We all strive to be as healthy as possible and do everything in our power to keep our family happy and healthy as well. However, danger can come even from your own home with you being completely oblivious of how and why. Precisely this is the main reason to tackle a home cleanup project with the arrival of New Year. Really, there’s no need to wait for the spring cleaning in order to make your personal environment perfectly healthy for you and your family members quickly after we welcome 2019. After all, a fresh home also means a fresh start for everyone involved, and especially you who made it all possible.
It may seem like the only issue with dust is its unsightliness, but accumulated dust in one’s home can cause severe allergies, especially in children. In that respect, not only will thorough dusting, followed by a wet mop right afterwards, allow you to finally feel free in your own home, but it will also protect you and your family members from being exposed to potential allergens. This doesn’t only go for regular home dust but for dirt, debris and dust particles that are often brought into a home with footwear, too. That said, you may want to encourage everyone in your household to follow a New Year’s resolution stating – no shoes once indoors!
Start your New Year by saying goodbye to all the toxic materials that may accumulate inside your home. If you want to create a healthy environment for your kids, it’s very important to get rid of all the conventional plastics. Moreover, opt for DIY green cleaning solutions that won’t only keep your home safe but will allow you to do your bit for the environment, too. There is plenty of non-PVC plastic on the market, while you can even go a step further and choose to go organic when it comes to both your food and fabrics.
A lot of people tend to ignore the outdoor aspect of their home when doing a thorough cleanup, or, in this case, a proper home attitude change. This may not be that big of a concern for people who live in apartments, but for people who live in houses, with a yard to take care of, the outdoors is very important. After all, you won’t usually see an Australian home and garden filled with unsightly debris and leaves. So, if you’re from the Land Down Under you should contact a company that deals with junk removal in Sydney that will help you do the dirty work and get rid of all the junk from your yard (and your home). Don’t let this growing pile of hazards to just sit there in your place when you can easily get it out of the way and make the whole area safe for kids’ play and adult relaxation time.
Make it a point to start the New Year with clean air in your home and lungs. Airing your space frequently is a must! People tend to have this misconception that opening their windows and doors will only let the toxins in. But the fact of the matter is that without proper airing, the danger of home allergies and poor air quality will only get bigger. Moreover, invest in a quality air purifier if you can. This can be your first smart purchase in the New Year as the air purifier will definitely make a huge difference for the air quality inside your home and the overall health (and sleep) of everyone inside. In case you’re a smoker, try to quit as a part of your New Year’s resolutions. And if you can’t, at least make it a habit to smoke outside.
Remember, in order to truly create a perfectly healthy home and start your New Year journey happy, fulfilled and completely sure of yourself, you will need some help and support. So, don’t hesitate to share your plans with the rest of your family. If you can make the necessary changes together, you will only manage to create a positive personal environment while making your bonds even stronger than before.
Derek Lotts is a Sydney based writer and researcher, a regular contributor at Smooth Decorator blog. He writes about décor, gardening, recycling, ecology and business. He thinks all of these topics fall under the self-improvement category. He believes in the power of sharing ideas and communicating via the internet to achieve betterment.