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Download The Golden Rules of Online Dating

The possibilities of making the kinds of connections you want are very realistic, and many long lasting relationships and marriages have begun via online dating services, not to mention casual relationships as well if that is what you prefer. The possibilities are all right there and waiting for you, but there are a few key rules you need to know and follow in order to find your perfect date online. Download to learn The Golden Rules of Online Dating – 6 essential rules to finding the perfect online date!

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How Did Tinder Influence College Dating?

Anyone who wants to meet people online should ask the college kids for help, right? Well, wrong. You’d be surprised to learn that college students are a lot more old-fashioned than modern technology and media would have us believe. Today, we take a closer look at how college students use dating apps, and how they prefer to find new dates.

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Tradition VS Technology

According to a study which included 3,500 college students done by Abodo, the apartment hunting app, these kids might be online for the better part of their day, but still prefer to meet new people through traditional means. Of those who participated in the survey, only 4 percent said they liked to meet matches using dating apps. A total of 80 percent of survey participants said they liked to meet through mutual friends or shared interests, while some 15 percent said they preferred to leave things up to chance, and meet people when out and about.

The Purpose of Dating Apps

These results look pretty old-fashioned, and certainly not what we expect to see. At the same time, college kids do use dating apps, but they don’t prefer to use them to date. Over 90 percent of respondents say they use Tinder and other apps for purposes other than to hook up with someone over the weekend. In other words, Tinder & Co have not led to a culture of endless hook-ups, as is the popular belief.

Those other purposes include entertainment, which is a response given by 35 percent of Tinder, Bumble and Grindr users. Also, 15 percent of women and 9 percent of men said they used the apps for an ego boost, and the rest of the respondents said they used dating apps to find friends, although the term “friend” wasn’t clearly defined.

The Popular Apps

In terms of dating apps that surveyed college students used, 85 percent said they preferred Tinder, 17 percent said Bumble was their first choice, and OKCupid came in first for almost 9 percent of the respondents.

In practical terms, these results suggest that college kids live in a structured social environment that seems to present plenty of opportunity to meet people organically, without having to enlist the help of technology. When we take the size of campuses into account, it actually makes sense that they build their romantic lives in the offline world.

At the same time, their habits are likely to change when they graduate and enter the workforce where they won’t have as much time to socialize, and are expected to lean on dating apps much more to find suitable partners.

When it comes to Tinder influencing the dating habits of college students, this survey suggests Tinder is most often used out of boredom, not to cure loneliness or find a date for the upcoming weekend. This is not to say college kids aren’t dating as crazy, but they sure don’t depend on their phones to connect them with potential partners.

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Instagram is a Dating Site, too! Here’s how it works

Back in the day, there was a rather clear distinction between matchmaking platforms and social media sites. For example, if you wanted to meet people online, you had to make a profile on a dating site. Nowadays, that’s not exactly the case. Most people these days are using Facebook and Twitter as dating platforms, and up until recently, Instagram was the only app that wasn’t used for such purposes. However, after a few big changes, this app became one of the most popular dating sites out there. So, if you have Instagram and you want to use this particular app as a dating platform, here’s how it works.

The Stories Changed The Game

A few years ago when Instagram didn’t have stories, it was rather hard for people to know who is really interested in them, who likes their photos out of courtesy, and who’s actually “stalking” them. Today, however, stories are one of the main indicators that tell users who their biggest fans are. As you probably already know, once you finish watching someone’s story, that person receives a notification that you watched their content. So, by reviewing their notifications, users can easily determine if you’re just a follower or a secret admirer. Also, you can use this method to subtly state your intentions without being intrusive or straightforward.

Discover And Search Options Help People Find Exactly What They Want

It’s safe to say that the advanced and improved options like “search” and “discover” are helping people to find the perfect potential partner. The intuitive search engine allows them to easily track down any person they know, both in real life and via other social media websites. Also, if users want to find someone completely new, they can search the Instagram by using specific hashtags and they will find exactly what they’re searching for. For example, if a guy is looking for redheads, he can simply insert #redhead and #redhair hashtags and the app will provide him with a number of beautiful girls and photos on his feed. As you can see, searching for a specific type is easier on Instagram than on other matchmaking platforms.

Direct Messaging Transformed Instagram

One of the options that changed the game completely is, of course, direct messaging. As you know, at first, Instagram only had “like” and “comment” options, while messages and chats were reserved for Facebook, Twitter, and specialized dating platforms. Nowadays, however, Instagram users are able to send direct messages to their followers. Naturally, this particular option allowed people to contact users they are attracted to in a private manner. In other words, they can use the previous options we mentioned in the article to track down a perfect person, follow them, and contact them via messages. These intuitive and rather convenient options are the main reason why this social media site is now one of the most popular matchmaking spots on the Internet. Therefore, even though this network was never meant to serve this purpose, it’s safe to say that Instagram is now a dating app too.

