It’s safe to say that online dating has revolutionized the general dating scene all around the world. Ever since it became one of the best matchmaking options for single people, most individuals have changed their routines and their attitudes when it comes to romance. For example, people nowadays don’t have to go out and search for the perfect date, they have it all in one place, just a few clicks away. If a guy wants to meet a mature hottie, for instance, he can simply visit a cougar dating website and find a perfect match. The same goes for women; they can now look for a perfect companion from the comfort of their own home. Even though these advantages sound rather nice, some studies show that online dating platforms have made women pickier than men. Let’s see how and why.
One of the main reasons why most women are pickier than men is the fact that ladies are rarely looking for one night stands and casual relationships. Moreover, most of them are searching for suitable partners with whom they’ll be able to start a serious relationship. This is why most single ladies are rather specific in their online searches. On the other hand, the majority of young single dudes who have profiles on dating sites are not that specific, simply because they’re ready to settle for less in order to have some fun.
Women, no matter how young or restless, are always thinking about their future. This is why they will never settle for someone with whom they can’t fulfill their dreams and achieve their goals. This is why they consider the level of education to be one of the most important indicators when it comes to their potential match.
Namely, women associate education with intelligence and success, which means they will continue to search until they find a good-looking man with a college diploma. We can honestly say that most men don’t take this parameter too seriously, which also goes in favor of the claim that ladies are pickier than fellas.
According to an Australian study that was conducted by Dr. Stephen Whyte and later published in Psychological Science, women are at their pickiest between the ages of 18 and 30. Whyte and his team came to this conclusion by analyzing the dating routines of 41,936 persons. But what are the possible reasons for that?
Well, the fact is that women are most fertile during those years, which means they’re simply looking for a man who will prove to be a suitable partner and a potential father of their children. Naturally, most women don’t want to start a family with just anyone. What is more, they’re looking for a perfect companion with many virtues and qualities that are in their opinion essential for establishing healthy marriage and happy family. Given the reason for the pickiness in this case, we have to agree it’s fully justified.