting which may make thing livelier for the partners. In fact, if you find it too tight to schedule an outside dating, even staying home on a date may also be fun, for example, a candlelight dinner. Plan for dates as a regular weekend habit or so to strengthen the relationship.

#2 Plan a night out together

Everyone will be excited about a spontaneous date night. In the downtime between spontaneous breaks out of your routine, the couple can plan for a full date night too. It need not have to be so expensive or filled with fun. There are many options to explore in cheap date nights, which will primarily get you both out of the home without the need to analyze the family budget.

#3 Go for a wildlife safari

A wildlife safari is a family entertainment option, which can be effectively planned by the couple as a honeymoon activity or at any time you wish. At olden times, wildlife safari was meant for big game hunts. However, nowadays people don’t “hunt,” but it is mostly about observing animals at their natural habitat and also to enjoy the excitement of capturing them on camera. You can find various options for wildlife safari like guided safaris, jeep safaris, walking safaris, horse safaris, camel safaris, elephant safaris, river safaris, photographic safaris, balloon safaris to name a few. Horse racing is a very good option as well. You can watch it on TVG.com.

#4 Cook together

There is an old saying which goes like “the couple who cooks together also stays together.” You can also try to break out cookbooks and measuring cups at the kitchen. Once a week or at least once a year, you may plan and wait for the spouse to have dinner by cooking together. Wait till the kids get to sleep and then have a quality time cooking your meal together to enjoy a late-night candle dinner. Going a step ahead, it is also welcoming to take a cooking class together to learn some exciting new recipes and techniques.

#5 Do social networking together

One of the major reasons heard nowadays in case of separations is that the spouse is busy in the virtual world of the internet than spending time together with the other. So, it is a good idea to plan a great time together to do social networking or blogging together. This also will bring in more transparency in relations and makes it stronger. If both are interested in blogging, then brainstorm for topics which both would enjoy and do some co-blogging.

#6 Take up new hobbies to be together

As we discussed in case of co-blogging, find other common grounds also that both the couple enjoy together. There can be many simple connections between the hobbies if you haven’t explored it every. Say, for example, nature walk, cycling, or bird watching may be liked by both and can be done together. For some others, it may be kind of adventures like snorkeling or surfing to spend quality time together.

#7 Relax together

Many among us won’t jump a cozy chance to be at the spa during free time. Sometimes, you can convince them to visit for an at-home spa service with which you both can enjoy a relaxing together experience. Try to make some setting also by working together at home for the spam day as by playing some relaxing music, setting dim lights, and arranging a cozy couch for each other to relax and unwind.

With all these being practiced, try to make every day a celebration of your togetherness. Mark all possible days to celebrate including that when you first met, got engaged, wedding, birthdays and whatever possible. Live with flying colors, and you will never find it boring.

Moving In Together? Here’s Everything You Need To Talk About Before The Big Day

If you’ve been seeing your significant other for a while and all is well in your relationship, the next step may involve living together. In the UK, more people than ever are cohabiting before getting married, and a survey has revealed that living in a couple is the most popular living arrangement for those aged 16 and over. Moving in together may be one of the best ways to strengthen your bond, and it could potentially be a financially sound move. However, living together presents a few challenges, both relationship and money-wise, and there are things that you and your partner need to consider before the big day. To keep the love alive and to ensure that all goes well between you and your SO, here’s everything you need to talk about before moving in.

When should you move in?

Is there such a thing as the right time to start living together? In a Bridebook poll in 2017 which involved 4,000 British couples, it was revealed that the average couple dated for 17 months before moving in together. Bridebook’s founder, Hamish Shephard, said that the findings indicate that living together before tying the knot can “clearly be very positive steps to finding ‘the one’ and having a fantastic long-lasting marriage.”

Although the survey shows that most pairs wait at least a year before making the next step, identifying the ideal timeline for moving in together can be difficult—each relationship is different, after all. But you can take a good look at your relationship to find cues whether it’s the right time to cohabitate. Experts say that once you and your significant other understand and are willing to live with each other’s habits, then that’s a good sign that you can consider moving in. Being open and comfortable talking about money and finances is also a positive sign.

My place or yours?

Another thing to consider before moving in is where you’ll live. Should your partner move into your place, or should you be the one to relocate? When it comes to sharing a place, ultimately, the best thing that you and your SO could do is look for the best option that would make sense for your lifestyle and budget. For instance, if your partner owns a home and you’re renting, then it may be better for you to move into your loved one’s place. However, if your place is located near you and your SO’s respective places of work, then it may make more sense for your partner to move into your flat.

There’s also a matter of space—who currently lives in a place that can comfortably accommodate two adults? If you have the bigger home and the extra closet space, then your partner may want to move into your place. As for buying a new home together, it may be prudent to hold off on investing in a shared property until you decide to get married. Not only will it be less complicated, but it saves both of you from the trouble and heartache of dividing possessions and the home should the relationship not work out in the end.