BBW dating

How to find Love while on the Road for Work

Dating can take a lot of different forms. Some people prefer it the old-fashioned way, with approaching random people in bars and asking to buy them a drink, while others prefer one of many online dating niches, such as cougar or BBW dating. Then, there are those who love nothing more than to date people while travelling for work.

Being a travelling worker is not exactly the easiest type of job one can have. Keeping up with any sort of schedule while also being constantly on the move is hard enough as it is, which means people who also practice dating while doing a travelling job really like to play a game with hard rules. Still, this doesn’t mean that finding partner this way is impossible – which is why we’ve decided to share with you a few tips and tricks on how to find love while on the road for work.

BBW dating


Setting Ground Rules

The first and foremost thing you need to do in order to successfully date people while travelling for work is setting down some ground rules. What you need to remember here is you’re probably not going to spend a lot of time in one place, which means the dates you’re going on should be quick and “effective.”

In other words, you’ll have to get creative. “Let’s grab a drink” shouldn’t be your go-to line, but instead, you should make the best out of the time you have with the person you’re dating. If you’re going to date a local, make sure that they take you to see some of the attractions that location is known for.

Distance is Good

Dating while travelling for work can be tricky when it comes to maintaining a distance from the person you’re dating, since you have all the control over where you’ll be residing – but what you need to understand is that being close to the person you’re dating isn’t a smart idea.

While on the road for work, most people try to find a residence that’s near their date’s apartment or house, which is a mistake. You’ll want to keep your distance at an appropriate level if your goal is to allow that natural chemistry and love to blossom.

Separate Work from Pleasure

Even though your job is what brings you to any given location, it shouldn’t be the main focus of your dates. In other words, try to separate work from pleasure if you don’t want to bore or scare away the other person.

Most of us like to be in the company of ambitious and hard-working people. However, when these ambitions and work stories take up all the time you spend with someone, they’ll probably assume that you do nothing in life but work or that nothing seems to interest you enough for you to talk about it on a date.

Instead, make sure to mention what you do, but leave it at that. You’ll notice that your date will be much more interested in what you’re talking about if your topic is life goals, pets, food or something of the sort.

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10 Body Language Signs That Show He’s Into You

It’s safe to say that the traditional form of dating is not particularly popular these days, and the main reason is the fact that most singles prefer to meet people online. This way, they don’t have to read each other’s body language because it’s obvious they like each other. However, if you’re not a fan of cyber dating and you like to flirt with guys in person, you definitely need to learn how to read their body language. It will help you avoid some potentially awkward situations. Therefore, check out the 10 crucial signs that clearly show he’s into you.

He Does Everything To Get Close To You

When a guy likes a girl, he’ll do anything to get close to her. So, if your date is rearranging the chairs and tables at the restaurant just so he could sit close to you, he definitely likes you.

He Finds An Excuse To Touch You

Physical contact is one of the biggest sings that show he’s into you. Therefore, if your man flicks “something” off of your shoulder or tries to help you with something just so he could touch you, it’s a sure sign that he’s into you.

He Smiles All The Time

Most men don’t smile that much in public because they want to come across as tough alpha males. So, if your man can’t stop smiling during your date, it means that he feels rather comfortable around you.

The Eye Contact

If a guy gazes into your eyes without blinking, it’s clear, he fancies you! However, avoiding a direct eye contact on a date can also be a sign of affection.

He Keeps Looking At Your Lips

When a guy is desperate to kiss you, he will stare at your lips, fantasizing about the kiss. So, if you catch him looking, bite your lip and he’ll want you even more.

He Touches Your Forearm Every Time He Starts Talking

Like we mentioned before, physical contact is a sure sign of affection. Therefore, when a man touches a woman’s forearm every time he starts talking, it’s safe to say that he’s trying to get her attention.

He Touches Your Hair

A lot of guys state their intentions by touching a woman’s hair. So, if he compliments your hair while gently caressing it, you can be sure that he’s absolutely attracted to you.

He Sits Facing You

This is one of the subtlest but most important signs out there. If a guy is too shy to touch your hair or your forearm, he will display his interest by sitting directly across from you. This way he’ll be able to maintain eye contact throughout the entire date.

