Your wedding day will be one of, if not the most memorable days in your life. It is an opportunity for you to be the centre of attention and for you to control every aspect of the day. To make sure that your wedding day is perfect you may want to consider the following trends, which are set to be huge in the next twelve months:
The traditional wedding cake has been a part of the wedding day for many years, it is traditional found on three or, sometimes even more, tiers and made with a rich fruit cake. However, the latest trend is to move away from this tradition. Instead, couples are turning to the pudding cake. This is a wedding cake which also doubles as the pudding for the wedding meal. This can be a very effective way of reducing costs and creating a beautiful, yet unique wedding pudding!
Puddings can be made from apple crumble, cheesecake or any pudding you can think of. They can be tiered like a traditional cake or created in a huge bowl; the choice is yours. The alternative to this is to create a savory ‘cake’. A stack of pork pies, pasties, or even sausages can be arranged to create a beautiful centerpiece and then eaten as part of the evening buffet.
Many people are now hooked on social media, looking at how to buy TikTok followers and wanting to grow their following; eager to upload their pictures at the earliest opportunity. To ensure their pictures create the right image they are looking for specific, dramatic, or fairytale pieces to improve their pictures and obtain the best response possible on Instagram and other social media platforms. Examples include vintage bikes or illuminated signs
To make your wedding stand out, you might want to consider an original location too. How about holiday cottages? They’re ideal venues because they come with a local allure. Soothing and truly welcoming, these places make the best wedding locations.
Whilst the wedding breakfast remains the popular, traditional choice the food being served is changing distinctly. It has become very common for wedding couples to ask for specific buffets, such as free from gluten or a completely sushi buffet. These eating requests are being fuelled by the personal preference of the bride and groom. This is sometimes a result if a dietary condition and, at other times, simply a desire to eat their favorite food or be a little different.
Metallic ornaments will be a huge part of many wedding ceremonies in the coming year. The bride and groom statutes may be metal, as could be the table decorations. Even brides dresses will have metallic sequins to finish the look. Alternatively, the feathered approach has been doing exceptionally well lately.
The majority of wedding celebrations take place inside and there has been a huge increase in couples trying to bring the outside inside. This can be done via less traditional; or rigid flower displays and more greenery, or even plants, situated around the venue. The Bohemian vibe is very much the influence behind this particular trend; it provides the opportunity to be chic, trendy and a little hippy at the same time. This trend is sure to go down well with your guests!
The wedding party is increasingly becoming an opportunity to entertain your guests and show them a unique and fun time. Many couples are opting for theatrical events, or even fancy dress. Some are having mini-productions played out during the day, whilst others are going for the traditional medieval banquet, inclusive of roast pig, jesters, acrobats and even jugglers. The idea is to involve your guests and ensure they have a day to remember. In fact, part of this is being propelled by the social media connection as couples seek to have the best possible pictures for their social media account. The best idea is to have fun!
Are you ready for the most unconventional wedding ceremony? Let yours be the most original and put your imagination to work. Do it your way and guests will certainly appreciate your personal sense of style, and original taste. At the end of the day, it’s your wedding so you can do whatever you want.
By Jason Phillips and!