There are many men who are dissatisfied with the size of their penis, which could be shorter than the average or perhaps they are eager to enlarge it, so as to boast about their masculinity. Short penis size is considered to be a bad thing for men as they do not get the desired respect from their partners. This is what prompts them to visit the qualified doctors to get it lengthened. Those interested to get the specific area to be lengthened can now get relief since Penile Lengthening Surgery Cost in India is quite less and affordable. Although there are pills, exercises and pumps found in the market, still they are not found to be an effective alternate to penile lengthening surgery.
Penis lengthening surgery is considered to be a straightforward operation, performed using local anesthesia and completed within an hour. There is no need to slice or dice anything, since the penis is not involved in this surgical procedure.
The surgery involves cutting of few ligaments called fundiform and suspensory ligaments. These ligaments are provided by nature to secure the penis to the body. Some medical researchers found that cutting the ligaments; it is possible to coax a part of penile shaft hidden behind public bone. It offers that longer penis appearance.
For cutting the ligaments, there is created an incision in public area down to public bone. Then they are severed and stitched closed. Within an hour, the penile region that was short is now elongated as desired. The results are fabulous and men of all eligible ages in hundreds and thousands from all over the world visit the doctor to get this magical surgery done, which will provide them with great respect from their partners and the society at large. The surgery is found real effective, quick and completely safe to be undergone. There have not been witnessed any dodgy results or side effects.
Some urologists and plastic surgeons had first conducted this stay at Athens’ Naval & Veterans Hospital, Greece and came up with a European Urology journal in July 2005. They witnessed good success rates on performing this surgery on 11 men whose age were between 25 and 35 and had undergone phalloplasty procedures (term used to mean penis enlargement surgery). All of them having undergone the procedures were found to be normal and did enjoy greater success in their lives.
As per the results on the studies conducted, the main gain noticed with elongated flaccid penis length, offering rough erect length approximation of about 0.6” (1.6 cm), which is fairly good. Six patients were found to enjoy an increase of around 1.5 cm to 1.9 cm, while three patients enjoyed length increase of around 1 to 1.4 cm. The remaining two got a length of over 2 cm. Later researches conducted also showed penile lengthening due to surgery by about 3 cm!
According to the researchers, even 1” gain noticed in stretched flaccid penile length needs to be regarded as amazing success. Consulting the doctors will help the person to know how much increase can be expected and how safe the entire procedure is. With Penile Lengthening Surgery Cost in India being very low, those who are suffering from short penile length can try out this procedure without any worry. The results are sure to meet the person as well as his partner’s ‘great expectations’. There are also not noticed any post-operative complication in any of the patients conducted till date, hence, making the procedure the most sought after by men all over the world, especially those desiring longer penile length. They also witnessed significant improvements in their sexual self-esteem and success in their personal and married lives.
But before going ahead with the surgical procedure, it will be wise to first undertake adequate research on the topic and discuss with those who are medically associated and can provide firsthand information about this surgery. It is only after thorough confirmations about safety and determination to go ahead should the person avail this surgical procedure. Indian doctors are more talented, knowledgeable and sincere to their patients and also enjoy greater success rate.