He Widens His Eyes When You Talk

Widened eyes and dilated pupils are definite signs of affection. So, if your partner widens his eyes when you talk, it means that he’s really interested in what you have to say.

He Leans Across The Table During The Conversation

Like we already said, when a man likes a woman, he’ll do anything to be close to her. Therefore, if your date is constantly leaning across the table during the conversation, you can be sure that he wants to be with you.

9 Differences between Being Single And Married

When people are single, they tend to go out every night in search of a hot one night stand or a crazy adventure. However, once they get married, they simply have to settle down and spend their nights browsing through celebrity Snapchats or watching movies with their better half. Besides nightlife, there are many other big differences between being single and being married. Check out the 9 most significant ones.

  1. Clothing And Style

Single: When people are single, they’re constantly trying to impress everyone around them in order to attract a mate. Clothing and overall style are two very important factors when it comes to this particular mission. Both men and women are almost always well-dressed. Some singles even exaggerate with this and can develop sort of an outfit obsession, so to say, because they believe they have to look their best all the time, especially if they’re actively seeking a relationship.

Married: On the other hand, when they finally get married, men and women are not that obsessed with fashion trends anymore. Most ladies get rid of those high heels in exchange for comfy and warm footwear. The case is no different for guys either. They swap those tight jeans for baggy and comfortable sweatpants. Still, it’s not okay to get overly comfortable as well, as it’s proved that dressing up and looking sexy here and there can reignite the flame and keep your sex life in check.

  1. Parties

Single: Let’s be real, most single people are constantly trying to crash some party in order to score a hot date or a one night stand. They are full of energy and enthusiasm. Moreover, they are often the initiators of such events and are more likely to host them so it’s safe to say that going to parties is their favorite activity.

Married: However, married couples are avoiding parties as much as possible. They will go to certain events simply out of the respect for the hosts, but they will always look for the opportunity to leave the party early and have a nice quiet evening at home.

  1. Exercising

Single: Bachelors and bachelorettes are constantly trying to stay in shape. And while it certainly can be explained by their need to improve health and increase the overall energy levels, it also has a hidden, biological background that is closely related to their sexual self-esteem – They need to look good in order to impress other singles and this is something that a regular exercising can provide.

Married: Gals and lads who are taken don’t even think about physical activity. They simply don’t have enough time and motivation to hit the gym on a regular basis. They have found their soul-mates, so their job is done. And while this is natural to some extent and can be tolerated for certain time, married people have to be aware that it can also be potentially harmful to a relationship itself, as spouses can develop anxiety or can experience decreased energy levels. This can have a direct impact on their mood, which will become gloomy more often that it should be, so engaging in any physical activity that suits one’s personal preferences is always welcome.

  1. Spending Money

Single: When you’re a loner, you can spend your money recklessly. You can treat yourself on a daily basis and buy yourself some rather unnecessary things such as the 26th nuance of a lipstick (because you’ve missed that one in your collection) or a fancy new video game that will probably be on sale in a month or so but hey, you need it now!

Married: Reckless spending is absolutely impossible when you’re in a committed relationship or marriage. Moreover, everything is far more complicated when you have to plan for two, from monthly utilities and cell phone bills to food, clothing, and travels. There is also a possibility for something unexpected to happen around the house at some point so you have to save some extra money in case you need to call a plumber or an electrician, for instance.

  1. Hanging Out With Friends

Single: When you’re not involved with anyone, hanging out with friends is your number one activity. Most single people are ready to get up in the middle of the night and go out for a drink because they have all the time in the world.

Married: Wedded individuals are not that flexible. The majority of them don’t have time and energy for socializing due to hectic lifestyles, while others will make excuses not to go out. This isn’t good either, as occasional dates with friends can bring us a necessary dose of freshness and break the established routines.

  1. Eating

Single: Solo men and women don’t have established eating schedules and diets. They eat whatever, whenever, and wherever they want, including 1 AM meals in front of the TV while binge watching Game of Thrones, for instance.

Married: The case is completely different when it comes to couples. These people share everything and they plan their meals. They usually eat together and at the same time because it can help them save money and because it’s a kind of ritual.

  1. Date Nights:

Single: Bachelors and single ladies are always planning their date nights to the smallest detail. A romantic dinner, movies, and a long walk are implied. This has a lot to do with a fact they don’t know what their dates so well and thus want everything to be as perfect as possible.

Married: Couples are more relaxed. Most of the time they get out without a plan and see where the road takes them. They usually end up back in front of their TV where they can enjoy their favorite show while eating a delicious meal.

  1. Traveling

Single: When it comes to traveling, single individuals are rather spontaneous. These fellas and gals are able to pack a small suitcase or a backpack and simply hit the road without a plan.

