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Moving into a new living space is always an exhausting process. There are so many things to keep in mind and so much physical work, it’s easy to become stressed out. Luckily, moving does become a bit easier when you’re not doing it alone, but even then, there’s still quite a lot of work to do. So, if you and your significant other are moving into your new nest, here are a couple of things that should help you keep everything under control.
If both you and your partner are employed, if you have children, or if you simply lead a busy lifestyle, give yourself time. It’s very hard to move in a day, especially when there are other things you need to think about. Plus, there’s always that issue of possibly forgetting things and having to go back for them, which is why it might be best to move things gradually. Of course, this might not be possible if you’re moving far away. However, if your new home is still within the same country, designate a couple of moving dates, decide which things you’ll move on which date, and inform the proper parties (your boss, children’s school, doctors, etc.).
Moving costs not just time but money as well. You might need to rent a temporary storage unit, hire a moving company, or pay for extra gas if you decide to move on your own. Moreover, you should also have a bit extra money in case of any financial surprises. This is why you should start saving up at least a few months before the move so you don’t have to think about it later.
As mentioned, if you or your partner own a car and have the extra time, you can do the move yourself. However, hiring professional help might be best simply because it would be faster and more efficient. After all, professionals know how to handle everything from fragile kitchenware to sturdier furniture items. For example, there are also companies that can help you with moving house utilities such as MyConnect. So, do your research, look at reviews, ask around for references, and there shouldn’t be any problems.
The first thing you should do as soon as you get your keys is – get new ones. More precisely, you should change the locks. Of course, this depends on whether you’re the owner of the apartment or are moving into somewhere like one of these studio rental apartments (some landlords still allow their renters to change the locks). Next, you should take care of the details – set up the internet, change your address at the post office, and change your mail address if you’ve subscribed to any delivery services. This would ensure that your stuff is safe during the moving process Moreover, if you or your partner work from home, your online work wouldn’t suffer during the transition.
While your home is still empty, take the opportunity to decorate it. Paint the walls, install new cabinets and shelves, polish the doors and closets, refinish the floors, etc. In short, if there is anything that needs to be repainted, sprayed, waxed, or in any other way restored, it should be done while there aren’t any physical obstacles.
One of the more fun parts of moving is figuring out the new layouts. Before you start bringing in the items, measure each room, and decide on the purpose. A good idea would be to draw the rooms on paper, so you can visualize them more easily. If you’ve done an inventory of your possessions, this would also help you decide where you want to place your furniture. Once you put everything on paper, you will have one less thing to worry about when your items arrive.
Big empty boxes are an inevitable part of moving, but most people don’t think about them until they start needing them. Luckily, they are fairly easy to find if you know where to look. Most grocery stores, clothing stores, and supermarkets have a lot of empty boxes that they don’t need. They can sell you the boxes for a low price, but if you ask politely, you might even get them for free.
If you and your partner have a lot of clothes, and you probably do, plastic wrap might become your best friend. Instead of wasting time on removing the clothes from the hangers and folding them, wrap them together with the hangers and pack them like that. It would take up much less space, and it would be easier to “unpack” later.
Organization is extremely important when moving, but staying organized can sometimes be hard when there are so many different boxes and things to pack in them. Not to mention the chaos of trying to find what you need after you arrive at the new apartment. Therefore, consider labeling different boxes by using different colors. Come up with a color-coding system, and use markers, post-it notes, colored tapes, or any other colored means of marking your boxes.
Towels, pillows, throws, and other linens usually take up a significant amount of space, which is why you should use that space wisely. So, wrap the more fragile objects into your sheets, towels, and other soft fabrics. This way, you’d keep your fragile items safe, and you’d save some money on bubble wrap.
Assuming that you won’t be moving again any time soon, you should use this chance to declutter. While packing, go through your things, and put aside everything you don’t need. You can sell or donate those things, and you’d save yourself some packing room. Think about what you want your new home to look like, and get rid of everything that doesn’t fit into that image. It’s a unique opportunity to restart your living space, so don’t waste it.
Moving into a new apartment can be a drag, even when you’re not doing it alone. So, give yourself enough time, plan things ahead, use the opportunity to prepare your new place and do some decluttering, and your new home will be ready for your fresh start.
