Secrets to Maximum Sexual Performance

Unlike woman that can be non-sexuality aroused and still provide a great sex experience to her male partner, a man can not provide a great sex experience to his female partner if he’s not sexually aroused.

And many men and women make the mistake and think that a male is fully sexually aroused when he has a strong a firmer erection, but this is not the case.

And that is because many men suffer today from low erection quality that is caused by things that I’ll talk about in this article, but for now, I want you to understand that if you want to give her an amazing sexual experience you first need to make sure that you have a good erection. In this article, I’ll teach you everything that you need to learn about how to improve your erection quality as a man.

No matter how big your penis is if it does not achieve maximum hardness you might not use it as effectively as you would want to. As men grow older, erection quality becomes a very big concern to them. But what is erection quality? While erection quality is subjective, it generally refers to how hard your erection becomes. It is where the penis fills up with blood and becomes hard. Even if you are a professional lover, if you are worried about your penis, you will definitely suffer from low self-esteem. While penis size is a factor, the most important thing is the hardness. Without reaching a certain level of hardness penetrative sex might be impossible.

How to get a harder penis

If you want your penis to become harder, there are some steps that you should take to achieve this. These include taking supplements, lifestyle changes, and exercise.

Penile exercises to improve your erection quality

One of the greatest ways to improve the hardness of your penis is penile exercise. These exercises not only strengthen the skeletal muscles needed for a hard erection but also encourages blood to flow into the penis. Some of these exercises include

Jelging- This kind of penile exercise uses a motion to push blood in the penis thereby improving circulation resulting into a harder penis. There are a variety of exercises and they can be performed dry or wet.

Kegels- Kegels exercises are meant to strengthen the pelvic muscles that you need to have a strong erection. Kegels also have a variety of health benefits such as improved prostate health. They can also help to facilitate enlargements.

Towel raises- Towel raises can be used to strengthen the ligaments and the tendons associated with a healthy erection. The only equipment that you need for this exercise is a towel.

Apart from these, there are also a variety of herbal supplements in the market that can help you improve your erection quality. These supplements include green tea extract, Horney goat weed, Epunedum Sagtum, Yohimbine HCL and more. There are also some types of foods that can help you get a harder erection. These include coffee, spicy peppers, salmon, bananas, oysters, oatmeal and red wine

Lifestyle choices that can make your erection stronger

While having a larger penis is a good thing, a harder erection is even better. Apart from penis exercise, foods and supplements, there are also several lifestyle choices that can make your erection harder. Here are some of the things you can do to improve your erection quality.

  • Drop some pounds- When it comes to erection quality, obesity can negatively affect you. When you are obese you have lower levels of testosterone which is a very important hormone required for strong erections. Other diseases that you can suffer due to this include high blood pressure and diabetes. These diseases have also been noted to be closely related to erectile dysfunction. According to research, almost half of those who have diabetes become impotent.
  • Quit smoking- According to studies, smoking is one of the factors that contribute to erectile dysfunction. According to American Heart Association, smoking affects the arteries and causes a condition known as atherosclerosis that blocks blood flow and eventually causes circulatory problems. If you smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day, you have over 60% chance of developing erectile dysfunction. More so, over 15% of past smokers have experienced erectile dysfunction at one point in their life.
  • Avoid penile trauma- Problems with erectile dysfunction can also occur due to penile trauma. Since some sexual positions are usually riskier than others you can easily develop trauma. Penile trauma can cause internal bleeding and scar tissue that can eventually interfere with penile flexibility.
  • Have a good .night’s sleep- Averagely, while you are resting your penis is normally awake and gets an erection. Night time erections bring oxygenated blood into the penis and reenergize while also keeping it flexible.
  • Reduce stress- While stress is a normal part of every day’s life, sometimes it can end up affecting your penis. Although our bodies use stress to protect u from danger when it persists, it affects your erection quality and sex life. When you start feeling stressed, it’s important to have a positive attitude and accept to leave things the way they are. You can also learn how to meditate and use yoga to rid yourself of stress.
  • Exercise the whole of your body- Although exercising your penis can make it harder and longer, if you want to maximise your strength you should also exercise the rest of your body. According to studies, by just walking for 30 minutes a day you can improve your erection strength and also prevent erectile dysfunction. Regular exercise also improves your energy levels and makes you feel more relaxed and at peace. This will give you the best mood to have the best erection.
  • Be monogamous- Interestingly, being monogamous is very helpful when it comes to erectile dysfunction. Although this does not prevent contracting STDs it does assist you when it comes to the quality of erection. Being unfaithful to your partner can bring about the guilt that can eventually interfere with your erection.
  • Do not masturbate- It’s important to save your erections for when you are with your wife. If you masturbate a lot, you might end up interfering with your future erections especially when you are with your partner.
  • Use a device- There are devices that are designed to prevent blood from flowing out of the penis. Male enhancers are also some of the best devices meant to give you a harder and a bigger penis. If you do this, your body will realize the benefits and you will get the erections that you need.

Well, those are some of the secrets of male erection. It’s very important to know that the erection quality plays an important role when it comes to sex. It’s important to do exercises, eat the right food, use supplements, and make the best choices in life. By doing these, you will always enjoy the best erection.

David Finer is the founder of, and he also blogs about male sexuality because he wants to help men from all over the world take their sexuality to the next level and become multi-orgasmic. Website:


About the Author davidfiner

David Finer is the founder of, and he also blogs about male sexuality because he wants to help men from all over the world take their sexuality to the next level and become multi-orgasmic. Website:

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