My aesthetic vs your style

If you and your partner share the same taste in interior design, then you may skip this part. But if your SO prefers a traditional style while you lean towards an edgy and modern aesthetic, then you may have to sit down and talk about how you can compromise on this matter. A home should reflect both of your sensibilities, so finding out how to combine the best of both worlds is your best bet so both of you can enjoy and appreciate the decor. The best thing that you can do is to hire a professional interior designer who can successfully put together elements from each of your preferred styles. If money is a little tight, make a project out of it with your partner and learn to compromise and find a balance. This means that if your partner wants traditional furniture in the living room, then you can have an edgy and sleek fireplace and a state-of-the-art home entertainment system in the same space.

Having “the talk”

Talking about finances and paying bills may not be the most romantic things that you can do with your partner. You may not even look forward to having the money talk with your loved one as it can get awkward or uncomfortable. However, it’s one of the most important things that you should do to have a healthy relationship. Experts say that being honest and open about your finances can improve the trust and quality  in your relationship. Moreover, it reduces the chances of having big financial problems in the future.

So how do you have “the talk” with your partner? The first thing is to determine your household expenses. This may involve rent, association dues, utilities, and groceries. Some people think that splitting the cost evenly is the right thing to do, however, this only works if you and your partner are earning the same—or close to the same—amount of money on a regular basis. If your partner is earning considerably less than you, then it may be difficult for your SO to pay their half. If this is the case, you can cover the bigger expenses, such as the rent, electricity, and water bill, then perhaps your partner can cover the groceries and the cost of your cable or Internet.

For personal expenses such as clothes, salon visits, and haircuts, each of you should be responsible for this and take care of your respective purchases. Also, don’t expect your partner to pay your credit card bills or insurance—you should take care of that on your own, the same way you always had before moving in.

Keeping the romance alive while living together

Living together makes you privy to all your partner’s habits and quirks, and you may discover something new each day about each other. But even though you’re living in the same space, it’s crucial to keep the spark alive to ensure a happy relationship. Make quality time for each other—remember that living together doesn’t mean that you’re spending lots of time together every day. Continue to go on date nights and flirt with each other. If it’s been a tough month, by all means, stay in, but make your meal a romantic one by lighting candles and playing soft music. Going the extra mile even though you’re living together is always worth it if you’re doing it for the person you love.

By being open, honest, and having the willingness to compromise, you and your partner can have a happy relationship while living under the same roof. As time goes by, there may be ups and downs as you continue to discover new things about each other, but be reminded that no matter what, it’s the love—and not the house—that binds you together.

9 Qualities That Innocently Make Men More Irresistible To Women

Just because you’re not gifted with Hollywood-worthy facial features and strong and lean physique doesn’t mean you can’t be attractive.

In contrary to stereotypes, women are pretty much easy to please. There are certain masculine features that make us swoon, and chances are that most guys are unaware of them.

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10 Small Romantic Gestures That Boost Your Relationship Big Time

When looking for the perfect ways to spice up a bland relationship, couples often turn to grand gestures. They go out and splurge on a fancy date at a steakhouse, travel out of town, and buy expensive things for their partner. We tend to forget that it is the smallest, simplest things that keep a relationship moving.

Oftentimes, you don’t have to go outside. Genuine and heartwarming gestures of love and affection are displayed at home

It doesn’t take that much amount of time, effort, and money to make your partner feel valued every day. To build a strong connection and bond that lasts, here are some expert tricks to fit into your routine.

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5 Science-Backed Benefits Of Holding Hands With Your Partner

We often go to the extremes when we talk about spicing up a quite bland relationship. We think about taking a day off and escaping to a romantic getaway with our partner or sneak time to bring up the heat in bed. Oftentimes, we tend to overlook the simple things that can ignite relationships – and the solution may be found right at your fingertips. Literally.

Yes, the simplest act of holding your partner’s hand can create a deeper connection and stir an instant intimacy between the two of you. Humans are creatures of comfort, and there’s a scientific reason why you reach for your partner’s hand when you get upset, scared, or needy of attention. No matter what technique you use, whether it’s interlocking fingers or cupping palms over the other’s, we all know how good it feels to fit your hand into your loved ones.

The simple and sweet gesture has the power to affect your brain and physical well-being, which also positively impacts your relationship. Backed by science, here are some of the benefits of holding hands that will make you want to reach for your partner’s hands right now.

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Relationship Toxic

6 “Normal” Habits That Can Turn A Relationship Toxic

No relationship is perfect. No matter how healthy and happy a couple’s relationship is, fighting is still inevitable. However, disagreements in healthy relationships are way different from the ones in toxic relationships.

Toxic habits are suffocating, demeaning, and full of a bunch of unnecessary drama. What’s more dangerous is the fact that most people think they are normal, and this may keep people from distinguishing that there’s something wrong in the relationship that they need to address.Continue reading