Being a single guy in the 21st century can mean lots of things – you’re free to explore your sexuality, do whatever you wish with your free time and basically act any way you want, as long as it’s socially accepted – but there’s one more thing most guys usually don’t think about. Being single also means you’re responsible for your own living space and the way it’s organized, and if you’re a young fella ready to impress lots of potential partners, you have to put your mind to it – after all, you can’t just bring back your date to a filthy and unorganized apartment, can you? Therefore, your living space needs to be as perfect as possible, so here’s a quick guide to decorating your living room all single guys are going to appreciate.
Let’s get one thing straight first – if you’re a young single guy, the chances are you’re sexually active and always interested in impressing new potential partners. That’s why your living room needs to have an amazing focal point that will get their attention and serve as an effective conversation starter. While this can be basically anything – a fireplace, an unusual artistic artifact, a giant flat-screen TV or anything in between – you need to give it proper attention and make it stand out. Creating a great focal point might take some time and you should think about it first, yet it’s eventually going to be worth the trouble: not only will all your visitors be impressed with your living space, but you’ll feel better on a daily basis there as well.
People generally don’t expect single guys to know anything about interior decorating and arranging their furniture in a proper manner, so why don’t you try to change this paradigm and actually do something impressive? This is a two-step process that will ultimately turn your living room into a much cozier, nicer and more welcoming space: first, you need to declutter it and throw away everything you don’t absolutely need, and then rearrange the furniture to fill out all that free space you’ve created.Luckily, you don’t have to be an interior decorator or spend a fortune hiring one to do the work for you, but just go online, find a couple of layouts you like and try to replicate them in your living room. Whatever you do will be all right as long as it’s classy and tasteful, so start decluttering and arranging your furniture as soon as possible!
Once you’ve arranged your focal point and decided how to organize your furniture, it’s time to go a step further and take things to a whole new level of simplicity and comfort. Namely, most guys forget that they don’t need a ton of unnecessary chairs and coffee tables scattered all over their living room. It’s perfectly enough to have just one piece of furniture they can always turn to for a relaxing session.
This might be their favorite armchair, a beanbag or even a chaise longue, but what the majority of people prefer are comfy and luxurious couches that provide back support and look astonishing. Besides, they save you a ton of space, which is particularly important for people with small living rooms. After all, you should get a piece that’s multifunctional, comfortable and practical, so you can use it all day every day.
Again, single guys usually aren’t the biggest experts on décor and their living rooms have a tendency to include a ton of stuff that should have never been created in the first place –colorful paintings, uncomfortable chairs, impractical coffee tables and a TV that’s just too big for a particular living room. Instead of making these types of mistakes, you should go the other way and try something else instead: pick just two or three unusual decorations and base your entire living room layout around them.
These can be anything you like, even some of the most classical and boring guy stuff like movie posters or sports memorabilia, but, if you treat these objects with care and turn them into something rather unusual, you’ll create a miraculous vibe around them and take your living room décor to a new place. In the end, you’ll surely feel better looking at your favorite football jersey in a classy display case than at an abstract piece of art you know nothing about!
In the end, there’s another thing you mustn’t forget when decorating a living room if you’re a single guy – the fact that you’re a single guy! This means your living space has to showcase your inner manliness and show the world you’re a real guy’s guy with a sense of style. Of course, this doesn’t mean your living room should be full of tacky and ridiculous items, but just those that reflect who you really are.
For instance, if you’re a comic book fan, you shouldn’t hide your passion – on the contrary, embrace the entire MCU and DCEU craze that’s quite popular at the moment and create an Avengers-themed bachelor’s pad that will make you feel like a superhero from the moment you wake up till you return from your night out. Alternatively, if you’re into sports, don’t stop at the aforementioned framed football jersey, but take things even further: turn your living room into a man cave and start watching your favorite sports on a huge TV while sitting in your comfortable leather armchair. In short, whatever you’re interested in can be incorporated into your living room décor and this will not only make you love your personal space even more, but also show all your guests that you know who you are and aren’t afraid to share it with the world.
When it comes to materials for a single guy’s living room, try to stick to wood, marble, stone and metal as these materials are both sturdy and manly at the same time, so they’ll help you bring out your inner manliness and truly represent your decorating style.