How to Create Perfect Online Dating Profile

Online Dating Profile

Online Dating Profile

Registering with an ethnic dating site has the potential of being a life changing decision, as it will bring you in contact with singles from your own culture, who are there looking for love and in many instances, commitment. Connecting with singles from a specific ethnicity is possible through sites dedicated to particular cultural groups. Italian chat helps connect with Italian singles, whereas, getting in touch with Greek singles is easy with greek chat.

The results you can expect from your ethnic dating experience depend on many factors. Whether it is Indian girls dating or Jamaican men looking for love, a crucial factor that significantly impacts your chances of success is your online dating profile.  Your profile is what potential partners see and base their initial opinions about you on. These opinions are a deciding factor when it comes to whether others initiate contact with you or not. A well-written profile captures the interest of those reading it and an appealing profile picture heightens the interest. Your profile should be as unique as you are and should be enticing enough to spike the interest of those you are interested in knowing. Detailed below are a few ideas to consider while creating your profile.

Choose a catchy username

There’s no denying the fact that your username reflects on you. Therefore, pick a username that projects you in a favorable light. Avoid adding your date of birth, age or contact number to your username, as this does compromise your security.

Look for inspiration

If you are at a loss while creating your profile and are wondering where to start, look at the profiles of others for inspiration. This is not so much about competing with others for attention, rather, just ensuring that you get the tone of the writing right and then personalizing your profile to perfection. Once you get the hang of it, you can edit your profile at a later date to add or change information.

The right picture

The picture on your profile is a crucial component of your online profile. Make sure you pick one that is flattering. If a selfie does justice to the way you look, post it, by all means. Ensure that you are appropriately dressed, be it in a picture that was taken indoors or outdoors. Smiling and looking relaxed makes you look approachable and improves your chances of making a positive impression.

In a nutshell

Online Dating Profile1

How to Create Perfect Online Dating Profile

It is tough to get it all down in just so many words, yet refrain from getting too descriptive. Emphasize your positive personality traits and briefly mention your accomplishments. Avoid lingering on details, use acronyms sparingly or not at all. Stick to a positive tone and keep negativity out.

Keep an open mind

While you may have very specific preferences regarding the appearance or other traits in a romantic partner, being too specific does limit the scope of your search. Those who do not meet these criteria, but still have a lot to offer, may think twice before contacting you. Consider deciding whether someone meets your expectations or not once initial communication has been established.

The honest truth

Most people have an image in mind when looking for a romantic partner. The expectations regarding the age, height, weight, background and the qualifications of a potential partner is, in most instances, a deciding factor. Stick to hard facts in your profile and skip fudging details. This way there will be nothing to hide when you meet the “one” online and the time comes to transition the connection to real time.

Image Credit: Flickr


About the Author singlesnmarried

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