It’s incredibly important to have the right balance in your relationship. By this I mean balancing the time you spend with your partner, your family and other friends. Spending all your time with your partner can be unhealthy. You’ll become in danger of potentially getting bored of them and you might start noticing the little things that bother you.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to spend time with the person you love but you’ll learn to appreciate them even more when you’re away from them from time to time.
Some people think that if you have an argument with your partner then it isn’t a healthy and solid relationship. Let’s be realistic though, it’s probably the opposite. Unless you happen to
be very fortunate and never have misunderstandings or falling outs then it’s only natural to have arguments now and then. It’s certainly a better idea than bottling up all of your thoughts and not sharing your concerns with your partner.
Speaking from personal experience it’s far more beneficial to be honest with your partner, even if it’s over the smallest things. You’ll then learn for future situations what buttons are the wrong ones to press!
This might sound daft but it’s an incredibly common occurrence in this day and age. The question is are you still in love with your partner? A lot of relationships are built on a solid foundation over time. However, some couples think they have to remain together purely on the basis that they have shared a lot of time together. But if the spark has gone, no one is benefiting from staying with each other for the sake of it. I’m certainly not insinuating you should get up and go when times get hard but it’s something worth contemplating if you’re not happy the majority of the time you spend together.