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Download The Golden Rules of Online Dating

The possibilities of making the kinds of connections you want are very realistic, and many long lasting relationships and marriages have begun via online dating services, not to mention casual relationships as well if that is what you prefer. The possibilities are all right there and waiting for you, but there are a few key rules you need to know and follow in order to find your perfect date online. Download to learn The Golden Rules of Online Dating – 6 essential rules to finding the perfect online date!

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6 ways to save a relationship before it falls apart

How many failed relationships do you have behind you? Why did they fail? Could any of them be saved? Relationships break all the time. Sometimes it’s difficult to break up, and sometimes we are so sick and tired of everything that a break-up comes as a sort of relief. Still, if you are in a relationship you care about, you probably don’t want it to end. So, what can you do if you’ve hit a rough patch? Here are suggestions.

1. Remind yourselves that your relationship is important

After you’ve been in a relationship for a while, the excitement wears off. Your partner isn’t something new and exciting in your life, but something that’s been around for a while, and is not as thrilling anymore. Your relationship may become a source of frustration, and you may start thinking that it’s simply not worth it. Now is the time to stop and re-evaluate everything. Why do you love your partner? What are some of their great characteristics that make them an important part of your life? Do they make you a better person? Just thinking about this can be enough for you to realize that you’ve been taking them for granted, and gain a fresh perspective on your relationship.

2. Learn to communicate

Communication is one of the most important things in any relationship, romantic or otherwise. You need to be able to clearly say what you want, and what you won’t stand for. That’s the easy part. The tricky part is choosing your words and timing. If you think that your partner drinks too much, don’t say so when they’re already drunk. Wait for them to start thinking clearly once again, and speak to them calmly and rationally about the problem. Do not make the conversation about them, make it about the problem.

3. Make your relationship a priority

You and your partner need to admit that your relationship is facing a difficult period. Once you do, you can consciously make working on it a priority. You can skip your cocktail night with the girl in order to spend a bit more time with your significant other. He doesn’t have to watch the game if you need emotional support because you’re going through a rough patch at work, or having a family crisis. Both of you need to make a conscious effort to rediscover each other as your support system, romantic partner, and best friend.

4. Spend time together

Find some activities you like doing together. Are you both into golf? Head straight to Swing Eagle and get some lessons together. Always wanted to learn a new language? Find a language school and start learning French or Spanish. Find something you both enjoy, and spend some meaningful time together. It will strengthen your bond and it will prevent you from thinking that your time together is spent on just being together, without any other benefit. Don’t overdo it, though. You shouldn’t feel like your significant other is invading every single aspect of your life, which leads us to our next point.

5. Set boundaries

You need to set boundaries. That means telling your partner clearly that you need some time for yourself. You probably don’t want your partner present at every girls’ or boys’ night, and you need to communicate that sentiment clearly. Maybe you just need some me-time, and it is absolutely within your rights to say so. Of course, you need to respect your partner’s boundaries as well. It’s not healthy to let your life revolve around a single person. It makes you feel dependent and weak. You simply need to make a point of having a fulfilled life on your own, and then you can commit to a healthy relationship.

6. Forgive each other

To forgive is to leave all the negative emotions behind and move on. True forgiveness will let you forget the painful memories and focus on the future of your relationship. If you continue to linger on hurtful memories you will only prolong the agony. Achieving a peaceful and harmonious relationship is going to require a lot of hard work and dedication. It is a continuous process and both of you will have to show each other that you care and that you are willing to give it your all.

7. Ask people who have made it

Talk to your friends and family. Ask them if they have ever been through a similar situation. Even though what you are going through might be different, you will still learn a lot from their experience. Every story might give you a different perspective on what ails you and possibly an unique way of saving your relationship. You can also be encouraged by stories of others, once you realize that people whose relationships were in a much worse spot are still living happily together, you might feel that your problems are not as bad as you have initially thought.

