Dating should be fun, new, exciting, and above all else, romantic. You should look forward to every date like you’re looking forward to a great adventure, because that’s what dating should be; an adventure. But, if you find yourself stuck planning dates from a set of boring old standbys like “dinner and a movie”, or worse, bowling, then you are in need of a serious intervention. Your dates should be interactive, fast paced, full of fun, and super exciting. There should be chances to talk, listen, and think about the other person. You shouldn’t be stuck silently slogging through some B grade romantic comedy neither of you actually wanted to see. You should be out there in life, doing something memorable. Chances are, you’re going to go on a lot of dates with a lot of different people before you find someone to love forever. Until then, wouldn’t you rather truly enjoy every dating experience? Wouldn’t you rather have loads of fun with a lot of people, and maybe even pick up some lifelong friends along the way to true love? Then, stop the b grade chick flick madness and jump start your dating life with something new.
The following is a list of 16 brilliant dating experiences. If you don’t use them, you’re totally missing out on the adventure of a lifetime. These dating ideas are your chance to have the most fun you’ve ever had on a date, and maybe, just maybe, spark something new in your love life.
It’s up to you. You can stick with the boring, not to mention totally forgettable trip to the mini golf course, or you can be bold and plan a date that neither of you will ever forget. You deserve to have an incredible dating life. Take the plunge, use these 16 dating ideas, and give yourself the gift of the dating life you’ve always wanted.
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