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cosmetic surgeon in india

How many types of cosmetic surgery are there?

As it is said that appearance matters a lot ,nowadays everyone is so conscious about their looks ,not only women even men are so much conscious for their appearance. Cosmetic Surgery is a permanent solution to improve a person’s appearance it is a type of plastic surgery which should be approached with caution.

Surgery is available for almost all parts of body. As the surgery is done to change your appearance permanently, a counselling is done by the doctor before getting you under scissors. Cosmetic surgery can improve the appearance of your skin by tightening treatments, adjust your facial features, can add or remove hair and much more.

This surgery is very useful for medical purposes like for people who have undergone some accident ,to restore the function of body part ,or to repair scars after accident.

Some of the common cosmetic surgeries include:

1.Breast Augmentation:

 Breast Implant Revision surgery, Breast Lift Surgery, Breast Reduction : It is the procedure by which size and shape of breasts can be changed.when the size is to be increased it is called  breast implant surgery .breast augmentation is different from breast lift and reduction these are all different procedures.

2. Dermabrasion: 

Laser Skin Resurfacing ,Chemical Peel ,Chemical Peel Light : Gentle sanding down the top layer of the skin by using special tools is dermabrasion. As the top layer is removed the area heals and new skin appears to replace the old as a result you get smoother looking skin. Dermabrasion is usually used to remove acne scars,age spots, crow’s feet,growths or lesions on the skin,sun-damaged skin,wrinkles.

3. Facelift: 

Body Contouring ,Body Lift Surgery, Arm lift : Giving a proper shape to your body and face is done by cosmetic body lift and face lift surgery respectively.It repairs sagging ,loose,drooping, or wrinkled skin .During the process of the surgery ,tissues of the targeted area are lifted ,excess skin is removed,and skin is replaced over repositioned contours. Nose reshaping ,forehead lifts and eyelid surgery are also common procedures.

4. Hair transplantation:

Reducing the bald appearance by hair transplantation surgery, in this procedure bald area is covered by moving hairs from other thick growth area. Number of sessions are allotted as per the need of the patient. No long term care is needed after hair transplantation as it is a permanent procedure most of hair transplantation surgery results in hair growth afterward.

5. Rhinoplasty:

Surgery to reshape and repair the nose is known as rhinoplasty. This surgery also helps in recovery from breathing defects and birth defects.
Rhinoplasty can be used to:

  • Increase or reduce the size of the nose
  • Correct problems following an injury
  • Correct birth defects
  • Relieve or improve breathing problems
  • Narrow the shape of the nostrils
  • Change the shape of the bridge
  • Change the angle of the nose

6. Lip augmentation:

Lips affect the facial appearance a lot this surgery gives the patient fuller looking lips. Lip volume,shape and structure are increased using injectable dermal fillers. It is not a permanent surgery as it lasts around 6 months and then second section is done.

7. Liposuction:

 Non-Surgical Fat Reduction: Improving the shape of the body by removing fat deposits is done under liposuction.It is not a weight loss process. Vacuum-suction canula a pen shaped instrument is used to directly remove the fat deposits beneath the skin. In a single day more than one area can be targeted, this surgery can be done on the thighs, hips ,back, stomach ,arms, etc. It is also used to reduce the size of breast in men.

Complications of Cosmetic Surgery

As the surgery which takes place is permanent therefore it may have some complications as any surgery which takes place has a risk of complications.

You must take proper care as suggested by the surgeon after surgery but if you notice any of the following symptoms after surgery you must consult your doctor. Signs can be pain in the affected area, visual disturbance, appearance of white skin near the injected area ,signs of stroke. Decision to go for a cosmetic surgery should be taken carefully after taking advice of your health care expert or your family doctor.

Choosing the best cosmetic surgeon | Vaidam health

It is important to choose a surgeon who is qualified and accredited by a professional board, Vaidam Health is NABH certified platform which helps to connect with best cosmetic surgeon in India and get full information about the procedure and you can weigh up all the pros and cons beforehand with the expert medical adviser .Vaidam allows you to send your query on the vaidam’s portal or give a call and vaidam’s team will get back to you.