Married: People who are married, on the other hand, can’t afford that type of unpreparedness. Couples need to organize a trip for two or more (in case they have kids), and that’s not always a simple task.

  1. Sex

Single: Sexual encounter is the most exciting, exhilarating, and a rather spontaneous experience when you don’t have a permanent partner. It can happen anywhere and anytime and it’s often filled with thrill of the unknown.

Married: This doesn’t apply to married people. They’re usually too busy to be spontaneous, so they need to plan ahead. Once you get married, you’ll know the exact time and place of your next “lovemaking session”.

Relationship Tips For Women In The 21st Century

Modern relationships are hard, no doubt about that! It doesn’t matter if you’re dating a widower, a young man, or a mature gentleman, being a successful woman and maintaining a fulfilling love life is anything but easy. We live in a rather fast-paced modern society where there’s no time to stop and rethink your motives, ambitions, and actions. This lack of time is exactly what makes dating extremely hard for women. If by any chance you have the same problem, make sure to stick around and read these crucial tips that will help you sustain a successful relationship in this chaotic 21st Century.

Don’t Choose Your Career Over Love

Nowadays, a lot of young women are sacrificing their love life in order to pursue illustrious and lucrative careers. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a successful business career, but completely neglecting your love life can cause serious problems in the future. If you focus solely on your job, you will lose that all-important touch you need to have in order to be good at dating. Therefore, you need to find a perfect balance between your job and romance. Don’t neglect your partner, include him in your everyday activities and allow him to share the load with you. This way, you’ll be able to improve your position at work and maintain a functional relationship.

As we’ve already said, it’s perfectly normal to want a good job and a successful career, regardless of whether you’re a man or a woman. However, what most people fail to realize is that jobs come and go, but true love is once in a lifetime. Sure, everyone needs money in order to survive in the modern world and the only (legal) way to obtain it is by working, but what is life if you have no love in it? Think about it.

Be Honest, Be True, Be Yourself

We live in a cruel world where people love to judge other people based on their looks, clothing style, and music taste. It’s almost impossible to be yourself and be accepted at the same time. This is exactly why you must not care about other people’s opinions. You need to be brave, honest, and true! If you manage to do that, men will be all over you! A confident woman is an extremely sexy woman!

Here are two possible scenarios of what may happen if you’re being dishonest about yourself while dating someone. In the first one, your date eventually finds out that you have been pretending to be someone you’re not the entire time, gets utterly disappointed and shocked with you and most likely leaves immediately. In the second, the lies you tell about yourself stick from the beginning, not allowing you to completely relax while you’re with your partner, making your whole relationship with him a lie. Either way, it’s not good.

Don’t Be Afraid To Express Your Sexuality

Anyone can be sexy! However, not every woman has the courage to express her sexuality! If you want to have a successful love life and find/keep your man, you need learn how to access your sexiness. Don’t be afraid to show off your physical attributes in a classy and sophisticated way. Feel free to tickle their imagination with sassy and provocative remarks. Don’t hide your wild sexual drive, use it to attract potential partners or keep your current one.

Also, note that there is a fine line between “knowing how to carry what you were given” and overdoing it. Instead of hiding your sexuality, like we have mentioned above, make sure that everyone (not just your potential/current partner) realizes just how hot you can be. However, don’t exaggerate and overexpress your attributes, as it may make you come off as “trying too hard” or even as slutty. Don’t close up but also don’t let everything run wild – stay in balance, just like with everything else in life.

Learn How To Listen

This is one of the most important relationship tips for a modern woman. Most ladies today are not able to have an open conversation with a man. They’re trying so hard to keep up with this chaotic world of ours, that they forgot how to communicate with the opposite sex. Listening to your partner is the crucial aspect of every relationship. If you don’t listen to what he has to say, how do you expect him to listen to you? Slow down and truly listen to your man. You’ll see that being in a relationship is not that hard at all.

If we’re being completely honest here, men really do have a one-track mind. When he’s watching the game, that’s all he’s doing. When he’s listening to you, once again, that’s all he’s doing. This also means that when he’s talking to you and letting you know how he feels and what’s going through his head, you should probably listen carefully because you don’t know when it’s going to happen again and it can be hard to make him talk about that stuff if he doesn’t feel like it.

Think About the Future

Dating is mostly about what you do and say right now, however, the end results can vary quite a lot depending on what you’re looking for. That’s why it’s important that you keep your goals in mind, no matter how serious they might be. Some people want to hook up, others are looking for serious relationships – regardless of what your target is, always keep it in your sights.

