For most women, the pre- and post-pregnancy periods are some of the most excruciating in their entire life. Imagine, they carry an unborn child that grows and kicks during the gestational months. Then during the latter periods, they go into labor and finally push the little human being from inside of them out. A woman’s agonizing scream during childbirth might be loud to a point that hospitals will start considering installing acoustic foam in their operation rooms.
Sometimes, pregnancy during the early months could put a strain on a woman’s body. Activities like chores or even work could be a hassle, which is why most doctors recommend mothers to go on bed rest during this time.
It may seem like a welcome change of pace for very active women, but just how do you cope with bed rest during pregnancy? Here are 5 tips:
That means laptops, air-conditioning remotes, cellphones, walkie-talkies, and landline phones have to be on/near the bed at all times. Depending on the kind of bed rest prescribed, you may be only allowed to do very light activities or are totally confined to a sitting/lying position.
In case of emergencies, keep all electronic devices near you. That way, you can contact people when needed and vice versa. Or you can keep everyone updated in your social media accounts or chat with friends. This eliminates boredom and increases your and the baby’s safety.
Being on bed rest now gives you the all time in the world to catch up on your favorite TV shows. You can either have a DVD player in your room or use your laptop instead, since you can torrent almost any show nowadays.
If you’ve exhausted all your TV shows and DVDs, stock up on magazines and good books, preferably those about parenting and infant care. When the baby comes out, all that stock knowledge you read months in advanced will definitely come in handy.
Plus, you’re going to be all over your baby, post-pregnancy, that you won’t have time to do other things like read or catch up on your favorite TV shows.
Sure, there’s social media for you to interact with your friends, but there’s nothing like inviting people you know into your house for a solid time of catching up. Since you’ve got most electronic devices near you anyway (see Tip #1), call or text them up to come over your place. You and your girlfriends can share stories, watch TV shows, or they can even help you out with some chores or getting around the house for a little while. And hey, why not? That’s what friends are for.
Tip #5: Exercise (?!)
You’re probably thinking, “Huh? I can exercise while I’m pregnant and on bed rest? Yep, you definitely can! Fitness expert Desi Artlett shares in this article some exercises you can do during the prenatal months.
a) Slow breathing – Close your eyes, filter your thoughts (only with peaceful ones) and inhale slowly through your nose for 3 seconds and exhale for 2. This exercise is very soothing for both body and min
b) Stretch – Sit upright and place your hands 6-12 inches from your back. Slowly tilt your head backward. This allows you to stretch the front of your body and shoulders.
With these 5 tips, we hope you are able to find fulfillment during your pregnancy. If you know any more ideas on how to make prenatal bed rest more fun and exciting, share them in the comments section below.
Author Bio:
Julieane Hernandez is a freelance writer and a hotel and restaurant management graduate turned designer. She’s an advanced tri-athlete during weekends. She’s been in the industry for about 6 years now and She’s learned so much from all the experiences she’s been through. Follow her on twitter and google+