10 Tips to Remember When Purchasing Home Appliances

home-appliancesPurchasing home appliances can be pretty tricky because there is a ton of options to choose from. The brand, price, color, size, and functionalities are all basic conditions and criteria that can make you decide the best and most ideal item to get. Here are some tips to guide you in purchasing appliances in stores.

1. Don’t base it on the price.

Some people just do not have the time to compare the product’s features and uses and instead depend on the price. It is wrong to believe that more expensive appliances are always better and tend to last longer. In similar manner, affordable electrical appliances in the Philippines don’t always mean that their quality is bad.

2. Know if there are service centers.

Appliances or brands without local service centers might pose a problem in the future. It will be difficult to send out the item for repairs next time with or without a warranty card. Get to know the contact numbers and addresses of these service centers so you know where to go and who to call when that time arises.

3. Ask for included accessories or freebies.

It’s not right to buy appliances only for the sake of winning freebies and accessories, but it would be a huge plus to secure these extra items for your own good. Functional accessories that you can set up to improve the use of your blender, for instance, will be advantageous so you can make a smoothie faster.

4. Don’t trust the sales agent.

Salespeople try their best to convince you to buy from their store, but it is your responsibility to check the quality and benefits of the product before proceeding to the sales terminal. Make the extra effort to get to know more about the appliance and avoid buying based on false promises and claims.

5. Go for energy-saving appliances.

It won’t hurt to choose energy-saving appliances than those that consume more energy. This will help you also cut down electricity bills and utility costs. By choosing models that have lower wattages and better features that save power, you can at the same time promote a green environment. For example, look for the thermal expansion valve of the air conditioning unit you wish to buy. The high temperature rating of the unit should be at least 11.6.

6. Don’t judge appliances by the way they look.

Aesthetics matter a lot in terms of keeping a consistent theme in your interior design. However, it is not good to compromise on the use just because you find the appliance attractive. Washing machines and refrigerators come in many different colors and sizes, and choosing one that will function most efficiently is the one you should keep.

7. Choose the right size.

Whenever buying furniture and appliances, the size is a huge factor to determine which to buy. The appliance consisting of all the best functions is not enough to justify a purchase when it won’t fit in the room. Oversized air coolers and freezers simply are not at all reasonable.

8. Avoid impulse buying.

Just because you feel the urge to burn some cash does not mean you are purchasing the right appliance for your home. Remember to look around the store or maybe visit on another day to be able to compare all the possible models available. Friends or relatives who can accompany you in shopping can also help in viewing different appliances in showrooms and deciding which to choose.

9. Go online.

Gone are the days when people can buy appliances only in physical stores. In this modern generation, through the use of cloud technologies, you can shop online and select the products you wish to buy. Not all models may be available in store, but the online store administrator can even help in pointing out where you can get the stock and have it delivered to your doorstep.

10. Watch out for discounts.

Appliances don’t always come in low price tags. When you have been wanting to buy a particular appliance for the longest time, be patient for it might be really soon that the store will offer a great deal for it. You can win substantial discounts during a big sale event.


Researching products and reading reviews online may help, and buying appliances that will answer your needs will save you money and headache in the long term. You can avoid major remorse by having a checklist and keeping all these tips in mind. When in doubt, asking opinion from your family and friends can also make you more at ease before purchasing a new appliance.

About the Author singlesnmarried

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