This mostly refers to marriage and kids. If you don’t want to get married in the near future and you haven’t even thought about having kids, your potential partner should know that. Furthermore, you should not be forced into changing your mind or your priorities, no matter how much you may like the person you’re dating. Love should be unconditional, which means no conditions should apply neither to you nor your partner once your relationship begins.

Hooking Up From Message No.1 – How to Talk to Women on Tinder

Although Tinder is a fast-working app and lets you meet people online for various purposes, it’s not like you can just ask for a blowjob right off the bat and expect a girl to accept your offer. Hooking up with chicks via this app isn’t as complicated as trying to use it for dating, but you’ll still need a certain dose of know-how if you want to persuade any woman to hook up with you simply based on your chat with her.

1. Patience, Patience, Patience…

You know how they say that patience is a virtue? While it’s most certainly not a flaw, it will be very useful in case you’re talking up a girl on Tinder.

Most failures in these scenarios come from male impatience. Sure, you aren’t supposed to waste your time on a chick who obviously isn’t DTF (down to f***), but you shouldn’t rush ahead and give up or try to force a hookup if there’s real potential in a girl who really is DTF but is playing hard to get.

2. Talking is Key

If a girl you’re chatting with doesn’t agree to have a one night stand with you right away, it means not only that she isn’t an easy chick, but also that she wants to make sure that she can be safe around you and have a great time if she hooks up with you.

This is why it’s important that you talk to a girl about things which aren’t related to sex. We know it sounds like a waste of time because you aren’t trying to marry this woman, but it can be really productive if you manage to assure her that you’re a really fun guy who only wants to have casual sex with her – nothing more, nothing less.

3. Wait for the Green Light

Once you’ve approached a girl on Tinder tactically and while still giving off a gentleman vibe and you’ve managed to get her to accept your hookup invite, you should get a clear sign from her that “all systems are go.”

It’s not going to happen every time, even if you’re the most persuasive man on the planet. When it does happen, however, don’t jump the gun – wait to get a green light for her, which will be obvious and without any doubt if she’s really down for it. Otherwise, you’ve got nothing to look for there, so move on to the next chick.

4. Keep Your Cool

So, you’ve got the thumbs-up from her and you’re taking things off Tinder and into real life. This doesn’t mean that you should immediately suggest bumping uglies with her as soon as possible – instead, keep your cool and be a man about it.

If she wants to skip all pleasantries and move straight to the main course, you shouldn’t have any problems with that. But if she doesn’t says it herself, suggest that you meet for a drink first, because the most important thing is implied anyway. Why not be a gentleman while at it?

5. Honesty Above All

Let’s face it – hooking up is a pretty standard activity nowadays. Not only is it completely fine if you do it, but in some cases, it’s actually preferable if you just hook up with someone instead of entering a relationship with them. This is why it’s of critical importance that you’re always honest about your intentions and wishes.

Pretending like you’re looking for romance while your only goal is to have casual sex never leads to anything good. Sure, it might work as far as getting a person to sleep with you, but you can rest assured that your true goals will come to surface sooner or later – and when they do, all hell will brake loose.

Instead of that, why not just be straight up about what you want and why you’re even communicating with someone in the first place. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a hookup, so try to be honest about it when someone asks you “Why do you want to be with me?”

6. Don’t Give Up

Like we’ve mentioned before, patience is a virtue when it comes to hookups (or anything else in life, really). This doesn’t only apply to actual communication with someone you want to hook up with, but also to looking for those who would interested in such an activity.

Thanks to the advances of modern technology, there is more than one way to find a hookup in the XXI century. Instead of just going to a popular club or bar, you can now sit down in front of your computer and type in a bunch of things in order to find the perfect person for a hookup.

Nevertheless, rejection still exists, even on the internet. You might get shut down a dozen times or more before you come across a person who’s even remotely interested in hooking up with you. This is actually pretty normal, because with online dating came a much larger pool of potential relationship and hookup partners, which is why most people won’t stop until they find exactly what they’re looking for.

It’s really important to always remember that you shouldn’t give up. Even if you get rejected 20 times, you should still keep on looking because your perfect hookup might be just around the corner.

7. Manners Maketh Man… and Woman

Although a hookup isn’t exactly a real romantic relationship, that doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want and get away with it. Be polite and show that you care, because it might pay off in the future.

Instead of never calling or seeing a person you’ve just hooked up with after the fact, try and send them a message a few days later to check on how they’re doing and if they want to grab some coffee with you. This will help maintain that friendliness that all hookups imply and it might just turn casual sex into real romance – you never know.