
5 style mistakes to avoid on a first date

Ahhhh, the agony and the ecstasy of the first date! While we all hope we’ll have a safe turn to Loverville straight after the first kiss, things may go unpredicted with even the slightest mistake.

One of the things we always obsess over is the outfit we’ll wear, right? That one outfit that will knock him dead, make him go weak in the knees. Something that’s revealing, but not too much; something imaginative but not crazy, an outfit that will show who we are, without showing too much… why do we have to have it THIS difficult?

Anyhow, good thing is that choosing the right outfit, no matter how nerve-wrecking, is no quest for the Holy Grail; so, take a deep breath, go through the advice below and put together something adorable in a second!

Makeup everywhere

Too much makeup is never good, especially on a first date; guys love to see a natural look (i.e. the “no makeup makeup look” we sell as our #wokeuplikethis moments). A dark lipstick (won’t tempt him to kiss you) or dark around the eyes (will scare him off) are makeup choices you should really avoid. Mascara, nude lips, some blush and brushed out eyebrows are the way to go. The more natural your makeup looks, the more comfortable will your date feel.

Keep your beautiful face nurtured and clean, give it a natural-makeup glow and let him enjoy every little inch of it.

Skin overload

If you’re going for the cheap Eastern Europe whore look, bare it all… but we’re guessing you’re not, right? While you may be trying to get him to drool over you, showing too much skin is the wrong way to go. Everything out on display is reading “trashy” and “cheap”, and unless you want him to either not call you again or call you for casual hookups (when he’s drunk or bored) opt for a smart casual look, a well put together outfit that will ooze elegance and style. A simple combo like ripped jeans, loose shirt and a tailored jacket will look great. Add a pair of cool heel-boots to the mix, complement the outfit with a statement necklace and you are good to go!

If you are more on a girly side, find some fabulous floral dresses or classic  maxi cuts; he’ll love it.

Too much ambition, too soon

We get it – you want to look your best on this date but overreaching is such a turn off. Don’t overdo the outfit and let him know you’ve been obsessing over the date for the past seven days; act casual, dress elegantly and let confidence be your best asset.

Dressing for the wrong date

Just as revealing too much is an utter disaster so is overdressing; again, it’s absolutely understandable you want to look your best but make sure you check with your date first where you are going. If he’s taking you to dinner and a movie, wearing that opera/theatre gown won’t read well. Or, if he’s taking you some place fancy, a pair of jeans won’t do. Check first, then choose the combo for the date. Ok?

Sucking in

Don’t ever, EVER wear an outfit that makes you suck in or look like you are sucking in; it’s ridiculous. There’ll be enough time for him to see all of the assets you are hoping to show by wearing those super tight jeans that make your booty pop, or that bodycon that accents the hips. Keep it comfortable (not baggy!) and chill. You don’t want him interrupting you, saying “you don’t look like you are comfortable, are you okay?”. Eeew!

First dates are way too stressful as they are; will you connect, will he make you laugh, are there going to be awkward silences, uncomfortable stares and totally misinterpreted signs… in essence, a million questions with no answer, well – not until you actually go on that date, that is. You don’t want to make a bad outfit yet another of gut-wrenching questions, do you?

Poor hygiene

Not exactly a style mistake but definitely something that has to do with your overall awareness of good manners – on a date and everywhere.

No matter how good your look or how expensive your outfit is, unless you’re showered and unless your breath is under control, you are losing the game head on. Make sure you smell good and that you always have mints (especially if you plan on kissing).

Note though that, to impress someone, you are not supposed to have anyone choke on your perfume or feel like they themselves are sucking on a mint after kissing you. Keep things just right.

Too casual/sporty

It’s really great that you like feeling comfy, but there is a time and place for everything. The same rule applies to both men and women – you are not to wear a tracksuit, athleisure, gym wear or any form of trainers on a date (unless you plan on meeting at the gym). Wearing your trainers to a date is highly disrespectful, especially if the other person came all dressed up and took the time to look good for you. Be a gentleman/lady and mind your outfit.

Looking too good

Wait, what? Yes, you heard it well. Just as coming in poorly dressed resonates with a very bad attitude towards, well, everything, so does looking too good. In the dating world this reads as “trying to hard” (to impress), and that’s not the impression you want to leave.

If you are going to get a haircut – get it a few days prior to the date.
If you are going to wear dark lips – chill out and go for something neutral and easy.
If you want to wear a full suit – think again (unless that’s your general style).
If you want to wear all-new-everything you’ve purchased a few days ago, please don’t.

The key is to be yourself and keep things, well, normal. Nobody wants to get intimidated or think you’re too eager for this date to go well. Take a deep breath and chill. Treat this date as one of the outings with your friends that’s just a little more important than all others would be. And that’s it. You’ll be okay.

About the Author singlesnmarried

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