handle husband

How to Handle Husband: 10 Easiest Ways to Handle

After the initial bliss of the wedding goes off, everything is set to get to the normal soon, and things started to get pretty tough. Dealing with an unhappy and difficult personality husband can be wretched. 70% of wives complain that their husbands are never satisfied with whatever they do, which lead 90% of these women towards some sort of mental issues. Hence, it is critical to know how to handle your husband for the sake of your own happiness.

There is a number of ways by which you can handle your husband and make him happy as well. However, it’s essential to understand that you need to do things in a way to let him notice and appreciate you. Make sure he knows that you are making an effort to make him happy so that he may reciprocate the hard work. This will also prevent him to lose interest in you.

Below are the ten easiest ways to handle him well.

1.    Show Him Respect

Always be respectful to him even if he is not respectful to you and make sure to show him that he is your first priority. Don’t ever degrade him in front of others. Take into consideration his views and feelings even if he may not agree with them, just give respect to his opinions. You surely respect him but don’t always say to his face, show it in meaningful ways.
show respect

Michelle Jones, Creative Head at Academist Help believes that; Men just want to know that their better half respects him and their unhappiness often converted into anger when they feel like being disrespected by people around them.

2.    Show Interest in His Hobbies

Showing interest in his hobbies doesn’t mean you have to play basketball with his friends or to watch baseball with him all the time. You don’t have to take up his hobbies as yours; you just have to be aware of the things he likes. Suggest a camping magazine if he likes to camp or buys him a new badminton kit if you know he is going to love it. You can be interested without being involved.
2. Show Interest in His Hobbies

Respect his hobbies and interests and give him space to enjoy his hobbies and interests. If he wants to hit the racing track or rock out on guitar, go ahead and let him do it.

3.    Do Something Unexpected for Him

Pick his favorite bakery item or stop by a restaurant to pick up his favorite burger on the way to home. Give him a relaxing massage or even book a weekend together. You can also write small letters for him with the help of Australian Masters occasionally. It is not necessary that only a man should give surprises; you can also show small gestures of love and care to him.
Do Something Unexpected for Him

Be a dedicated wife and remind him of all the fun and live that made you both fall in love with each other by giving meaningful surprises. He will surely appreciate your gestures, so thrill him with something thoughtful and romantic.

4.    Be the Best Version of Yourself

Remember the time when you both were madly in love with each other. You both like the other one the way you were because you were the best version of yourself when with each other. Being at your best doesn’t mean you have to put up a front for your neighbors or act nasty.
Be the Best Version of Yourself

You don’t have to be someone else to impress him, Rome around the house in sweatpants or watch TV sitting on the couch; just be cheerful and courteous. Don’t hide your true self, have a strong sense of self-confidence to make him attracted to you.


5.    Let Things Go

If your husband has done something that hurt you and you have said that you have forgiven him, then just let it go and stop bringing it up. Don’t push buttons that lead both of you in irrelevant arguments.

Let Things Go

Also, don’t hang up about those things that may bother you and has done in the past. If you don’t like anything done by him, just say it instead of keeping grudges. Little things upset most and keep adding to your pile of annoyances. So don’t give them worth to get upset over them.

6.    Stop Trying to Change Him

You can groom him to be a better version of his self. However, that doesn’t mean you have to change him into a person he is not. Do look for things that are harmful such as; smoking, drinking, and drugs and make him leave those destructive habits.

Stop Trying to Change Him

Otherwise, there is no need to change him because you have married to him for the way he was so let him be the same. Challenge him to be the best version of his self. Let him be crazy but don’t try to change his basic nature, which will lead to conflicts.

7.    Be Understanding

Don’t freak out when he stays late for work or change a last-minute schedule. Be grateful that he is informing you in time. Don’t over-reactive if he missed the dinner again, take a deep breath and be understanding.

Stop Trying to Change Him

Don’t take things personally because he is stressed out in professional situations.

8.    Make a Comfortable Home

Pick the little things up and make your home a cozy place for your family. Make your home inviting for your husband when he gets back from work. You don’t have to spend a fortune to make it perfect, just a neat and tidy appearance will work.

Make a Comfortable Home

Let him unwind and share thoughts and responsibilities with him. Every smaller thing will impact hugely on your husband if you do it for him with love and care. It will make him happy knowing that you take time to make him the home a better place for living.


9.    Tell Him You Love Him

Women usually forget how vulnerable men are. Make sure to tell him that you love him more than anything else. It’s good to show your love with beautiful gestures; however, they want to get to listen to it from you sometimes.

Tell Him You Love Him

Tell him how much he means to you as they also want to be loved and feel valued. Keep reminding him how much he means to you and how much you want him.

10.          Lower Your Expectations

Don’t expect your life to be a fairytale. Your husband is going to mess up a lot, so be prepared and doesn’t expect a high-profile apology every time. Just understand that men are wired different and challenging than women in many ways.

Lower Your Expectations

He is not always going to do things that you want him to do. Hence, don’t let your expectations exceed your reality just because you are idealizing a romantic novel or a big fan of a movie.


Undoubtedly, small gestures and little efforts may not create a perfect ambiance every time, but it makes your relationship durable and lasting. Do the things that make your husband happy so it will be easier for you to handle him. Enjoy the roller coaster of marriage with the above ten ways and make the most of your time with him.


About the Author Liza Brooke

Liza Brooke is a qualified digital marketer and currently working as an SEO content writer and co-founder at Crowd Writer . She is aware of the quality content. Liza loves to keep her knowledge updated with the current trends in the industry.

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