8. Have sex

Sex is a very important aspect of a relationship. It is also usually the first thing to disappear if there is something wrong. It brings you and your partner closer, and it makes your bond stronger. Therefore, you need to keep your sex life alive, even when it’s inconvenient. If you have children, let them spend a weekend at their grandparents’ house, so you and your partner can spend some alone time. Find a way to make things work.

9. Show them how much you want this means to you

Be open about your emotions. Don’t close yourself off because this will only make your partner feel more insecure. Openly tell them you love them. This will help you reestablish the trust you lost. Once you become more open about your emotions and your commitment, you`ll come to a point where all the burden you have been carrying is just going to disappear. You will feel more relaxed and more willing to invest even more in your relationship. Also, don`t hesitate to show them love by buying an awesome and unique gift.

Like all things in life, relationships require some work. Some challenges will be more difficult than others and sometimes you will fail to do your part. Never forget that everything is not always perfect, but if you try, you can definitely save your relationship.


Wedding Skincare: Plan and Start a Wedding Beauty Regimen

The ring is finally on your finger and you’ve marked the big day in your calendar. Now it’s time to start planning your beauty project. If you want your skin to look its best when they see you in that dreamy dress, and glow and dazzle in your wedding photos, you need to establish a skincare regimen as early as at least six months before the great event. There are several ways you can make your regimen a success.

Adjust your nutrition 

Changing your eating habits (drastically) can indeed nourish your skin. The food we consume is the source of various nutrients that our body needs to feed itself and function normally. To give your skin the glow you want, first kick out fast foods, unhealthy snacks, alcohol, and sugar-loaded drinks like sodas. Adopt a diet rich in vegetables of all kinds, especially carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, broccoli, kale, and other vegetables containing high levels of antioxidants. Fruit plays an important role too: make sure you eat sufficient amounts of cherries, grapes, oranges, strawberries, wild blueberries, mangos and the like, as they are also rich in antioxidants. To increase the effect of improved nutrition, pay attention to proper hydration as well—drink about 2.5 liters of water every day, and eliminate harmful habits like smoking.

Avoid stress 

Stress is said to have the undesirable ability to contribute to inflammation due to the fact that it harms the immune system. As a result, the skin can suffer from different conditions like psoriasis, eczema, or acne breakouts. To prevent that, learn to steer away from tension, anxiety, and stressful situations. Learn how to relax more and better handle the scenarios that may be threatening to your serenity. Do more of what calms you and helps you blow off steam, whether it is pilates or a nice long walk. Also, regulate your sleep to keep yourself well rested and better able to cope with potential stress.

Developing a daily treatment routine 

Another way to help your skin on its road to perfection is to acquire a strict daily skincare routine throughout the months preceding the wedding day. That means washing, cleansing, and exfoliating your face every morning and evening to maintain its hygiene. It helps make your skin free of enemies like dirt, harmful bacteria, excess oil, dead skin cells, etc., and will, therefore, keep your pores unclogged so your skin can breathe. Naturally, do not forget to use gentle, high-quality hydrating skin care products to moisturize—you will eliminate dryness by keeping your skin properly hydrated, fresh, and nourished. Moreover, you will want to take care of the skin areas that your dress doesn’t cover, like the neck and the shoulders, as they require regular treatment too.

Body brush

If you don’t already own one, get yourself a good body brush. Dry brushing your body once a day (preferably in the morning) can have a great impact on the skin: it can contribute to the removal of dead skin cells, it helps the pores remain unblocked, helps with ingrown hair, improves circulation and therefore also boosts cellulite treatment, and generally gives the skin more smoothness.

Fight the urge to pick and pop 

If you have a breakout of acne or a zit that is really irritating you, do not resort to popping, picking, or squeezing. You will further irritate the skin and add to the redness of the affected area, not to mention the risk of leaving scars, which is certainly something to be avoided.


Always refrain from touching your face if you haven’t previously washed your hands to prevent getting dirt and bacteria on it. You can decrease the risk of having acne.

Start your regimen as early as you can and remain loyal to the skincare routines and habits you have set out for yourself, and you will wow everyone with your beautiful skin when you walk down that aisle.